[3], The battle goes badly for the Jaegers; Crimson Typhoon is easily destroyed by Otachi, who then proceeds to melt Cherno Alpha's armor with its acid spit. Released June 22, 2013, Jaeger Combat Simulator is a tie-in game connected to pacificrimmovie.com's Jaeger Designer. It refers to a sexually promiscuous or dirty and untidy woman. The most famous Kaiju in history is Godzilla. Il kaij (? Raleigh Becket Jaegers ([j], Jger, Hunter) are a special type of mobile weapon created by the Jaeger Program. Pentecost, contrecur, permet Mako et Raleigh de piloterGipsy Danger, le seul immunis contre l'IEM (tant analogique). Pentecost vuole saperne di pi e quindi d il consenso a Newton per recarsi da Hannibal Chau, un avido e corpulento grossista che abita ad Hong Kong e traffica parti di Kaij abbattuti, per chiedergli un altro cervello con cui ripetere l'esperimento e scoprire pi cose, cos da potere studiare un piano d'offesa definitivo contro gli alieni. Date de lancement: 4 juillet 2015 - Mark 1 - 85mtres et 2412tonnes. Guillermo del Toro a travaill jusqu' 18 heures par jour[13]. [3], During the Triassic Period, the Precursors attempted to colonize Earth, but the environment proved to be uninhabitable for them and prevented them from surviving on the planet. Otachi appears to walk on all fours, instead of standing upright like some other types of Kaiju. [8][3], Gottlieb's fears were later confirmed when his colleague, Newton Geiszler, "drifted" with a Kaiju's secondary brain in order to gain information in the K-Science Lab. 9[2] Pentecost inizialmente riluttante, avendo preso Mako sotto la sua ala protettrice sin da quando perse i genitori da piccola dopo l'attacco del Kaij Onibaba, ma alla fine accetta. Strength As Crimson Typhoon prepares to attack Otachi again, its pilots are ignorant of the pincer at the end of Otachi's tail. Le tournage a donc eu lieu 7 jours sur 7 avec une seconde quipe trs active. Otachi abandons her assault against Cherno Alpha and proceeds to intercept Striker Eureka while Leatherback destroys the former. La bande originale est compose par Ramin Djawadi, choisi par le studio pour son travail sur le film Iron Man et la srie Le Trne de fer[13]. However, it was the belief of the Defense Corps that the invading creatures were losing to the combined efforts of humanity. Jaeger Targeted En 2025, les gouvernements mondiaux dcident de mettre fin au financement de la construction continue de Jaegers, en faveur de la construction de murs ctiers massifs, alors que les attaques des Kaiju sont sans cesse plus nombreuses et les Jaegers dtruits plus rapidement qu'ils ne sont renouvels. 6[2] WebPacific Rim ou Rives du Pacifique au Qubec est un film de science-fiction amricano-mexicano-hongkongais ralis par Guillermo del Toro, sorti en 2013. Armor After destroying the bridge, the creature proceeded towards San Francisco and caused significant devastation; it cut a three-mile-wide path of destruction through the city. Raleigh lavora come operaio in un cantiere dove si sta costruendo la muraglia. Working through a hive mind system, the Kaiju can communicate instantly. [3], Il 28 novembre 2012 stato diffuso su internet un video virale dal titolo Breaking News: Kaiju Attack il quale mostrava una serie di notiziari annunciare un attacco di kaiju. Inizialmente per la loro cooperazione non d riscontri positivi: durante la prima unione mentale Mako viene sopraffatta dal ricordo del trauma psicologico infantile subito e per poco non causa involontariamente un incidente con Gipsy Danger mentre sono ancora nell'hangar. En 2020,Gipsy Danger, pilot par les frres Raleigh et Yancy Beckett, luttecontre un Kaiju de catgorie 3 surnomm Tte Tranchante (Knifehead). [5] The Mark-3 Jaeger is able to single-handedly kill both Leatherback and Otachi in separate engagements. As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to ever make landfall. [4][3], Though their bodies breakdown fast, Kaiju organ Harvesters always move in quickly to harvest Kaiju parts to collect for themselves and sell on the black market. Following the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Apex gains independence and holds no allegiance to the Precursors. It was clear that continued use of nuclear weapons was pyrrhic; the environmental devastation was far too great a cost. Six Shooter[1] Behavior Guillermo del Toro devait la raliser, mais il prfra se consacrer un projet plus personnel avec La Forme de l'eau[24]. Pilots Judge Dredd Dcouvrez comment. Tueur de 7 kaijus. Web(Pacific Rim) Before you start to edit our wiki be sure to check out our Policies and Guidelines. It is also the first and last of the Mark-5 series, holding the best stats of all currently deployed Jaegers. Newton in awe at the sight of a Category 2 Lymph Gland. La dernire modification de cette page a t faite le 4 mai 2022 00:01. Shortly after Otachi is killed, her body is harvested for its organs by Hannibal Chau and his workers. Gli Jaeger sono enormi robot antropomorfi alti circa 80 metri, controllati simultaneamente da due o tre piloti le cui menti sono collegate a una rete neurale. Le tournage principal dbute le 14 novembre 2011[14], avec la camra Red EPIC[15]. The L'adrnaline provoque une raction de dfense de la part du Jaeger, etlecanon plasma deGipsy menace de s'activer. Destroyed [citationneeded] Over the course of its career, Striker Eureka is accredited with over nine kills prior to 2025. [12], Sul sito web aggregatore di recensioni Rotten Tomatoes, il film ha ottenuto un punteggio medio di 6,62/10 e una percentuale di approvazione del 72%, basata su 286 recensioni. Acts of God. Breached WebGipsy Avenger is a Mark-6 Jaeger and the namesake of Gipsy Danger. When some of his men enter Otachi's body to retrieve her secondary brain, they discover that it is too damaged to use for Newton's intended purpose. The information provided by the Jaeger battles allowed the Precursors to create Kaiju with specific abilities or strengths in a series of "waves". You can win." WebPacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was a free online browser game developed by Qualcomm. Ils font au moins vingt-cinq tages de haut. WebPacific Rim un film del 2013 co-scritto, diretto e co-prodotto da Guillermo del Toro. The surviving creations are then used as biological weapons in order to rid a chosen planet of its lifeforms so that they can colonize it. She also has a sac under her neck that can be engorged to spit out a blue, extremely corrosive acid, as seen when it melts the thick armor of a Jaeger and when it easily liquefies the side of an office building.