hammerjs can easily be installed via npm by executing the following command within your angular project: Next, you will need to add import 'hammerjs'; to your main.ts file. Let's take a look at some gesture instances, personally feel it, good way to model the gesture. Basic events are instantaneous events, there is no delay and logic judgment, pressing the press, loosening is loose; this is also called basic events. Each of the gestures events relies on custom defined DOM event plug-ins. More information about the DOM event plug-ins can be found in Ben Nadels blog. Flutter gridview,flutter,dart,gridview,gesture,Flutter,Dart,Gridview,Gesture,gridView / import 'package:flutter . Angular Material has two planning controlsmdSwipeLeftwithmdSwipeRightHowever, the true code support is not in the definition of these two controls, but in the core code, the file locationsrc\core\services\gesture\gesture.jsIt is also where we have deeply study gestures. Agree Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. The directive for swipe are added inside home.html. Angular Material offers you reusable and beautiful UI components like Cards, Inputs, Data Tables, Datepickers, and much more. It reveals one page/tab per paging swipe. When testing I could bind to 'pan' but couldn't bind to 'swipe'. Can use any combination of subsequent one- or two-finger gestures. I am using Material Angular. Pan : {.} buildHammer(element: HTMLElement): HammerInstance } To work with gestures features in Mobile Angular UI, you need to add the gestures module. Angular material is a UI library. It calls a method testSwipe(), it is defined in app.js. I found the way around to add swipe gesture to angular material tabs. Learn more, Mobile Game Programming Using Unreal Engine. More information about the DOM event plug-ins can be found in Ben Nadel's blog. Menu open If you want to override any of the default settings for gestures within a module, you will need to provide a custom HammerGestureConfig class. These events are triggered outside of Angulars Zone.js instance and will only re-enter the zone when the proper event is fired. So, you will need to install HammerJS and import it into our application. Scroll A touch mechanic may cause different outcomes, depending on the context in which it is used. A drag originating from a menu or picker reveals a menu. The following events are included, but the up to date list can be found on github: Swipe and Pan can almost be used interchangeably, but the main difference is that a pan event will fire off as the panning occurs, whereas the swipe event only fires off at the end of the swipe. Example: Pick up and move, select multiple items, One-finger press, lift, one-finger press, move, lift, Example: Select multiple items, pan, tilt, Two-finger press, lift, two-finger press, lift, Two-finger press, simultaneously orbit both fingers around the center point, lift. Here will take a look at the swipe functionality. Material Design components for Angular Get started High quality Internationalized and accessible components for everyone. Learn on the go with our new app. CDK | Angular Material The Component Dev Kit (CDK) is a set of tools that implement common interaction patterns whilst being unopinionated about their presentation. Swipe gesture activities vary based on context. The emergence of iPhone makes gesture operations, making gestures to become the challenge of developers. These events are first divided into three categories, saying is three categories, understanding three events more appropriate, they correspond to the interaction with the finger and the screen: the start event is the point of the finger; the mobile event is the finger on the screen; The end event is the finger away. There is also a logical judgment for gestures. Copyright 2020-2022 - All Rights Reserved -, Gesture model and Angular Material implementation, Angular study notes (Material Datepicker), Angular Material - Mattable data is not rendered, Angular Using @ Angular / Material "Export 'INJECT' WAS NOT FOUND IN '@ Angular / Core', Implementation of a minimal gesture library, AppIum_python implementation gesture password, XAMARIN.FORMS gesture password implementation. It represents an abstraction of the core functionalities found in the Angular Material library, without any styling specific to Material Design. Versatile Provide tools that help developers build their own custom components with common interaction patterns. The entire process is completed as a sliding gesture. A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/press-gesture. Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, browsers are affected? For example, a long press may select an element like a list item.. A touch activity may be achieved through combining multiple touch mechanics. A scroll is a vertical or horizontal swipe in a single direction within the content body. The gestures are just the opposite, Gesture is a comprehensive event, such as a sliding gesture. A dismiss gesture originates on a swipeable element, such as a list item or card, orthogonal to the direction of scrolling. When a gesture begins with a two-finger pan it results in tilt. Is there a logic judgment or a sliding gesture, but also inspired just after the above process, the finger has to exceed a certain speed can be considered sliding gestures. A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/swipe-gesture. Out of the box, hammerjs includes pan,pinch, press, rotate, swipe, and tap gesture recognition. The settings for each of the recognizers is defined within the hammerjs documentation. Dispatch implementation: DISPATCHEVENT: Although the internal implementation process of gestures is more complicated, the above process analysis is also an intuitive feeling for better understanding. Lifting State Up How I used Lifting State Up in my scenario. The proposal design also incorporates gesture programming, and probably wants to make an interactive model standard. Set up HammerJS for gesture recognition? Here you can import n number of Angular material components. Currently, in version 5.2.0, an exception is thrown, when you forget to include hammerjs, that stops the remainder of your angular project to load. Dont use paging swipes when individual elements are swipeable. The proposal design also incorporates gesture programming, and probably wants to make an interactive model standard. However, the swiping works badly. START_EVENTS =>'mousedown touchstart pointerdown'; MOVE_EVENTS => 'mousemove touchmove pointermove'; END_EVENTS => 'mouseup mouseleave touchend touchcancel pointerup pointercancel'; The gesture is a comprehensive event, such as sliding gestures, intuitive feeling is that the finger is quickly sliding to the left (right), and simultaneously loosen your finger, this whole process is completed is a sliding gesture. This function is not complicated, just a simple traversal pre-stored processor, then calls the corresponding basic event processor defined by the processor. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. Upon lift, the highlighted menu option is selected. An edge swipe gesture originates outside of the screen to reveal off-screen content. The gestures module has a directive and services to take care of the functionality required in touch, swipe and drag. Configures specific event recognition. Use whichever is appropriate for your project in the examples below. Therefore, it is possible to treat gestures as a package on the basic event, and the implementation of MD is also the function of GestureHandler, and the basic event is listened and then makes comprehensive processing. Step 4: Angular Material Gesture. Hammerjs relies on pointer events (pointermove, pointerup, pointerdown, and pointercancel) to perform all of its gestures. Well tested to ensure performance and reliability. Long press is not used to display a contextual menu. If you forget to add the import statement to your main.ts file you will see an error within the console that will stop your application from running. The height and width can be adjusted based on finger position. (Y/n) = Y ? A live version of this is available at https://stackblitz.com/edit/tap-gesture-directive. More recent articles are hosted on the new platform inDepth.dev. Part III: It is also the last most critical approach to gesture event triggersdispatchEvent. It can be used to: Two-finger long-press drag, long-press drag on selected item, For nested views, scales up the smallest targetable view. First add the JavaScript file inside index.html as shown below , Later add the gestures module as a dependency in app.js as shown below . A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/tap-gesture. A touch activity may be achieved through combining multiple touch mechanics. Swipe to refresh Based on the code you shared though, it seems like you are explicitly using hammerjs (even with a custom gesture config). Documentation on the event object that is returned from hammerjs triggers can be found here. The functionality like touch, swipes, dragging items is handled by the gestures module in Mobile Angular UI. When the implementation of every gesture, it is really used, it is mainly the four optimized events.onStart, onMove, onEnd, onCancelAnd a trigger method 'dispatchevent`. A touch mechanic may cause different outcomes, depending on the context in which it is used. It is a bit doubtful for one of the functions, which is a renderin As we all know, the browser exposes four events to the developer, touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel, and TouchEvent can be obtained in the callback function of these four events. @angular/platform-browser includes a set of events to attach to DOM elements. At this stage, because MD is still in the pre-release stage, it is only a single point gesture (a finger), but there is enough things worth learning, whether it is for us or design your own design gestures. At this stage, because MD is still in the pre-release stage, it is only a . Paging swipe Here is the code of MD binding basic events: MD mobile event listening process function: Other two (start and end events) are similar to this, but there are more processing procedures. We can see that the key step in this listening function is to call the processor (runHandler). Material design and Angular implementation-material design, Design and Implementation of Data Grid Based on Angular Material, Angular Material form submission and verification, Tomcat8.5 Based on Redis Configuration Session (Non-Stick) Share, Docker Getting Started Installation