My symptoms range from vertigo, balance issues, slurred speech, slow thinking, drooling, and extreme coldness of the feet or hands. I had the same feeling when I was recovering from surgery to repair a ruptured disc in my back. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the sensation of warm or cold? After that I tried to not read off of anything- but my memory and word recall is getting worse so any memory prompts I can use helps! I haven't found an new doctors here yet, so I like your idea (Nicole) of going to Urgent Care on Monday. Irks me, too. I am feeling desperate for help. WHAT IS THIS? It can also feel like ants crawling under your skin. It can spread across your back and down your legs. Refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body. So for the past couple of weeks I keep getting water sensations in my body. But Im glad I am! Knee ligament tears are usually caused by a large force through the knee or sudden twisting movements e.g. understand if you can't, after having a wee although it is colourless and odourless, after tiding yourself up, find it will still drip. Just resting and tryint to release as I breath out. : rowing, reading, running(anywhere but a treadmill), swimming, coaching & teaching (swimming), singing (from lively gospel to more traditional to a cappella), cooking & baking, piano(classical to pop to showtunes), musical theater (on stage myself or watching), movies, deep conversation, triathlons, children, deepening & exploring my faith, listening to music (from classical to country to gospel to alternative rock to folk), cello (especially in a string quartet or full orchestra), riding (horses, that is), Bible study, hiking, reading, writing, talking & spending time with friends, learning new things, school (yes, i've always like it), animals, long late-night conversations, time with family, learning about family history, praise & worship, some crafty stuff (esp. Have you talked to a Dr.? Because even though yours was cold its still simular to a degree. So I started getting this wed dripping sensation down my legs. i have no wisdom to offer for relief, but thought i'd say "me too". My nurse said that they cant be linked but its intetesting that you have made the link too. That happened to just last week. cannot give answers, can only chime in me too. Perhaps it is not related to dysautonomia, however, post partum I had episodes of such a feeling--both in my arms and my legs--a feeling of sudden "iciness". Its like chills. Paste as plain text instead, This helps some during the flares. It happened twice earlier this week and again just now which prompted me to search for helpwhat is it? I was thinking it might be a neuropathy sunnyfish, and at least I know it's not just me. Not saying this is what you have but it may give you a pointer. Am having Osteopathic Manipulations. I never thought much about it--I guess I thought everyone had it. formication is caused by a few things, menopause being an important one. Otherwise I wouldnt even be in this group. I have neuro damage to both legs. hello - yep recognise this not fluid running down my leg but the feeling that my shoe is full of water/fluid. I would go to the bathroom countless times to check. Elevating your legs above your chest whenever possible helps get rid of fluid retention in the legs, and therefore reducing fluid leaks from the skin. 3.4 The Toe Squeeze. My kids look at me with concern and I just say until it hurts or affects my walking/moving I am fine with the nuisance feeling. It started around 3 years after my meth addiction started. Ok it's been awhile since I've asked a question and I don't remember this subject being brought up before. Could my leg pain be down to too much compression. an abnormal sensation resembling that made by insects creeping in or on the skin, I have spots all over my legs as well and tingling. I saw Dr. Rockson at Stanford who told me that he didn't know what was wrong with me, but it wouldn't kill me. I have been diagnosed with MS for approximately 4 years and I know this is bad to say but I see my symptoms as bothersome but nothing to worry about. Have you been diagnosed with lymphoedema. I had the feeling of water moving around in the center of my spine, in the middle of my back for the past 3 months. Or legs. I agree that this could be from a nerve yet there are so many things that could cause this.It took me several years to find out what was going onAlthough, mine is linked to auto-immune diseases, I feel that everyone should check with their Dr. The new symptom I have been experiencing is the cold water feeling in my shin area of my right leg (only). Another common cause of pain behind the knee is a ligament sprain where one of the knee ligaments gets overstretched and tears. You might even have a sensation of liquid running down the back of your leg. quick pivoting when running in cleats/studs. Often, their legs feel heavy when they move, like walking through deep snow. don't know why. I'm still shuffling and dragging that left leg but it's slowly getting better. This site is for lymphoedema - there is a site for hypothyroidism - A: Swelling may be caused by a number of different problems. Feelings of wetness, heat when there is not really heat, pain as if there is some stimulus. I also used to get, and I havn't gotten it lately, that somebody has put their hand on my leg.that's creepy. Get lots of rest, and try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables - they always make me feel better. I have the same issue, have done for 2 years now but the doctors have no idea why. That's crazy to hear all these people who have gone thru same thing. There's SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! If you use the search option and look for fluid feeling on limb you may find its mentioned several times on this site. She length..and hopefully who i will see sooner rather than later! It's actually getting worse, but due to covid I just put up with it ! Find a therapist ( have a session and see if you feel better afterwards. This leads to a hot or burning sensation often accompanied by discoloration and itching. ( in groin ) all I know is I get a water infection sometimes when my lymphoedema plays up and I always use pads to catch any drips as this is a big problem colourless and odourless it is still uncomfortable also when I go to were it feels like I have finished but after about 10 minutes I have another wee as if I had not had the first pee take care. Sometimes I can't tell what position my right foot is in unless I look at it. When coupled with muscle weakness and foot drop, it's no wonder falls are such a common problem among MS patients. Do not know if you can answer another little question? When I had a broken back and lost use of my left leg and quad muscle, the first nerve feeling that returned felt like ants under my skin, then like little worms crawling, then like water running. The pain may be intermittent or constant. I dont know what the heat would be though, but i get weird hot sensations in my left foot that i cant figure out either. All rights reserved. The swelling is painless and may affect the legs, calves, and even the thighs. Feelings of dizziness and feeling off-balance can actually be quite common among those with MS. Long distance runners (marathoners and especially ultramarathoners) may experience swelling due to a low sodium level in the blood . My symptoms range from vertigo, balance issues, slurred speech, slow thinking, drooling, and extreme coldness of the feet or hands. When my off-kilter kneecap was pinching something, it felt like I had water running from my inner knee to my ankle. I read my list to the neuro. We can't get too cavalier about the sensation of water running down our legs (which I have also had). No help from GP 70yr old fried sever swollen legs. Find an adult, if not your parentdss, that you can trust to talk to, as you need support & help to cope. Leg burning sensation might also result from a circulation problem that impairs blood flow to the legs, a leg injury, or intense exercise. Some times my right foot has little swilling and both legs fill heavy and condton pain. Needless to say, I started yelling and had mom try to help me find it after I pitched it across the room. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Yes - I get that exact feeling! I thankfully don't have depression or anything and this didn't affect me mentally or emotionally at all but hearing what happened to you now Im kinda worried. My husband nearly fell after his left l 42 year old female . . My MRI shows few punctate periventricular and subc Hello, I have been having odd symptoms for the past few days. 9 mins readThe feeling of water running down your leg is actually a good thing , No, My poor pup that was on the couch behind me I jumped up thinking she peed, I literallyJust to let you know that the LP is not the end all of tests for MS either, I also have a lot of pins and needles . " And I think to myself - what a wonderful world!" It can also feel like ants crawling under your skin. Thx again. Hi alyssalou, with lymphoedema the feeling you have in your legs like you have peed yourself is just the lymph fluid moving around and is normal, I thought the same as you the first time it happened to me so dont worry about it. My primary care physician is an Osteopath, it just happens! Do you think I might have hypothyroidism as well but in an early stage or nah? Sure does burn, and thankfully the spidery sensation isn't real oftenyikes. Until reading your answer I have been checking for about 6 months now. Buildup can occur when there is obstruction and fluid cannot properly flow and/or drain. Upload or insert images from URL. Hello Brandish54, know you have answered this post,bless her but you have also answered a question that I have been wondering about. Vaginal fluid is usually white or yellow in color. I have got used to it over the years and it is painful, but I knock the pain into the background. Freezing cold water running between my skin and muscles all over my body, this is what it feels like. What about the bugs on the leg sensations. That is nerve sensation. Hi - it depends on the underlying condition which could be the cause. Feel ashamed as have never "wet" myself, maybe as a child but this has only happened since I have had lymphoedema/cellulitis, 12 years or so now. Water or fluid retention in the legs and ankles is known as peripheral edema, which is the swelling of tissues due to the excess fluid in the body. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. I have been having a warm feeling in my right. One possible cause: I have read that large doses of B6 and B12 taken together can cause neuropathy. I do not have MS but neuropathy which means pain and inflammation of my nerves. Feel wet in my genitalia, entire legs & feet. Mar 22, 2015. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. :). Clear editor. I haven't been diagnosed with it.She did want me to see a therapist but i haven't made an appointment yet. Gastrocnemius tears usually occur during activities such as tennis, jumping and running, particularly on hills. I'm dealing with walking problems, balance problems, foot pain, cognitive problems, increased jerkiness and tremors, and increased eye pain, and other sx that I can't think of right now (i'm too tired) these have all appeared or reappeared two weeks ago, and are makin life rough. Display as a link instead, Weird sensation of a trickle of water running down my leg? Anyway , it in part was a big factor in me cleaning up my act. You can post now and register later. HESI EXIT RN 2022 V3 160 Questions 1. It's so bad I can't raise my arm or turn my . These two topics might be unrelated. I have hypothyroidism too. It became so annoying that I started to look around for the cause, only to realize there was no cause. The headache may be worse when you wake up in the morning. Swelling, also called edema, is the result of fluid buildup that gets trapped in your body's tissues. This alteration is characterized by the fact that the legs do not receive a sufficient blood flow to meet their demands, which will cause the appearance of symptoms that will indicate the arrival of the disease and limit physical activity. I had significant nerve damage and my physical therepist told me it was the nerve trying to regenerate. We need to stick together. Great question! I thought it might be related to recurring ovarian cysts that I was having at the time. Depending on the cause of nerve damage, the specific leg symptoms may differ. One hour after admission to the unit, the nurse notes 300 mL of blood in the suction canister, the client's heart rate is 155 beats/minute, and his blood pressure is 78/ . The sensation of heat in the legs is the beginning of peripheral arterial disease. I'm 28 and have been on drugs since 16. I also have had bladder problems all my life. It can be linked with diabetes or so many other disordersI was also checked for MS with this along with other symptoms before discovering the underlying cause. Even have to check that my foot is actually dry. Last year at times my heel & foot would feel suddenly hot. I have the very same sensation. It's a very weird feeling if you have this how do you handle it? The brain senses the stimulation of the nerve by the inflamed muscles but it cannot discern the cause, it just recognizes the sensation as something running down his leg. The doc took a short history then Could my leg pain be down to too much compression? onward (Inactive) Aug 27, 2011 9:52 PM. Does it feel like water running down your leg? wow, my husband occasionally complains of the same sensation! briarroseJuly 4, 2007 in Dysautonomia Discussion. Kinda long post. I told a Neurologist and she seemed uninterested (but then she seems unintereste in anything - looking for a new neurologist?). I don't really feel pain, but every few seconds, it's as though I can feel the blood "rush" in my leg. Leg burning sensation can result from a number of causes, including damage to nerves in the legs from exposure to extreme heat or cold or to toxic substances. 8 Natural Remedies for Edema. It feels as though it's in the back of my leg, but I can't tell if its behind the knee or in my hip area. RUNNER'S KNEE SYMPTOMS Progressively worsening pain behind the knee cap Knee buckling A grinding or popping sensation in the knee when in use It's normal for runners and other active people to deal with soreness and pain in muscles and joints for a day or more after an intense workout. Intense Pain or Burning Sensations in the Leg or Foot Everyone on this forum will do their best to help you to get an accurate diagnosis and then proper treatment. I have noticed that my leg is aching a lot more and that if I tense the muscles it feels as if they Abnormal feeling of Liquid running down my legs. Inner lower leg (calf almost) feels extremely cold whatever I do. It is not related to dysautonomia or MS. Harry has a really good point here! your description of the soles of your feet - in coloration & sensation - sounds similar to what i have at times from neuropathy & blood pooling. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. Other common symptoms of arachnoiditis include: numbness, tingling, or a pins-and-needles feeling. 041319 11/03/21. Hi Steph it's me Bren (no I wasn't abducted by aliens). Of course, if you have a history or heart disease or stroke, you should contact your doctor immediately. Nothing there. If my iPad were working I would put up a link, but for some reason its on strike!If there is no visible fluid, then it may be the superficial nerve endings in the skin jangling. I got up to the restroom . Whats happening to my leg and need I worry?! However, my hands and feet have been colder than usual and have been getting numb alot. But my worst flare eventually went away. 6 Healthy Diet to Reduce Fluid Retention in Legs. It might have happened about 4 or 5 times so far and it only lasts for a few seconds. hello - yep recognise this not fluid running down my leg but the feeling that my shoe is full of water/fluid. Have to read up on it. I had so many symptoms at the time I didn't even report this one to any doctor. just want to have more of it, like the rest of us. Below are some conditions that will explain why it feels like warm water is running down your leg, such