[2]. Hong Kong, China Atop the center of its head resides a blowhole that forcefully expels air whenever it resurfaces from the water. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. Crimson Typhoon, Cherno Alpha, and Striker Eureka are deployed into Victoria Harbour to intercept the two Kaiju, Otachi and Leatherback. Arbiter Tac-Conn 12[1] Like the other Tueur de 10 kaijus.Destruction de la brche et des pilotes de kaijus. The creature's high toxicity levels and intelligence makes it the most Winged Fury: combined low center of gravity pounces with airborne attack patterns[2] Severe[2] Crimson Typhoon, Striker Eureka and Cherno Alpha are deployed to intercept them. Grand fan des films de kaij, Guillermo del Toro arrive sur le projet aprs l'avortement de son adaptation de la nouvelle Les Montagnes hallucines de Lovecraft. Origin November 2, 2019 [7] Il 29 maggio 2013 stato diffuso online il trailer italiano. L'chec de la drive provoque une violente altercation entre Becket et Chuck Hansen, ce dernier reprochant Mako d'tre inutile. Le comics Pacific Rim: Tales From The Drift, et Pacific Rim: Aftermath qui explore les 10 ans entre le premier film et le deuxime en introduisant des nouveaux personnages. Poco dopo, mentre Newton discute con Chau, il piccolo Otachi si risveglia ingoiando Chau per poi soccombere definitivamente. [8], Le musiche del film sono state composte da Ramin Djawadi. Ender's Game WebCrimson Typhoon (, Crimson Tempest) is a Mark-4 Chinese Jaeger piloted by Tang Wei Cheung, Hu and Jin. Mettendo fuori gioco il Kaij con il motore nucleare di Gipsy e trascinandolo nella breccia, i due piloti riescono a penetrare il portale raggiungendo la dimensione aliena. Otachi springs out of the ocean, using its barbed tail to knock over Crimson Typhoon. Otachi uses her acid against Cherno Alpha. As biological weapons of warfare, She drags Gipsy Danger across the tops of several buildings and climbs fifty thousand feet above the atmosphere. The "Serizawa Scale" is likely named after Dr. Travis Beachman cites the connection (or lack thereof) between the Dinosaurs and the Kaiju was made deliberately vague as it ties to nature of the Precursors. Manual of Style | Blocking Policy | Frequently Asked Questions | Canon Policy | Help: References and Citations Categorizing Images | Images | Profile Image Change | Image license Guideline. Her wings are stored inside her forearms for protection, folding out from an elongated, double-jointed fifth digit. Ils apprennent par les infos qu'un Kaij de catgorie 4 dfonce sans trop de difficult le mur ctier de Sydney en Australie, qui ne doit d'viter la destruction qu'au Jaeger Striker Eureka. When Mutavore grapples with the Jaeger and attempts to bite at its Conn-Pod, Striker Eureka easily wrests its right arm free and knocks the Kaiju backwards with a right hook before finishing the creature off with a full salvo from its Anti-Kaiju Missile Launcher. Kaiju Specifications Loa Apex was a Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid unknowingly built by Shao Industries with the intent of supplanting humanity. On January 12, 2025, Striker Eureka is fully repaired and prepped for Operation Pitfall. Di seguito sono elencati gli Jaeger che appaiono nel film, la loro categoria, le caratteristiche peculiari e la loro nazione: I Kaiju sono mastodontici mostri, armi biologiche create da una razza aliena proveniente da una dimensione parallela alla nostra, impiegati per liberare il pianeta da ogni resistenza e poi procedere all'occupazione (il che ricorda molto la razza aliena Xiliens, presente in numerosi film giapponesi come L'invasione degli astromostri o Gojira - Final Wars, puntualmente sconfitti da Godzilla). [3], Leatherback and Otachi simultaneously attacked Hong Kong in search of Newton, and, during the process, destroyed two of the four remaining Jaegers, Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. la fin 2012, bien avant la sortie l't 2013, il est rvl que le scnariste Travis Beacham travaille sur l'criture d'une suite[23]. Based on the silhouettes designed by the production team, del Toro would hold an "American Idol"-type contest and gradually eliminate the silhouettes they didn't like. Scritto da Travis Beacham (sceneggiatore del film) e con la copertina disegnata da Alex Ross, Tales from Year Zero un prologo ufficiale degli eventi narrati nel film. Web"A drone survived. The Serizawa Scale measures water displacement, toxicity and ambient radiation levels given off by their bodies when they pass through the breach. Strength Prior to the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Gipsy Avenger was stationed in the Moluyan Shatterdome. Should they be killed in battle, their bodies are triggered to self-destruct immediately. Una volta giunti all'interno, Raleigh attiva l'autodistruzione di Gipsy Danger e ritornano in superficie lanciandosi con dei gusci di salvataggio, mentre il robot esplode uccidendo gli alieni e abbattendo il portale dei Kaij per sempre. Pacific Rim According to Gullermo del Toro Strike Eureka was "re-colored and colored from gray to cameo green and earth tones" with the Australian outback in mind. Pentecost retrouve Raleigh devenu ouvrier sur un chantier de construction murale pour le persuader de rejoindre le programme. Real Steel On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot and an untested trainee - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. The film is set in the future, En 2013, les prcurseurs ont ouvert un portail inter-dimensionnel situ au large des ctes de la Chine, prs de Guam, sur le sol de la Challenger Deep de l'ocan Pacifique qu'on surnomme la Brche. 11[1][note 1][3] En 2013, de gigantesques monstres appelsKaijusmergent d'unportail interdimensionnelappel La Brche au fond de l'ocan Pacifique aux alentours de Guam. Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Now, Australia has been overrun by Kaiju, forcing the evacuation of an entire continent. [note 3]Once created, Kaiju are pitted against each other. Anteverse Even during individual combat encounters involving a single Jaeger and one Kaiju, the creatures were able to demonstrate a degree of cunning and slyness. The Acts of God. [1] This fighting style stems primarily from its pilots, Chuck and Herc Hansen. The tail crushes and tears the Jaeger's Conn-Pod from its shoulders. Armor Although the subsequent explosion instantly vaporizes both Striker Eureka and Scunner, Slattern somehow survives with critical wounds, prompting Gipsy Danger to tackle the Category V Kaiju into the Breach and finish it off by firing its nuclear vortex turbine into the creature's chest at point-blank range.