Tutorial, POJ-2452-Sticks Problem (two points + RMQ), Tree array interval update interval query and logn properties of GCD. Specific gestures and their results, in context. The migration guide is specific to Angular Material consumers, and it says that the import to should be removed if HammerJS is not used in your application. From the definition of these three types of events from the following MD, we can also see that variants in each type of events are related to the different equipment, such as the mouse. Angular material will us for constructing the functional, consistent web pages for web applications. Number theory: Mobius inversion (4) example, IDEA MAVEN project, compiling normal, start normal, running Noclassdefounderror, Manage the memory-free stack i using the reference count method, Call JS code prompt user download update each time an update version, Dynamic planning backpack problem Luo Vali P1064 Jinming's budget plan, More than the lowest speed and displacement, Current contacts and starting displacements exceed threshold. This processor is a gesture processor, which will analyze the basic event when the condition is met when the condition is satisfied. It contains various UI components, such as: form controls (input, select, checkbox, date. History: Earlier Angular material used hammer JS but with angular material 10 they totally removed hammer JS. Wiring up the DOM Element within the Angular Component: A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/pan-gesture. The Overscroll collapse gesture is committed based on crossing a threshold. For example, a long press may select an element like a list item. We make use of First and third party cookies to improve our user experience. A paging swipe is an on-screen, in-content swipe that reveals related off-screen content. Installed packages for tooling via npm. This is also what I said to understand them is more appropriate. If Internet Explorer is being used, MSPointer events are used instead of the standard pointer events. This is simply, it can be used to analyze key processes. &nb UWP gesture password implementation By drawing a gesture password to draw on Canvas Canvas: main problem: Graphical drawing Solid round Hollow round Line segment 2. These events are triggered outside of Angular's Zone.js instance and will only re-enter the zone when the proper event is fired. In this Angular material tutorial I will explain basics of Angular Material with simple examples,starting from setting up Angular material project in our local machine. By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. Installation Steps for Angular Material Some Important features of Angular Material Angular/CDK Angular Material DatePicker If paged content is at >100% zoom, an in-content swipe will Pan to an edge of the content, and an additional in-content swipe will Page. We have to put above condition to not let decrement beyond this limit otherwise we will see some anomaly behaviour. To dismiss these in-app elements, resume the original scroll direction. The final selection is based on selection box dimensions upon finger(s) lifting. https://material.angular.io/guide/getting-started "Some components (mat-slide-toggle, mat-slider, matTooltip) rely on HammerJS for gestures. This library is very useful for Angular developers for creating UI fast and interactive in minimal time. 86123a3. Angular - HammerGestureConfig API > @angular/platform-browser mode_edit code HammerGestureConfig link class final An injectable HammerJS Manager for gesture recognition. I tried implementing this, but couldn't get the gestures config right. link NPM npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk link Yarn yarn add @angular/material @angular/cdk link Alternative: Snapshot Build Use whichever is appropriate for your project in the examples below. Reach out to me in the comments below or on Twitter. Custom gesture processors are ultimately to call this method to trigger gesture events. This article gave you some basic functions in the OBJ model, including CG coloring language, matrix conversion, light, multiple texture, and normal map. The dismiss gesture is committed based on crossing a threshold. A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/pinch-gesture. Under, and press the finger. Gesture model and Angular Material implementation. Angular Material module helps us to create high-quality UI applications with Angular framework by following Material Design specifications. Tilt moves 3D content forward or backward. Angular 10. 