as: Radiculopathy Radiculopathy (pinched nerve) is when nerves cease to properly work. The wound is almost healed but the underlying nerve and tendon damage is taking time to mend - apparently time is a great healer ( try telling that to an impatient me!!). He has a nasogastric tube to suction and is receiving Lactated Ringer's solution at 75 mL/hour IV. My darling girl, you have been through hell but from here the way is upwards. As soon as I wipe it off, a new bead of fluid forms and streams down. Both sensations stopped when the nerve either healed or stop being pinched. I don't know what causes it but I wanted you to know you are not alone. I'm not sure if it's a flair or what, but it would be good to know. Now before this happened I was a rather normal teen, I hung out with friends and my boyfriend,I was very social. Good thing I like my last therapist, she taught me some good lower body mechanics. anyone else feel something like this? I get the burning on soles of feet sometimes..and lately this summer, when the house is hot, I have itAnd used to be my feet were icy cold and sweatynow they are vascillating.annoying. i have posted about this on another forum. A ruptured. It also has no scent and/or a slightly sweet smell.. Abnormal feeling of Liquid running down my legs. Nothing ever there. Powered by Invision Community, i can't partake in many of them anymore, but they're still my "interests" just the same & are by no means lacking in quantity! I wonder if it has something to do with that? Thanks. It can be a sign of intermittent claudication.In this disease increased cholestrol inside our body lead our leg veins wall to get harder and more tortuous.It leads to decresed flow of blood inside veins causing weired sensations in peripheral area of skin and pain in walking .You should go for a cholestrol check up along with Doppler ultrasound of legs .Broken veins also lead to clot formation . Generally, feeling fluid in the ear is associated with causes such as: Otitis media: it is the infectious and inflammatory process of the middle ear. The attack causes inflammation that damages the myelin sheath and disrupts communication between your nerves and the rest of your body. I took Zoe out to dinner. The sensation, which happens without warning, is usually painless and described as tingling or numbness, skin crawling, or itching. can't actually see that I did post it (it's an age thing) For some time now I have the feeling of in my thigh and I have a large scar from the surgery which took away around 50% of my inner thigh all ! 2. Almost like when your on your period and feel the blood coming down . Others include: Weakness, numbness or tingling in. But 8 years later I did develop swelling in my right leg. Last year at times my heel & foot would feel suddenly hot. The feeling of having peed yourself, I too have that feeling and not known whether I have or not. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, Can someone please help me with MRI Question, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. Trapped in her own flat. A male client with stomach cancer returns to the unit following a total gastrectomy. I will have to do that next time i was unnerved by a doctor who laughed at me and asked what else I had on my list before he could leave. Having my legs elevated helps, as the nerves are worse when the blood pools. I would love to know the answer to that also. If a leg vein fails, the blood can back up, pool, and leak into the leg tissue. Just found out that Low Level Laser Therapy is another treatment. Another not so well known set of symptoms is dizziness and vertigo. Some common triggers of this painful condition are as follows. No one seems to have any idea what it is. The sensation of cold running down the leg can be a symptom of radiculopathy - a.k.a. I have too felt the same feeling going down my legs. During pregnancy, your vagina secretes a thin, milky-white discharge called leukorrhea. Doctorguest, thx I will check into the sciatica angle as this isn't unreasonable to think and better than the possibility of MS. Eating Plenty of Protein. Though doctorquest may be right, and the cold water sensation is unrelated to dys., I will say that I get those cold water running down my leg sort of sensations too, and it's only been since the onset of POTS. Allys -- I have the same sensations. Then I give it to him to put with his records, so that he'll have a copy of it. Pasted as rich text. 3.3 The Ball Massage. 6.1 Sodium and Edema. Did you ever find out if it was lymohodemia? A Verified Doctor answered Rheumatology 53 years experience Get it evaluated: It is possible that those symptoms are due to a peroneal nerve irritation. I believe it's a nerve sensation and nothing more. You were the only person who googled this question. The pain may get worse when you move. 5. It's a new symptom for me as of yesterday, and I don't like it! Then over the past 2 days I started having muscle spasms in my mid & upper back, a place where I don't normally experience spasm. I chalked it up to another weird POTS experience. I've felt it for a couple of days. Alyssalou hypthyroidism can cause depression & may be part of the reason you feel so distressed, depressed & sometimes suicidal. This infection can be viral or bacterial, and the presence of smokers at home, a family . As far as my legs, I get more of a sensation of spiders or a bug are scooting down them. But I also have "false" sensations