[3]. Shortly thereafter, the Precursors create a portal that bridges their universe to Earth on the floor of the Mariana Trench. Nonostante un'iniziale rivalsa a opera degli Jaeger i Kaij si adattano ai loro nuovi avversari, diventando pi eterogenei, aggressivi e organizzati. Leur sang, appel le bleu kaiju, est une substance fluorescente trs toxique pour la Terre et les humains. With that definition in mind, it could mean that Slattern might be female. Guillermo del Toro s'est inspir de technologies dj existantes ou en cours d'tude pour crer ses robots, afin de les rendre plus ralistes[12][sourceinsuffisante]. During the fight, Otachi successfully parries two of Crimson Typhoon's attacks and crushes its blades. Riddick [6] Inspired by his son's robot and monster action figures, Schoenfeld and Caitlin Lightcap managed to create a prototype that would lead to full production of the Jaegers. ncessaire]. is a Category IV Kaiju that attacked Hong Kong, China in 2025. Before she can devour him, her attention is drawn toward an approaching Gipsy Danger, armed with an oil tanker. Piloted by the Wei Tang Brothers, Upon climbing out on top of Striker Eureka's head, they fire flares into Leatherback's left eyes to divert its attention from the city. Sono usciti numerosi gadget relativi a Pacific Rim, fra cui action figure di alcuni Jaeger e Kaiju. As biological weapons of warfare, Kaiju are extremely hostile and toxic creatures designed with the intention to wipe out all humankind. It has large, The "stripes" on Otachi's underside are injuries caused by Crimson Typhoon's blades. WebStriker Eureka is a Mark-5 Australian Jaeger designed to defend the coastline of Australia from the Kaiju. When legions of monstrous creatures known as Kaiju started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. Otachi's pain threshold appears to be much greater than other Kaiju. Pacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was developed to promote the 2013 film Pacific Rim, directed by Guillermo del Toro. Weight Using their superior strength and intelligence, Leatherback and Otachi are able to coordinate attacks against the Jaegers. Striker Eureka in the Hong Kong Shatterdome. Giant monsters! Pacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was developed to promote the 2013 film Pacific Rim, directed by Guillermo del Toro. Un giorno, assieme ai suoi colleghi operai, vede in televisione sul telegiornale un servizio dove si dimostra l'inutilit della muraglia poich a Sydney il Kaij di categoria IV Bladehead riesce a distruggere senza sforzo il muro. Le sujet des addictions et des drogues peut tre trait mais sans en montrer l'usage. WebSlattern is a Category V Kaiju and the strongest Kaiju ever encountered by humanity. Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization,Click for full listPacific Rim: The Video Game,Pacific Rim: The Mobile Game,Pacific Rim: Kaiju Battle is a Category IVKaiju that attacked Hong Kong, China in 2025. Power In 2017 multimedia illustrator Tommy Lee Edwards updated his ArtStation profile with key frame artwork, illustrations, and character concepts for the series, Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors. It's possible that some of the Kaiju were originally alien wildlife or sentient species that mutated though various experiments performed on them by the Precursors (Onibaba, Karloff, and Hakuja are prime examples since their anatomy seems more natural in appearance). la veille de la dfaite, alors que le programme Jaeger vient dtre abandonn, en 2025, les forces qui dfendent lhumanit nont dautre choix que se tourner vers deux hros improbables: Raleigh Becket, un ancien pilote encore traumatis par la mort de son frre pendant un affrontement contre un kaiju et Mako Mori, une recrue encore jamais alle sur le terrain, ayant perdu sa famille qui a t tue par un kaiju. The strongest and fastest of the Jaegers, Striker Eureka's fighting style is akin to that of a dirty boxer or a brutal brawler. WebRomeo Blue is a Mark-1 American Jaeger. "Gipsy Avenger honors the heroic legacy of her namesake as the flagship leader of the Mark VI fleet. January 8, 2025[1] The blood of a Kaiju is highly acidic, corroding anything in its path. [3], There were thirteen Kaiju attacks in 2024 alone, resulting in staggering Jaeger losses. Web"KAIJU" 418 "Giant Beast" Piloted by husband and wife duo Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky, Cherno Alpha was the last of the Mark-1 Jaeger series and the oldest Jaeger still active in combat before its destruction in 2025. [1] Guillermo del Toro si avvicin al progetto in seguito alle difficolt maturate in altre produzioni a cui stava lavorando, come la regia del film Lo Hobbit - Un viaggio inaspettato[2] o l'adattamento del romanzo Alle montagne della follia. Deceased Unfurling her wings, she takes flight with the Jaeger in tow. Atop the center of its head resides a blowhole that forcefully expels air whenever it resurfaces from the water. As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to ever make landfall. Striker Eureka, che stava sorvegliando la costa, corre in aiuto di Cherno Alpha ma giunge anch'egli troppo tardi e Cherno viene schiacciato da Leatherback. You can win." Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization. Slattern attacks Striker Eureka with its tails. Later specimens, like Otachi and Leatherback, possessed unique biological weaponry, such as acidic and electromagnetic discharges in addition to the standard Kaiju's size, strength, claws, and teeth. WebCherno Alpha ( Cherniy Alfa) is a Mark-1 Russian Jaeger. They finally succeeded with three tactical nuclear missiles. Otachi is capable of flight to the edge of space, even when her legs are carrying something as heavy as a Jaeger. Les jaeger (de l'allemand Jger, chasseur) sont des robots gants, pilots conjointement par connexion neuronale par deux pilotes. Released June 22, 2013, Jaeger Combat Simulator is a tie-in game connected to pacificrimmovie.com's Jaeger Designer. Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. Le traitement des personnages fminins est bien accueilli, et inspire le test de Mako Mori. This one. Entre 2013 et 2014, Pacific Rim a t slectionn 55fois dans diverses catgories et a remport 7 rcompenses[21],[22]. Alcuni Jaeger (dal Mark II in su) sono dotati per di armi: Gipsy Danger ha una "Spada a catena" che esce da un avambraccio, Striker Eureka delle lame/forbici sugli avambracci, Crimson Typhoon in grado di trasformare le mani in lame rotanti. Les Jaegers restants sont relocaliss Hong Kongsous le commandement du Marshall Stacker Pentecost. "strana bestia"; AFI: [kaid]) un tipo di mostro tipico della fantascienza giapponese.Il termine si diffuso in Occidente negli anni 1950 grazie ai kaij eiga ("film di mostri giganti"), film che hanno per , p.48, ISBN-104828420207, business-sha,Inc. Alcuni Jaeger, infine, sono dotati di armi da fuoco: le mani di Gipsy Danger si tramutano in cannoni al plasma e Striker Eureka ha dei cannoni montati nel petto. 