5. Each of these gesture recognizers may be wired up to any element within the DOM in order to detect the specific gesture and allow you to handle it. Direct code: Explanation: Because all the stores of the nine-pace are an ImageView and they belong to Android.Widget.ImageView this class, so use the self.driver.find_elements_BY_CLASS_NAME this metho XAMARIN.FORMS gesture password implementation In the previous article, Xamarin.android, Xamarin.IOS, UWP implement gesture password function, now we are in xamarin.forms to implement this feature. RECIPES TO ACHIEVE THIS PROGRAMMING PARADIGM, React Basics: Using the useState() HookPart 4 in a 4 Part Series, Error: Hammer.js is not loaded, can not bind to x event. Reveal upon scroll It turns out that swiping up and down requires the gesture config be overridden to allow vertical all. The directive uiSwipeLeft and uiSwipeRight present helps to detect the direction in which the user has swiped. A pan is an omnidirectional one- or two-finger gesture that expands the field of view. Note : If you find any difficulty while implementing it on request i can create its github repository. CG coloring language + OpenTK + f # implementation. A two-finger pan occurs when transitioning from another two-finger gesture (e.g., pinch zoom or rotate) such as in Maps. Ill be referencing @angular/platform-browser@5.2.0 within my code samples, but there are some changes coming to 6.0.0 that will be discussed later. If no edge swipe action is defined, an edge swipe can default to a paging swipe. I am trying to add swipe functionality to a ng-repeated list of elements. Reveals selection box that originates from point of gesture initiation Well tested to ensure performance and reliability. npm install --save hammerjs Step 5: Angular Material Icons (Optional) Now in this step, we need to just install material design theme in our angular application. Then add the imports to 'app.module.ts' so they will be used/bundled: import 'hammerjs'; import 'hammer-timejs'; Now you can handle the events for the actions: Rotate. link NPM It invokes content separate from the current view. Overscroll collapse navigates up in the content hierarchy via a paging swipe at the top or bottom of scrolling content. Angular material is providing the huge amount of angular component which is readymade, and the component is based on the design of material. Is there anything else we should know? If your application directly uses any of these gestures, the migration will introduce a new application-specific configuration for these custom gestures, removing the dependency on Angular Material's GestureConfig. Reveal upon scroll means that reversing the scroll direction in a content area reveals hidden in-app elements. https://stackblitz.com/edit/tap-gesture-directive. Gesture event is not a flight pavilion, which itself is supported by these basic events, which also become an integral part of gesture model and become the best layer. Thanks for being part of indepth movement! First install hammerjs and action touch-action polyfill: $ npm install hammerjs hammer-timejs. A live stackblitz is avaiable at https://stackblitz.com/edit/rotate-gesture. The speed at which a gesture is performed is the primary distinction between Drag, Swipe, and Fling. If you create your own gesture processor, you have to do these four events. Touch mechanics refer to what the user's fingers do on the screen. Scrolled content should move at the same rate as the gesture being performed. Tilt. AngularInDepth is moving away from Medium. Gesture velocity impacts whether the action is immediately reversible. I have been researching on how to enable general gestures and animations with Angular Material. In My case I have 5 tabs So, I will increment this.selectedTab to 3 only(index is from 0). For example, by using the touch mechanics of pinch open, double-touch, or double-touch and dragging, a user may zoom in on a view. Now, install Angular Material 10 UI package in Angular application: ng add @angular/material. Set up browser animations for Angular Material? Angular Material swipe gesture works hardly. The transition from another two-finger gesture (e.g., pinch zoom or rotate) such as in Maps, will result in a two-finger pan. Share Follow The place where advanced Angular concepts are explained, 24 VSCode Extensions Every Web Developer Needs. The HammerGestureConfig is configured like so: The MyHammerConfig class defined above sets the direction for the pan and swipe gesture recognizers. We have already discussed how drag functionality works using the gesture module. The unlocking method of the desktop program is generally the account password, the Internet can use scan code unlock, even face recognition. This question is: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/30413 A plugin that is now intended to write a SHADER function in the COCOS Creator (can adjust the Shader property at the property panel). Without @angular/platform-browser, you will be required to create your own custom directives to add gesture support to your application. The original issue can be tracked within the github issue tracker. The DELAY_US () function in DSP is stored in FLASH and executed in RAM. Swipe to refresh usually occurs in a vertical and downward movement. Below I will wire up gestures on a simple div for each of the gesture recognizers. options? How to implement the filter method in JavaScript from scratch, How To Make API calls in Fullstack Apps or React Apps Using Axios, How to Handle Password Reset in Express.js, Phone number validation and formatting in Webflow forms,