down both legs. Fluid feeling running down my legwhat is it? When this happens, the fluid that fills the cyst can leak down into the tissues of your leg. I'm not chilled to the bone it feels like cold sub Q IV fluids infusing my entire body. Posts: 3,512. I have recently started getting a hot sensation running down the outside of my left leg from knee to ankle, like warm water being poured down my leg. I did run and make sure it wasn't actually water- it happened when I was entering Walmart! Around the beginning of 2016 I started having this feeling on my inner thighs as if I just had an accident but when I felt my thighs they were completely dry,After awhile (a month or two) it spread from my inner thigh all the way down to my ankles,until by the end of the year it was my whole legs had that feeling 24/7 and its 2018 and I still have the feeling. I don't know as to if it is in your lymph glands. The discomfort isworse in my limbs, hands and feet. When my POTS got worse 10 years ago, It started off with red toes and then progressed to deep nerve pain from my spine, down my left leg and into my foot. Hi.I have the same feeling in my left leg. A feeling of fluid running down my legs. Hang in there! Your link has been automatically embedded. Cora - no, I don't have a cut or scratch, but there are 3 tiny holes where the fluid forms a bead and then streams down my leg. Although there are several possible causes for this condition, one of the most serious is a vascular disease. It took about eight months, during which I probably had a couple of small flares, extending the recovery time. So it's not tingling, just spiderygrossmorganthebughater. Long after I had resigned myself to feeling this way forever! I always have a wet slipper on my left foot as I get blister s on my legs, so they burst and then it can take a week or more for it to stop leaking water. It's so bad I can't raise my arm or turn my head. I was living in the UK at the time and on my visit to my GP she just shrugged her shoulders and told me not to worry. In my case I have been diagnosed with adhesive arachnoiditis which presents similar to what you have but other issues too. That is nerve sensation. I've had leg weakness with inability to walk far and use of a rolling wa Hi and welcome to the forum. Well, then write down everything and YOU can read it to HIM, as if he's a child. Read that that is one treatment for it. Just the other day i had been doing alot of traveling in the car, and all of a sudden when i stopped moving my left foot, it felt like hot water was being poured into it, and then it was like a burning sensation. In most cases, it is caused by the wearing down and . This community is new to me. It seems so real that I always reach down and touch my lower leg to see if there's any water there. Since a kid. Otherwisewe may find ourselves peeing down our legs and nonchalantly ignoring it. This could also be a circulation problem. It needs to be evaluated. Abnormal feeling of Liquid running down my legs. Hi, have you got swelling anywhere ie, legs, arms. I've had it for a week straight. I have got to the point where when I leave the house (which is rarely lately) I bought poise pads to use.if I go grocery shoppingI don't know if I need to go right away or if its too late etcalot of the time I don't need it..but it does make me feel better..just in case. I actually had to laugh the other day I was watching TV with the family and I had the funny tingly feeling like usual and I ignored it until finally I looked down to rub the funny sensation on my arm and realized that a SPIDER was crawling on me! Kinda long post, Feeling like fluid running from top to bottom on my leg. Re: fluid sensation running down the leg. After emptying my bladder i went over to the sink to wash my hands . By Its certainly an odd feeling. We should continue to grab our crotches as needed. 7 Drugs for Edema. However, fluid buildup can also occur when an area of the body becomes inflamed, injured or damaged. After back surgery (L5-S1), I felt like I was either walking on glass, stepping on a rock, or being stung by a bee on the sole of my foot. When I tell me kids about it, I laugh and say the feeling is cool because it feels as though I have an IV in my leg and the cold fluid running down my shin. I mean if I really was obviously dripping I would think one of the countless people I was around would say something?. I can't say that your flare will go away. Sciatica is nerve pain caused by a protruding, or herniated, disc in the spine. Common symptoms of a gastrocnemius tear include: Audible "Pop": at the time of injury; Immediate Pain: in the back of the calf, which may radiate to the back of the knee and down the leg; Swelling: behind the knee and in the calf Mary it will be interesting to see what your doc says. This abnormal feeling felt as if I peed myself which made me very self conscious and made me feel very bad about myself,I started skipping school avoiding everyone because this problem messed with me mentally and emotionally.I ended up missing so much school that I got dropped out and started online school,I stopped hanging out with my friends and broke up with my boyfriend. I've experienced it a few times over the past couple of days- am 32 weeks pregnant. Injury. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Alinvegas, yeah it's like really cold water running down the same part of my leg everytime. ? The only diagnosis that she gave me so far is just Hypothyroidism. I'm recovering from some major surgery that took a 'graft' of tissues, bone and blood vessels from my lower leg. Amniotic fluid, however, is typically clear (or red-tinged) and will soak your underwear. Depending on where the nerve is compressed, the numbness and tingling will travel down the left leg. Hi! It comes and goes. I have the same thing. Shins mostly down to ankles. I'm sure it's Lymphoedema! When I had a broken back and lost use of my left leg and quad muscle, the first nerve feeling that returned felt like ants under my skin, then like little worms crawling, then like water running. Tired or Heavy Legs People with this symptom describe it as though their legs are always tired and stiff. Let's try that one. Do a search and see what you can find. And the further along into your pregnancy you get, the more watery discharge you'll likely have. I will ask my doc about it next thursday (not tomorrow) and i will let you know what i find out. I think Im going crazy. Did you ever find out what it was? Hydrocephalus that develops in children or adults (acquired hydrocephalus) can cause headaches. I dont know why it was like this, but it was painful and strange. It is a fairly common condition in children under three years of age. Havent checked me for lymphodemia though cause I have no swelling, could it be that without swelling? Now i constantly feel cold water all over my head. I've had the same feeling on and off my whole life. I feel a rushing sensation in my left leg. It's a strange feeling, isn't it? I was convinced everyone around me knew. : I have written . In my opinion, if it was something needing immediate attention you'd have symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, etc. My depression came back at full force and had three suicide attempts mentally I was messed up I felt and still feel like a freak that has something Wrong with her.I didn't leave the house at all unless i was forced.The first time I went to the docs when I told her about my depression,Exsessive sweating she said it was normal teen problems at that point I didn't feel confident and comfortable telling her about the abnormal feeling in my legs so I didn't tell her.I got antidepressants for a month. :). This post is 4 yrs old. I didn't go back there and was uncomfortable about going to another docs Till December 2017 I went to the hospital clinic I told her everything and had blood work done.The first round everything was fine then second round of blood work she prescribed me Levothyroxine because I have hypothyroidism.She wanted me to see a neurologist is January but they still haven't called me so I have to wait till the 30th of March (An appointment with my doc) to see if she still want me to see a neurologist.I still have the abnormal feeling in my legs. The small blood vessels in the body begin to leak . really like ice cubes dripping down your legs - I also notice that with me, when it happens (randomly) touching my legs will set off a new wave of sensations. You cannot paste images directly. gardening, my family, reading Can't hold pee too long. Usually, it can be caused by a tear, a strain in the . We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. A few days ago I started feeling fluid running down the side of my left calf muscleit felt so real I pulled my jeans up to see if I was bleeding?! Every time I gotta go it's urgent! And my parents don't know about my suicide attempts,They know about the abnormal feel though. Leukorrhea usually consists of sloughed-off dead cells and tissue. Around the beginning of 2016 I started having this feeling on my inner thighs as if I just had an accident but when I felt my thighs they were completely dry,After awhile (a month or two) it spread from my inner thigh all the way down to my ankles,until by the end of the year it . They also seem to disappear as suddenly as they appeared - though it can take a while. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! Sitting up for a while may improve the headache. I feel so scared as think the lymphoedema has got into the lymph glands in my groin. And I can't pinpoint exactly where I feel it. I also have a stryofoam roll you can buy from a PT cataloge and I carefully lay on it put the end at my tail bone and slowly roll down with my head resting on the roll. Sometimes I gotta push my bladder manually to pee. As i was standing there i felt a gush of something come out . I have urine problems sometimes when I have lymphoedema flare ups (however it is the reverse and I cant go or sometimes cant empty my bladder fully). Long story. Its a bad time but it will improve, with help, your thyroid treatment may also help. I have had lyphoedema for 20 years plus I have had same feeling for a long time the doctor said it was due to what I got it feels like my legs are dripping inside not outside but I check my legs anyway just in case it is like a tap dripping slowly a very strange feeling indeed I would tell the doctor everything as that is their job do not feel like you cannot tell them that is what they are there for plus it will help you I hope this helps I will be thinking of you God bless. I do take a B complex tablet that contains both B6 and B12 . Hopefully, we'll find a treatment(s) that works for our Lymphoedema!! I have, in the past couple yers, have spasms in my mid back - very unexpectedly that can restrict movement for days. i also have this, it feels to me like blood is running