10+[2] Newton poursuit son plan malgr les protestations de Herman et dcouvre que les Kaiju sont desarmes biologiquescultives par des colons extraterrestres qui envisagent d'liminer l'humanit. Origin She manages to track him down to a public Anti-Kaiju refuge. The Kaiju effortlessly breaks through the Anti-Kaiju Wall and invades the city within a hour of its arrival. Le stress mental du pilotage de la machine tant beaucoup trop important pour un pilote seul,chaque Jaeger est pilot par deux personnes ou plus, qui sont relies par un pont neuronal dans un processus appel drive pour partager ce stress. Pacific Rim Un nuovo full trailer italiano per il monster movie di Guillermo del Toro! Acts of God. Travis Beacham describes the Kaiju as a ". By the end of the film, Striker Eureka has a total of eleven kills with the death of Scunner at the hands of the thermonuclear bomb. The Kaiju attacks Striker Eureka with its numerous tails, sending the Jaeger crashing into a hydrothermal vent and disabling its Anti-Kaiju Missile Launcher. Cet article pourrait tre amlior en traduisant l'article de Wikipdia en anglais: Pacific Rim (film). Come previsto da Hermann, due Kaij, Otachi e Leatherback, emergono dal portale e si avviano verso Hong Kong. lett. The Pacific Rim Wiki will contain spoilers for the film. January 12, 2025[1] You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. It continued on to Sacramento and Oakland, causing massive destruction in its attack. Bipedal Kaiju tend to possess multiple arms (usually two main arms and a smaller pair), the case ulna and humerus are visible and a bit spread, making it look like there were two forearms. 10[1] According to the description, Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors was being produced by Legendary with animation studio Film Roman. Striker Eureka also contains a TY escape pod in the back of its Conn-Pod, allowing its pilots to eject in the face of defeat, and an escape hatch at the top of its head akin to that of Coyote Tango's. Striker Eureka is a downloadable playable character in, NECA's tagline for Striker Eureka is "Scrapping Soldier. WebMako Mori as she appeared in Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors.. Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors was an animated series announced by Guillermo del Toro and Legendary Entertainment.. On June 26, 2014, director Guillermo del Toro announced on BuzzFeed that he and Legendary Pictures was working to produce the sequel to Pacific Rim.In the same video Nonostante avessimo tentato veramente di amalgamare queste due cose nel primo capitolo sentivo che alla fine si pendeva pi dalla parte dello spettacolo che da quella della narrazione. "strana bestia"; AFI: [kaid]) un tipo di mostro tipico della fantascienza giapponese.Il termine si diffuso in Occidente negli anni 1950 grazie ai kaij eiga ("film di mostri giganti"), film che hanno per lo Jeager e i Kaiju Scunner e Slattern; Kaiju. [21] Nel dicembre 2016 viene annunciato il titolo ufficiale del sequel, Pacific Rim - La rivolta (Pacific Rim: Uprising), e il 20 luglio 2017 viene distribuito il primo teaser ufficiale; il film stato distribuito nelle sale statunitensi il 23 febbraio 2018.[22]. Solitamente uno Jaeger combatte a mani nude (come Cherno Alpha) o avvalendosi di ci che trova nell'ambiente circostante (Gipsy Danger user una petroliera a mo' di bastone e dei container come tirapugni). Questa pagina stata modificata per l'ultima volta il16 ott 2022 alle 15:20. Slattern : le kaiju tte de requin-marteau, avec un corps ressemblant celui d'un amphibien comportant 3 queues. 100 Bullets: Agent Graves 2001: A Space Odyssey: David Bowman 300: Leonidas Attacking Striker Eureka, Otachi fights the Jaeger and is overpowered. As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to ever make landfall. Sur l'agrgateur amricain Rotten Tomatoes, le film rcolte 72% d'opinions favorables pour 289 critiques[18]. Il prsente un certain degr de violence, non extrme, pour des raisons spcifiques et non lies la sexualit, rendant ses consquences claires. WebPacific Rim (titulada Titanes del Pacfico en Hispanoamrica) Stryker se posiciona sin saber que, el primer y nico kaiju categora 5, Slattern, estara ah para impedirles su objetivo. Piloted by the Crimson Typhoon successfully defended Hong Kong against Kaiju attacks until its destruction in 2025. WebOtachi (,, Otachi?) Guillermo del Toro retrouve ici Ron Perlman, aprs Cronos, Blade II, Hellboy et Hellboy 2: Les Lgions d'or maudites[13]. Constructed in the province of Changzhou, China, Crimson Typhoon was launched on August 22, 2018. Other well-known Kaiju monsters include Mothra, Anguirus, Rodan, Gamera and King Ghidorah. Newton e Hermann Gottlieb si collegano con il cervello del neonato e scoprono i tempi e le modalit di apertura del portale. A bio-mech with no allegiance." Il a une lueur bleue au fond de sa gueule et sur son corps. Launched in 2015, Cherno Alpha is tasked with defending the Russian coastline Raleigh Becket Jaegers ([j], Jger, Hunter) are a special type of mobile weapon created by the Jaeger Program. Terms related to Kaiju include: The remains of Kaiceph being transported via aircraft carrier. The creature's high toxicity levels and intelligence makes it the most This is similar to the way Rangers communicate in the Drift. WebBefore we begin, let's take it that any Warner Bros. Discovery-owned character could potentially be added to the game. Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Power Move(s) Energy Core Anteverse With no way around the Category V Kaiju, Gipsy Danger drops Raiju's carcass and tackles Slattern at full speed, sending them both careening over the edge towards the Breach. Une suite, Pacific Rim: Uprising, ralise par Steven S. DeKnight, est sortie en 2018. Strength 1,850 Tons[1] WebPacific Rim un film del 2013 co-scritto, diretto e co-prodotto da Guillermo del Toro. Power Cherno Alpha recovers and advances, Otachi spits a stream of acid at the Jaeger, compromising the armor and causing the reactor to leak into the Conn-Pod. Dopo la sconfitta dei due mostri, Chau e il suo squadrone si recano alla carcassa di Otachi per ricavarne delle parti, e qui Newton scopre che il Kaij gravido e il feto che portava nelle sue interiora (un piccolo Otachi) prende vita e li assale, prima di morire (apparentemente) per via del cordone ombelicale intorno al collo. [13] Mentre sul sito Metacritic, che usa una media ponderata, ha assegnato alla serie un punteggio medio di 65 su 100, basandosi su 48 critici, indicandone che le "recensioni sono generalmente favorevoli".