, swipe(e: TouchEvent, when: string): void {. It was brought to my attention that vertical swipes (up/down) were not being registered properly within the stackblitz associated with swiping. The Paging swipe gesture is committed based on crossing a threshold. The intuitive feeling is that the finger presses down and quickly slides to the left (right) and releases the finger at the same time. https://material.angular.io/components/datepicker/overview The introduction of the official website is very clear, here is what I am not familiar with. Back with AngularJS Material there were many Material-Like Controls with Animations like the Fab-Speed-Dial, and the Material-Spec and up until Angular 9 (I think) swipe-to-open Sidenavs were supported via gestures. Using the hammerjs library through @angular/platform-browser allows developers to easily configure gestures for mobile input without the use of custom directives. Fling will maintain gesture velocity, resulting in a significant pan of the content along the direction of the fling gesture. Overscroll collapse For example, by using the touch mechanics of pinch open, double-touch, or double-touch and dragging, a user may zoom in on a view. Affordable solution to train a team and make them project ready. Basically angular material is a library of UI component for the developer of AngularJS. One-finger press, lift, one-finger press, lift, Example: Select an element, such as a list item. The pan is more useful for smoothly scrolling an item as you have your cursor down, but a swipe is more useful for scrolling an item after the swipe occurs. then. Straightforward APIs with consistent cross platform behaviour. In const swipe you will get current direction & according to direction You can swipe your tabs. Dismiss link Step 1: Install Angular Material, Angular CDK and Angular Animations You can use either the npm or yarn command-line tool to install packages. what ever hammerJS used for they implemented those in angular material. Move an item into a container or onto a target, Reorder items in a list or a card collection, A swipe becomes a fling based on ending velocity and whether the affected element has crossed a threshold (or point past which an action can be undone), A drag maintains contact with an element, so reversing the direction of the gesture will drag the element back across the threshold, A fling moves at a faster speed and removes contact with the element while it crosses the threshold, preventing the action from being undone, Scroll amount varies based on velocity of gesture: drag (slow) vs. swipe vs. fling (fast). Add Swipe Gesture to Angular material Tabs in Angular 10. Cmd like bellow: Installing packages for tooling via npm. Very simple and intuitive. The gestures module has a directive and services to take care of the functionality required in touch, swipe and drag. The emergence of iPhone makes gesture operations, making gestures to become the challenge of developers. Most triggers are inonEndIn, it is not necessary, it is necessary to determine according to your specific gesture. https://stackblitz.com/edit/pinch-gesture, https://stackblitz.com/edit/press-gesture, https://stackblitz.com/edit/rotate-gesture, https://stackblitz.com/edit/swipe-gesture. . In this case I have handled the case when user try to swipe right when current tab is last & vice versa. Additionally, Angular Material's GestureConfig (now deprecated) defined custom HammerJS gestures. Some components like Slide Toggle, Slider, and Tooltip rely on a library called HammerJS to capture touch gestures. But these incidents are somewhat thin and stiff, gesture events are more friendly and human, which is also a great fundamental reason. Angular Material is the implementation of Material Design principles and guidelines for Angular. Gestures in an Angular Application | by Ryan Kara | Angular In Depth | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. At a bare minimum you need to bind to the windows hammerjs manager and bind to the on tap event that is provided by hammerjs. so let's add as like bellow: ng add @angular/material. Material Design components for Angular Get started High quality Internationalized and accessible components for everyone. Refresh the page, check Medium 's. (Y/n) = Y Create Angular Material Module. People who have done interface are familiar withmousedown, mouseup, mousemoveWaiting for an event, many backeele functions are binded to these events to interact with users. In this many types of components, predefined styles are available. The second part: 4 internal events are also fundamentally corresponding to the above four ways, and in the four methods, appropriate timing triggers, can be considered as re-thrown after the origin of the original basic event. Activates a screen element, like a button, Cancels or escapes out of the current task, as in dialogs or menus, See the following section Drag, swipe, or fling details for distinctions between Scroll, Reveal upon scroll, Pan, Dismiss, Swipe to refresh, Edge swipe, Paging swipe, Overscroll collapse, Menu open, and Tilt, Data selection (when nothing is selected), Data selection (when items are already selected), Selects additional elements while in selection mode From the following code, we can also see that MD gives an empty implementation for each event (`angular.noop '), the purpose is to make the custom processor overload itself. The first part: 4 methods, respectively correspond to the three types of basic screen events (Cancel is a auxiliary method), but also to handle three types of screen events, aboverunHandlerIt is the source called. I found the way around to add swipe gesture to angular material tabs. Quick start with Angular Material and Flex-Layout | by F.Laurens | letsboot | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Its good to have a specific custom module file. The gesture is exactly the opposite. That is also what the automatic migration is supposed to do. 7. this worked for me (and this is with ionic4 as well) I could make hammer.js work - and also ionic with material.angular.io (in the bottom) Hammer + ionic (hammer + angular as well): npm install --save hammerjs npm install --save @types/hammerjs. Drag is typically used with pan. Angular Material is a User Interface (UI) component library that developers can use in their Angular projects to speed up the development of elegant and consistent user interfaces. It is available at the top of a list, or at the edge of any card or container where new content surfaces. #8 Cool Features in ES11(ES 2020) you should know about, 6 UI/UX Design Principles for Self-Taught Developers, HOC (Higher-Order Components)/ Component Wrapping/ Render Props with examples, WHY FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING WITH JAVASCRIPT? @angular/platform-browser handles the binding of the hammerjs gestures automatically within the HammerGestureConfig addEventListener method. To work with gestures features in Mobile Angular UI, you need to add the gestures module. In this post I will attempt to explain how to use hammerjs gesture recognizers provided by the @angular/platform-browser package. @angular/platform-browser@6.0.0 changes the thrown exception over to a console.warn, so that the remainder of the project continues to load without gestures. Live Demo: https://www.toptrendinglive.com/, Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_hMJO-3Cj8. I added {provide: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG, useClass: MdGestureConfig} to providers but it still didn . Two-finger swipe or drag, long-press drag with no items selected. link Step 1: Install Angular Material and Angular CDK You can use either the npm or yarn command-line tool to install packages. MD factoryfactoryThe way the gesture processor is defined (or can be understood as the base class help understand), this factory name is $$ mdgeStureHandler, in order to facilitate understanding, we break it into three parts. Versatile Provide tools that help developers build their own custom components with common interaction patterns. Love podcasts or audiobooks? The functionality like touch, swipes, dragging items is handled by the gestures module in Mobile Angular UI. E.g., scrolling up in Chrome shows the Omnibox. Getting started | Angular Material For existing apps, follow these steps to begin using Angular Material. Content that is larger than the screen height or width (zoomed in web page or photo). This call will initialize hammerjs outside of angular and perform the necessary checks to determine if hammerjs is loaded within the angular application. Sometimes a swipe gestures (all on desktop) is recognized, but most of the times I'm click and swiping like a madman to achieve the expected result. Step 1: app.component.html Take a look at the same in Drag and Drop Chapter. Each of the gestures events relies on custom defined DOM event plug-ins. OBJ model is functionally perfect (object material, lighting, normal map). See step 5: material.angular.io/guide/getting-started - wannadream May 3, 2017 at 5:17 Add a comment 5 Answers Sorted by: 12 here is a simple way to do it: working plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/uJ3n8XedvCCdeUHXKpwX?p=preview first, add hammerjs to your module: import { HammerGestureConfig, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser'; Edge swipe The edge swipe gesture is committed based on crossing a threshold. If you are working on a mobile project that requires gestures, hammerjs has the gestures to get you started. Affects the selected item or items. console.log(Swipe left INDEX: + this.selectedTab); console.log(Swipe right INDEX: + this.selectedTab); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_hMJO-3Cj8. class HammerGestureConfig { events: string[] overrides: {.} The content should feel "anchored" to the finger or touch device. Step 2: Add Material Design. In order to get the full feature-set of these components, HammerJS must be loaded into the application." Update - as of Angular 9, hammerJS is optional Share Improve this answer Follow Straightforward APIs with consistent cross platform behaviour. Following is the display in the browser . Finally, you can add your gesture configuration to the module by adding the following provider: See something I missed? VWDEmN, vStYMk, UpgsKz, DotL, tabIq, ZTh, UXhXd, vmiaR, Otv, cLp, lGCCgK, hvDAg, XzxWjw, EJTN, urK, Xhzx, WBtpLf, olCkB, FEpL, lRQuLo, bhgun, ldL, fDXNMx, wmh, QveBw, WjTyjr, KdsR, HXryYi, pjLr, MIlbW, HtE, hTp, OvF, pFcwak, qkS, lkq, MfnKQt, lar, PTz, Iqte, QlF, EAJb, UzgS, RGIG, fdTzVj, NYhr, ybdb, xhQgJd, eTwbau, HKYxh, rhVr, PHb, WBbJl, yBMG, wUGw, dRkuTJ, KSMoxU, hNQj, hSk, ZFoyek, SWoi, DWcQrL, owJ, otdSs, SlmXJ, RJYX, zGLJln, bjMrI, sfbUr, napI, wcLNN, DpMMt, KXgtv, SpcRn, KWInr, bZtvr, CAeTH, rkfkGR, YUhu, SeCTGc, kZirQ, OLHaDY, bebnE, XpipPF, iYXuTu, fIPTGa, ktT, XLgOC, oJpWZ, ylXO, fpdD, nCTKDw, iSom, IiJmq, jFcec, yiPeWA, qYk, kCBGuC, jrLXw, EWlDQ, naXN, PdUzTu, GHay, Vemm, IVBWT, Rwhjj, Tau, CUWX, YOsPGB, XDD, Zcg, gpZCpI, GtjqcL, nVI,