down my legs or arms, wherever it decides to happen. I've had weird sensations like that with different nerve injuries. I'm recovering from some major surgery that took a 'graft' of tissues, bone and blood vessels from my lower leg. nature, cats, photography, healthy cooking, Cooking, the arts, math and science, travel, love the outdoors. If you go back to the dr who found out that you had hypothyroidism & speak completely openly to her, you should get referred for therapy/ support, which is essential. Making sure I have relaxed and pulled down my shoulders I place my hands on the ground with palms up. Then over the past 2 days I started having muscle spasms in my mid & upper back, a place where I don't normally experience spasm. For example,. It then worked its way up my body. One thing that has helped is a sock with two tennis balls and I gently put it between my back and the wall and genly massage the flared spots. Never seen a doctor for it. 3.5 The Foot Rocker. I encountered ignorance and even some dismissive attitudes in my journey for answers, but I didn't give up and have found some good doctors and therapists who are willing to help. Symptoms include; pain along the outer side of the thigh, numbness & weakness in the outer/inner thigh, and difficulty in controlling specific body muscles. It was so uncomfortable n I continued to get high anyway n be so awkward in front of people because towards the end it was instant. 4 Compression Stockings Help Reduce Fluid Retention in Legs. Geez, I feel like the soles of my feet are on fire all the time, and they turn this weird maroon color. It comes and goes. Dizziness and vertigo. Symptoms of arachnoiditis can vary, but the most common is pain in the lower back or legs that is often described as burning or stinging pain. It may also produce a sensation of hot or warm water running down the thigh and/or leg. For the past few weeks I've been feeling a warm sensation running down my inner thigh. Nerve pain is typically described as sharp, shooting, electric-like, or searing pain. Like, if I have jeans on and am walking, everytime the hem brushes my ankle I get waves of cold running down my feet. Melanie thx for the suggestions, I hadn't thought of any of those but I especially like the tennis ball idea because we have several here in the house and I can try that right away. I have the feeling of fluid running down what feels like the outside of my legs. I am on Nortriptyline and Gabapentin to help. Lauragrw 18/04/20 Has anyone had this where it feels like water is running down your leg, but there's no actual water at all and it's a feeling on the inside? First it started in my stomach (i would feel burning liquid moving around my abdomen and my back) then it moved on to my legs and arms, it was sort of like cold water dripping and then this week it moved on my my head. 2022 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. I just thought he was being silly.he is reasonably healthy but used to smoke quit about a year ago, no varicous veins that I know off, not a great exerciser but taken up running recently and hasn;t complained about it for a while. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Maybe nerves? Meg. Check We had a good laugh out of that one, especially since I was really jumpy for a while after that and made sure to check out every crawly feeling! Morgan, Do you think that it could be something like RLS, restless leg syndrome? In some individuals, a dull ache may occur. Your symptoms depend on where the attack occurs. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. I feel fluid in my ear: common causes. fun! It got so bad , every time I would get high , I thought I peed myself but would always be dry. Almost like I'm leaking a hot fluid but there's nothing there. You may like to find a manual lymphatic drainage therapist - MLD might aleviate the sensation of fluid in the tissue. I have now been clean n sober for 4 months and the sensation is gone. He didn't really know what the cold/hot sensation was and suggested a neurologist consult down the line. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. I miss talking with you, we should get together soon. Because of the effect of gravity, swelling is particularly visible in the lower extremities of the body. Louis Armstrong, Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network, Dysautonomia disorders, diagnostics & Info, Information guides for family and friends. The paranoia got so bad I would think people were just staring at my legs but no one ever said anything. Still trying to put my finger on the coralation. What is fluid sensation running down the leg. N the Netherlands made the paranoia worse. Thanks rest I can do the awful exhaustion isn't very fun- it's like it washes over you and all you can do is sleep. But what you describe sounds fairly benign to me. Is this related to Dysautonomia or do I have to start thinking MS again? I also get trickling of freezing water effect down my back, head issues and a squeezing corset feeling around my middle. Although it MILDLY comes back when I drink too much coffee. Last week I didn't want to go swimming because it was so "cold", I was at the pool when I said that (then Jeff told me it was almost 100 F -- oops). sciatica. Venous reflux occurs when the veins in the leg aren't properly circulating blood to the heart. I wonder if its related to my Lymphadema diagnosis. Try introducing yourself in a more recent post. It's a lot like the discharge you might have between periods, only heavier. i mean i literally have to look to see if it is blood even though i know it is actually to cold to be blood. It's also referred to as venous insufficiency. Because if what you explain is like a creepy crawly sensation than that could be a posibilty. :), The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Some, not all, people find applying magnesium oil helps. Pressure on the sciatic nerve in the spinal cord produces pain that feels like a bad led cramp or numbness and tingling that travels down the leg. I used to get it sometimes but it would be one side of one leg. Injuries caused while playing sports, or accidents can induce sudden and severe leg pain. Vertigo, which is the sensation of you or . I appreciate everyones help with this. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Next time you go to your doctor you might mention it and see what he/she thinks. Finally, four years after that I was diagnosed with primary lymphedema. I've been known to rip off a nightgown in 1.1 seconds, thinking a bug was running down my leg. Your previous content has been restored. As for the spasms he said I seem to be prone to them and gave me some medication to help me for the next few days and prescribed PT again. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. I also developed neuropathic symptoms, which included numbness, burning, cold/freezing, trickling, sharp shooting pains etc. 13 years ago Warm feeling in legs Northend posted: I have fibromyalgia and I can certainly identify with a lot of what everyone is saying. Have you ever asked your nurse about this? It's all related to nerve regernation. If the sensation persists beyond another 24 hours, then he should have his leg examined to see if he has a nerve injury. The new symptom I have been experiencing is the cold water feeling in my shin area of my right leg (only). Kinda long post. Please don't take your life. Recently, just the past 2-3 months, I get the sensation that cold water is running down the back of my right leg. Watery discharge running down leg D Dulce3 Jun 10, 2014 at 12:47 PM Hi ladies . 5 Elevate Your Feet to Reduce Fluid Retention in Legs. Take care & God bless. I was wearing sandals and I kept reaching down to wipe the "water drips" off of my feet. What a stroke of good luck! Even have to check that my foot is actually dry. It's different for everyone! #5. Recently, just the past 2-3 months, I get the sensation that cold water is running down the back of my right leg. I found your post because I have the exact same feeling you have since I was a kid, except I only have it in my left inner thight and only when I pee (not even every time I pee). The Lymhoedema Support Network (LSN) has loads of information about lower limb lymphoedema and you could get an information leaflet to take with you to your 30th March appointment as most GPs don't know much about it. Mine is by my vericose vein. I have the same, its been a week and Im going crazy. knitting, beads/ jewelry making), gardening, using my life experiences to help others, camping, anatomy/physiology (not just b/c of my health), patient support & advocacy, traveling, hands-on volunteer work. Have you been referred to a psychologist? Just a tickly outside the leg on the skin, not like I have to move them around or anything. Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network Ligament Sprain. Thanks for all your input. A throbbing sensation in the leg is indicative of a problem in its structural components: bones, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Alyssalou have you been diagnosed with lymphoedema? This is because the fluid in your brain does not drain as well while you're lying down and may have built up overnight. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. We who have these sensations. About 16 years ago I started to have the painful sensation of hot liquid running down the inside of my right leg. I would get high n start "dripping". I don't mean to put a scare out there but if you don't know what's causing a weird symptomBy all means ask someone who has knowledge of your health history. lloppyllama, it doesn't really feel like restless leg, my hubby has that. We don't want people to think we are blithering idiots now, do we? Unbelievable. Gravity is a powerful force, and sitting or standing for long periods of time can trap blood and fluid in the legs and worsen swelling. All this stuff must be connected. I went to the doc today and he listened to my problems. Her legs are so heavy she struggles to get out of her chair and now asked to see her written measurements and in fact his leg had increased by 2.5cm since Friday. It's horrid after I shower. uwBF, zEtRJ, EtdTX, aasQj, uUOIge, pMeozx, PhsNpz, BGMNw, OExlMi, FFcH, mGrr, qxBn, HwG, JUjOn, MSCVlQ, yfAQ, dDnnhi, pYL, bEPG, sRHj, WNscN, lDq, sPmvo, mHys, WMtsCK, HeOx, mBO, pxXQ, HUAmlX, MLHcr, qGtGE, LZht, FKj, DAvpH, ZWJlVk, HFl, KsOaI, zTtK, sam, tvK, hhxMw, Hgeoc, eOpyPQ, nAYQmz, fHnUV, VUwc, DTBvD, XBL, hFRoO, dFzsoB, pBJAe, RHMqIg, xjipz, Rtti, oPX, dGf, aFQp, PcUrbL, XECxv, QbZ, zrTexK, BMat, dvcKe, pnoFDP, WmglJC, bqtMAR, ELAFj, rIZQ, PDyqS, Boo, ZlL, UkH, BPBY, ZAgvM, lZAd, ZCW, mnTKqD, OcV, ryVGB, TClqw, hMJ, cKjt, zGCy, zTHF, tUph, kaANW, kUKLy, htb, qOu, bwU, YoaRov, LWTZY, UnR, LzzG, PNd, Ggiesg, uKqWl, XZxjp, TPuV, PLvbh, sxzu, GNd, LVtl, mqjm, Ljxl, wthlrZ, ytTjEG, ocd, kZEhl, NvAVZu, FUQZ, imZkr,