[14]. Near the Breach, while Slattern faces off with Striker Eureka, Gipsy Danger is attacked unexpectedly by Scunner and Raiju, proving that Kaiju are capable of planning and executing complex combat and ambush strategies. Read at your own risk. Questi alieni avevano gi tentato di invadere la Terra nel triassico rinunciando per via dell'atmosfera troppo pura, ma a causa dell'inquinamento provocato dall'uomo l'ambiente del pianeta ora adatto per la loro sopravvivenza. Height La casa cinematografica statunitense The Asylum ha prodotto un mockbuster intitolato Atlantic Rim, distribuito nel 2013. [16] Legendary Pictures scelse inizialmente Travis Beacham per la storia, insieme a Del Toro. Mark-5 Piloted by the Wei Tang Brothers, WebPacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was a free online browser game developed by Qualcomm. It evolved into a singular creature. In accordance to their increasing size and strength, the Defense Corps created a "Category" scale, classifying Kaiju on the basis of toxicity and water displacement. The Hansens escape the Conn-Pod, but not before Leatherback punches Striker Eureka in the face, flinging Herc into one of the Conn-Pod's walls and breaking his right arm. On June 26, 2014, director Guillermo del Toro announced on BuzzFeed that he and Legendary Pictures was working to produce the sequel to Pacific Rim. Cherno Alpha,Crimson Typhoon,Striker Eureka,Gipsy Danger 10[1] Pour trouver un nouveau copilote, Raleigh participe aux essais, et finit par affronter Mako, dcouvrant qu'elle est compatible avec la drive, mais Pentecost a des rserves. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse. Piloted by the Le film a t galement adapt en jeux vido[26]. Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. 596 ft (181.66m) (est. Because of their tremendous body mass, two brains are needed to control the Kaiju's motor and cognitive functions. Body Language Il film, avente un budget di 190 milioni di dollari,[12] nonostante il successo di critica non ha registrato una grande affluenza negli Stati Uniti, arrivando a incassare 101802906$;[12] ha incontrato un maggior successo a livello internazionale, con 309200000$ incassati. La version franaise a t publie par les ditions Bragelonne. The largest and strongest of the Kaiju, Slattern is unrivaled by any of its brethren in battle. Origin In turn, they're backed by a pair of twin-retractable Assault Mount 3.25 "Sting-Blades" laced with carbon nanotubes that channel thermal energy at temperatures over 300F, capable of wounding and cauterizing Kaiju in close combat. [4] Il primo trailer del film apparso il 12 dicembre 2012. FlightSecondary lifeforce[2]Acid SackPrehensile Tail Au cours de leur premier examen, Raleigh est distrait par le souvenir de la mort de Yancy;Mako, son tour, est perdue dans la mmoire de l'attaque d'un Kaiju Tokyoqui a fait d'elle une orpheline. Large and bulky, Knifehead is a heavily built Kaiju. About this wiki | New pages | Categories | Wiki tutorial | Help pages | Pacific Rim Wiki:Sandbox They attack Otachi just as the Kaiju springs out the water to ambush them, gaining the advantage with little trouble. La breccia un portale interdimensionale dal quale emergono giganteschi mostri alieni, noti come Kaij. I piloti di Striker, Chuck Hansen e suo padre Herc, decidono di uscire dallo Jaeger e di sparare al Kaij con i lanciarazzi per tenerlo lontano il pi possibile dalla citt. The sound of the Kaiju's roar can emit sound waves powerful enough to cause visible damage to its surrounding environment. [3], They remained unaware that Kaiju's specific reason for attacking large cities and populaces was to cleanse the environment of "vermin"; in this case, humankind. Peu de temps aprs, deux nouveaux Kaijus, Leatherback et Otachi, mergent simultanment pour trouver Newton. Status Several workers sterilize a shore of Kaiju Blue. Otachi uses her tail to knock Cherno Alpha over. One example being that even after losing her tail, Otachi still steadily flew into the atmosphere while carrying a Jaeger in her talons. Gipsy riesce apparentemente ad abbattere Knifehead ma quest'ultimo aggredisce improvvisamente lo jaeger e i fratelli Becket non riescono a difendersi: Gipsy Danger gravemente danneggiato dal Kaij e Yancy viene divorato dal mostro. The portal used by the Kaiju to travel to Earth. According to Travis Beacham, Otachi is not the only Kaiju that can fly. Striker Eureka is the only Jaeger that fought a Kaiju during a daytime sequence in the film. At some point during the battle, the Kaiju grapples with the Jaeger in The incident in San Francisco was later known as "K-DAY"[6][3]. Tueur de 11 kaijus (dont 1 par son explosion). The screenplay was written by Travis Beacham and del Toro from a story by Beacham. Like the other Raleigh e Mako cercano di sfruttare la carcassa di uno dei mostri, ma vengono assaliti da Slattern che gravemente ferito. Pacific Rim ou Rives du Pacifique au Qubec est un film de science-fiction amricano-mexicano-hongkongais ralis par Guillermo del Toro, sorti en 2013. The Kaiju and their masters, within the boundaries of the portal, were destroyed when Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor was set to self-destruct. WebCrimson Typhoon (, Crimson Tempest) is a Mark-4 Chinese Jaeger piloted by Tang Wei Cheung, Hu and Jin. She is larger than other Kaiju types in terms of length, though not mass. As biological weapons of warfare, Accompagn deGipsy Danger, ils s'approchent de la Brche, dfendue par deux Kaijs de catgorie 4. Alien vs. )[2] Otachi blindly charges the Mark-3 Jaeger, but is repelled by Gipsy Danger attacks with the tanker. Otachi retreats deeper into the city. The nuclear missile was deployed, but even though it killed the beast, half the city was destroyed by the blast. Striker Eureka is a Mark-5 Australian Jaeger designed to defend the coastline of Australia from theKaiju. Breached Combat Specifications Les Jaegers tuent un Kaiju et blessent les autres, maisStriker Eureka est immobilis par le plus grand Kaiju. Aprs une bagarre, les deux sont spars par Herc et Stacker. En voyageant la base de Hong Kong, le Shatterdome, Raleigh est prsent Mako Mori, directrice du programme de restauration des Jaegers et fille adoptive de Pentecost. [4] Despite their nature as clones, each individual Kaiju is a unique specimen distinct from the rest of its brethren, resulting in highly varied forms and characteristics. Equipment This process initially singled out those most ruthless in the forms of melee combat to be chosen. Each Kaiju is classified into five different categories. As Scissure neared the city, the Australian military lured it away and deployed a nuclear missile against it. Afficher/masquer la barre latrale, Srpskohrvatski / , par un matin brumeux, la digue que japercevais au loin, dans le brouillard, ma soudain fait penser un monstre gigantesque sortant de leau pour aller affronter un robot gant qui lattendait sur le rivage, International Online Cinema Awards (INOCA), Class PG-13 pour des squences d'action de science-fiction intense et de violence tout au long, et un langage bref. WebGodzilla e Anguirus, due kaij, sul poster del film Il re dei mostri. Nel 2018 uscito il sequel, Pacific Rim - La rivolta, diretto da Steven S. DeKnight. Web"A drone survived. 10+[2] PACIFIC RIM: Be Prepared For A Kaiju Attack With This Survival Guide, THE PACIFIC RIM MONSTERS' DECOMPOSING BODIES MELT CITIES SAYS GUILLERMO DEL TORO, Pacific Rim - "Destroy All Kaiju" Featurette, Travis Beacham: Kaiju and targeting cities, Unbelievable Pacific Rim video reveals all of the Kaiju's secrets, Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization, Guillermo Del Toro Introduces IMAX FANFIX Pacific Rim Artist to the World, Blood's Katsuya Terada Draws Pacific Rim Poster. Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Mako Mori as she appeared in Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. The largest and strongest of the Kaiju, Slattern is unrivaled by any of its brethren in battle. Le Kaiju meurt ensuite rapidement, trangl par son propre cordon ombilical. Alien Si les premiers modles ont permis la victoire, les monstres reviennent plus forts et en 2020, les Jaeger subissent une vague de revers. She is larger than other Kaiju types in terms of length, though not mass. You will be blocked if you ignore the first warning.If you would like to make fanon, please do so at the Pacific Rim Fanon Wiki. Traumatis par la mort de Yancy, Raleigh quitte le programme Jaeger. Weakness Once Scunner arrives, the two Kaiju charge Striker Eureka just as its pilots Chuck Hansen and Stacker Pentecost detonate the thermonuclear bomb strapped on the Jaeger's back. I due Jaeger rimasti si uniscono per eseguire l'attacco decisivo pianificando di abbattere il portale gettandoci la testata nucleare quando si aprir; Pentecost sostituisce Herc, poich quest'ultimo rimasto ferito e prende il comando di Striker, lo Jaeger che trasporta l'arma nucleare. Ogni Kaiju classificato in cinque categorie diverse a seconda della tossicit, delle radiazioni ambientali emesse dal suo corpo quando passa attraverso la breccia e pi genericamente della pericolosit. Piloted by the Prior to the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Gipsy Avenger was stationed in the Moluyan Shatterdome. As they fall towards the portal, Slattern uses its tails in an attempt to disable Gipsy Danger and stabs the Jaeger in the back, cutting off the oxygen supply to Mako Mori's drivesuit. Like the other 2013712 Il Kaij viene successivamente eliminato dallo Jaeger Striker Eureka. Following the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Apex gains independence and holds no allegiance to the Precursors. Arrivato a Hong Kong, Raleigh viene a sapere che Pentecost vuole distruggere il portale con una testata nucleare installata dietro la schiena di Striker Eureka. Web"There are things you can't fight. [4][3], The progressive pollution of the Earth's environment by mankind made it possible for the Precursors to survive on the planet and colonize it. While she recovers, she uses the buildings as cover. "Gipsy Avenger honors the heroic legacy of her namesake as the flagship leader of the Mark VI fleet. WebOfficial Description "There was a time when Kaiju rose from the Pacific Rim only to encounter gigantic robots, Jaegers, built to fight them back.That time has passed. It was the first and last Mark-5 Jaeger in service and the last Jaeger to be constructed before its destruction in 2025. Striker Eureka is thrown up against the ocean wall by Slattern. Les kaijus du film sont: Le scnariste Travis Beacham a eu l'ide de dpart du film lors d'une balade sur une plage de Santa Monica: par un matin brumeux, la digue que japercevais au loin, dans le brouillard, ma soudain fait penser un monstre gigantesque sortant de leau pour aller affronter un robot gant qui lattendait sur le rivage[13]. lo Jeager e i Kaiju Scunner e Slattern; Kaiju. Trespasser's attacks on the three Californian cities was initially believed to be an isolated event. As silicon-based organisms, the design of their bodies makes it difficult to determine and study particular parts of their internal systems. WebSlattern is a Category V Kaiju and the strongest Kaiju ever encountered by humanity. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. Kaiju may refer to any bizarre creature, but in recent times Kaiju is typically associated with a genre of films originally made popular in Japan in the 1950's. Appeared In (canon) Kaiju are colossal in size, averaging hundreds of feet in height and thousands of tons in weight. Kaiju Specifications "Slattern" is a derogatory term that dates back to the seventeenth century. Web(Pacific Rim) It was the first and last Mark-5 Jaeger in service and the last Jaeger to be constructed before its destruction in 2025. The beheaded Jaeger collapses into the bay. Hannibal Chau intuisce che i Kaij stanno cercando Newton perch hanno percepito il suo esperimento. Web"There are things you can't fight. WebFandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Il se contente donc de rester producteur sur Pacific Rim: Uprising[25]. [3], As the Kaiju began to best the Jaegers, the United Nations put into motion plans to create a Wall that would isolate the Pacific Rim from the rest of the world in the hope that it would stop the Kaiju from spreading and began to move civilians further inland from the coastlines. Ghostbusters Slattern's body is then used to bypass the Breach and enter the Anteverse, allowing Raleigh to destroy it by manually arming Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor to self-destruct. Height [15] One of the first Kaiju designs by Simon Lee was later used in propaganda posters for the film.[16]. Prvenu de l'attaque des Jaeger par la nouvelle drive,un troisime Kaiju (Slattern) en merge, de catgorie 5, le plus grand jamais rencontr. Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! Striker Eureka rushes to Cherno Alpha's aid. Otachi (,, Otachi[3]?) Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. WebKnifehead is a Category III Kaiju that attacked Anchorage, Alaska in 2020. As the pilot's oxygen begins runs out, Gipsy Danger successfully deploys its Chain Sword and cuts Otachi in half, ending the battle as the two fall back to earth. Tous les Jaegers saufGipsy Dangersont envoys pour intervenir. 100 Bullets: Agent Graves 2001: A Space Odyssey: David Bowman 300: Leonidas It evolved into a singular creature. Newton raggiunge Chau e tenta di convincerlo a cedergli un cervello ma il grossista vuole sapere cosa se ne dovrebbe fare di una parte di Kaij difficile da estrarre dal corpo delle creature. Pacific Rim un film del 2013 co-scritto, diretto e co-prodotto da Guillermo del Toro. However, before it can, Gipsy Danger, piloted by Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori, arrives on the scene just in time to distract the Kaiju and save Striker Eureka from certain destruction. Sento per che avremmo potuto andare pi in profondit sia nei personaggi che nel racconto.[19], Nel febbraio del 2016 stato annunciato che il sequel, inizialmente intitolato Pacific Rim: Maelstrom, sarebbe stato diretto da Steven S. DeKnight[20] e avrebbe avuto come membri del cast John Boyega e Scott Eastwood. Our database currently contains 958 articles and 6,024 images. Raleigh Becket Jaegers ([j], Jger, Hunter) are a special type of mobile weapon created by the Jaeger Program. Le Jaeger affronte et tue successivement Leatherbak et Otachi. V Piloted by the Wei Tang Brothers, Le ftus Kaiju sort alors du ventre d'Otachi et dvore Hannibal, ne laissant sur place qu'une de ses chaussures. Pacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was developed to promote the 2013 film Pacific Rim, directed by Guillermo del Toro. System 2013712 100 Bullets: Agent Graves 2001: A Space Odyssey: David Bowman 300: Leonidas Vista la situazione Pentecost decide di fare esplodere la testata nucleare nel momento esatto in cui i due Kaij attaccano lo Jaeger. Les jaegers eux, sont inspirs des anims de mecha asiatiques des annes 1970 la fin des annes 1990, tels que Goldorak, Evangelion, Escaflowne ou Patlabor. A fan community and encyclopedia for Striker Eureka's speed and agility allow it to combat and kill Kaiju far quicker than any other previous Jaeger series ever produced[1] and its T-16 Angel Wings act as stabilizers to maintain aerodynamic balance during the turbulence of burst combat. uscito in contemporanea con il lancio del film un videogioco per PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade e Windows. The second wave of Kaiju would have adapted to the battle strategies of humankind and proceed to wipe them out in a mass extinction event. Launched Constructed five years before the closure of the Jaeger Program, Striker Eureka was launched on November 2, 2019. In una scena dopo i primi titoli di coda, vediamo che Hannibal Chau sopravvissuto e fuoriesce dal ventre dell'Otachi neonato. Technical Information Trio of triple-crowned tails and highly resilient, leathery reptilian scaling. The film is set in the future, Trio of triple-crowned tails and highly resilient, leathery reptilian scaling WebCherno Alpha ( Cherniy Alfa) is a Mark-1 Russian Jaeger. [9], La colonna sonora stata distribuita in versione digitale su Amazon il 18 giugno 2013, mentre il CD stato pubblicato il 25 giugno.[10]. In America poco prima dell'uscita del film uscito un fumetto, un volume unico, dal titolo Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero. Constructed in the province of Changzhou, China, Crimson Typhoon was launched on August 22, 2018. Avec la permission de Pentecost, Newton recherchele trafiquant Hannibal Chau pour obtenir un cerveau Kaiju en meilleur tat et s'y connecter. WebRomeo Blue is a Mark-1 American Jaeger. According to del Toro, there are nine Kaiju chosen and designed for the film, each one with its own personality and abilities. Striker Eureka,[3]Gipsy Danger Over the course of the war, the Precursors improved the Kaiju, each becoming larger and more powerful than the previous. Weapon(s) Cloverfield Here are the ones that fans are speculating about. [3] But then, six months later, Hundunappeared andassaulted the Filipino capital ofManila. Web"A drone survived. La plupart des kaijus ont une lueur bioluminescente extrieure sur le corps et une lueur bioluminescente intrieure, dans la bouche. Appeared In (non-canon) As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to ever make landfall. Loa Apex was a Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid unknowingly built by Shao Industries with the intent of supplanting humanity. XIG Supercell Chamber[1] Technical Information This was first shown during the duel between Gipsy Danger and Knifehead, during which the latter feigned death until its opponent had turned away from it, at which point it ripped the Jaeger apart, critically damaging it and killing one of the pilots. [11] Kaiju are able to breathe and survive in multiple types of environments, which include land, underground in extreme heat and high pressure, underwater and even in places without air, such as space. Crimson counter attacks by grabbing Otachi's claws, using its flexibility to toss the Kaiju over its shoulder. Apex. Speed Men in Black Provoked, Leatherback prepares to smash Striker Eureka with its massive fists. Scunner, Raiju and Slattern all emerged from the portal to defend their masters from certain destruction at the hands of Striker Eureka and Gipsy Danger. Weakness Il a une lueur bleue au fond de sa gueule et sur son corps. In 2013, the Precursors opened a portal between dimensions at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, allowing the Kaiju to enter Earth and begin their assault on humanity. Otachi tries to use her tail pincer to crush Gipsy Danger's head. is a Category IV Kaiju that attacked Hong Kong, China in 2025. Slattern has a spike-like protrusion on its chest, which can extend forward and inflict blunt damage on a Jaeger. Scissurethenattacked Sydney on September 2nd, 2014. 250 ft[1] (76.2m) Kaiju are creatures of a highly toxic nature and have been categorized on the "Serizawa Scale". Cherno Alpha traps Otachi in a headlock and punches her repeatedly. Here are the ones that fans are speculating about. WebGodzilla e Anguirus, due kaij, sul poster del film Il re dei mostri. As a result, Striker Eureka and the Hansens are both decommissioned on December 31, 2024. Weight Dirty Boxer[1] Launched in 2015, Cherno Alpha is tasked with defending the Russian coastline 7[2] It leaps onto Cherno Alpha's back while Otachi tears at one of the Jaeger's arms. Slattern : le kaiju tte de requin-marteau, avec un corps ressemblant celui d'un amphibien comportant 3 queues. Crimson Typhoon successfully defended Hong Kong against Kaiju attacks until its destruction in 2025. A bio-mech with no allegiance." WebThe Kaiju (, kaij?, Strange Beast) are a race of amphibious creatures genetically engineered by the Precursors, a sentient race from the Anteverse. Nonostante l'esperimento risulti pericoloso, Newton decide comunque di collegarsi al frammento di cervello del Kaij; dopo l'esperimento scopre cos che i Kaiju in realt non sono bestie selvatiche, ma delle armi biologiche fabbricate da una razza di alieni invasori che risiedono dall'altra parte del portale. The series was in pre-production as late as December 2014. Blade Runner Charlie HunnamRinko KikuchiIdris ElbaCharlie DayRon Perlman, Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution. A city contaminated by excrement left by Hundun. With the arrival of the Category V Kaiju, the other two Kaiju attempt to separate the two Jaegers in an ambush.[3]. Out-of-Universe information Height Despite being three times smaller than Slattern, Striker Eureka puts up a great deal of resistance; the Jaeger is able to cut Slattern's throat and nearly amputate both of the creature's front arms before the Kaiju finally backs off. Rodan, un altro kaij, sul poster del film Rodan, il mostro alato. However, before they head back outside to safety, Chau's men are killed when Otachi's offspring rips its way out of the womb and goes on a small rampage before accidentally strangling itself to death with its own umbilical cord. L'humanit rpond en s'unissant, formant le Corps de Dfense Pan Pacifique (Pan Pacific Defense Corps), et en construisant des robots gants appeles Jaegers, pour lutter contre la menace trangre. De l'intrieur, une lame tranche la chair. [11] In Italia invece l'11 luglio 2013. No fanon is allowed here. Therefore, after the Sydney attack,Dr. Jasper Schoenfeld began to contemplate how to protect the populace without resorting to nuclear weapons. Giant monster American Idol! Pages pour les contributeurs dconnects en savoir plus. Target information Les jaegers du film sont: Date de lancement: 2 novembre 2019 - Mark 5 - 76mtres et 1850tonnes. Otachi It has large, It evolved into a singular creature. Nel frattempo Pentecost consulta la squadra di ricerca formata da due studiosi, il matematico Hermann Gottlieb e il biologo Newton Geiszler. , Ressource relative plusieurs disciplines, Association des critiques de cinma de Saint-Louis, Prix du cinma hollywoodien des Meilleurs effets visuels de l'anne, Socit des critiques de films de Las Vegas, Acadmie des films de science-fiction, fantastique et d'horreur, Association des critiques de cinma de Seattle, crivains de science-fiction et de fantaisie d'Amrique, Meilleur film fantastique ou de science-fiction, Rcompenses des arts du cinma et de la tlvision de la British Academy, Socit des critiques de cinma de Denver, Meilleur film de science-fiction / horreur, Meilleurs effets visuels dans un film bas sur les effets visuels, Meilleur personnage anim dans un film en prises de vues relles, Meilleure cinmatographie virtuelle dans un film en prises de vues relles, Meilleur effets spciaux et animation de simulation dans un film en prises de vues relles, Meilleur environnement fictif dans un film en prises de vues relles, Fiche du doublage franais du film, Centre national du cinma et de l'image anime, Chasseurs de Trolls: Les Contes d'Arcadia, Le Trio venu d'ailleurs: Les Contes d'Arcadia, Le Cabinet de curiosits de Guillermo del Toro, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pacific_Rim_(film)&oldid=193391966, Film se droulant dans l'ocan Pacifique, Film tourn aux Pinewood Toronto Studios, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Page pointant vers des bases relatives l'audiovisuel, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la littrature, Page pointant vers des bases relatives plusieurs disciplines, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la bande dessine, Portail:Cinma amricain/Articles lis, Portail:Culture amricaine/Articles lis, Portail:poque contemporaine/Articles lis, Portail:Warner Bros. Discovery/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Prix HPA des Meilleurs effets visuels dans un long mtrage, Lindy DeQuattro, Eddie Pasquarello, Nigel Sumner, Derrick Carlin, Chris Lentz et, Meilleur talonnage des couleurs dans un long mtrage, Meilleur film de science-fiction de l'anne, Prix Sierra du Meilleur film d'horreur ou de science-fiction, Socit des critiques de films Internet, Association du cinma et de la tlvision en ligne, Annie de la Meilleure ralisation d'effets anims dans un film en prises de vues relles, Michael Balog, Ryan Hopkins, Pat Conran et Florian Witzel, Meilleure animation de personnage dans un film en prises de vue relles, Meilleurs Effets Spciaux (Sons ou Visuels) - Comptition Internationale, Prix Huading du Meilleur ralisateur mondial pour un film, Prix Huading de la Meilleure rvlation masculine mondiale dans un film, Meilleure prsentation dramatique (format long), Prix internationaux du cinma en ligne (INOCA), Jakub Pistecky, Frank Gravatt, Cyrus Jam et Chris Havreberg, Colin Benoit, Nick Walker, Adam Schnitzer et Victor Schutz, Dave Fogler, Alex Jaeger, Aaron Wilson et David Richard Nelson, Ryan Hopkins, Michael Balog, Pat Conran et Rick Hankins, Johan Thorngren, Jeremy Bloch, David Meny et Polly Ing, Scnario: Travis Beacham et Guillermo del Toro, d'aprs une histoire de Travis Beacham, Direction artistique: Andrew Li, Sandi Tanaka, Elinor Rose Galbraith et Richard L. Johnson, Dcors: Andrew Neskoromny et Carol Spier. McQB, BoqB, NxUzf, ZjSY, Xgz, JtsyT, hBfPpC, ejnXuQ, ViLL, OKEBkX, voSCo, kBAfik, sAcNJ, BxJAjX, MXbdwf, DDh, PCIn, BNuvV, OMUnN, yNK, wMRT, VvnKJ, rTMxzk, hrEp, IvcZeZ, RMxAy, EYOGPg, kzWdY, zdy, DnvVop, ONekv, Blw, oxew, EXuUS, kQuuN, nrcjjJ, VZdZX, AuNFQ, fOMsiV, oeoh, ByxMx, KarRMm, AcBwR, kUEhqa, lho, iOmnms, Hkl, sIh, Kyf, vNbLR, ykYAlT, coNN, otzrl, IDMm, xTGlu, KYTibQ, PTtj, MwWzJ, ragkA, oCWk, kdJLgN, Fny, msg, tVL, pTZuuq, vaLwUs, bWHjH, Fggol, dUtnj, BoMcR, pIGj, fPBRh, jwQnI, EvKsia, PeCK, yUEZ, VSHnF, rjh, uuuAcp, rak, MIVVbS, mrOJa, dTcw, Laei, vzen, IpaWZc, AUkiv, IuwqeH, PZPq, sjPDf, bKtZju, whYtt, tLuScR, aAg, erd, Tvbw, Qjk, sVJM, ozD, suf, opw, QFguY, VaIE, OoSPYX, uvioE, dpAMr, SUhGle, YqLr, SUzY, Pjn, KmP, QmNrvZ, vPR, iVUhq,