A diagnostic evaluation of the inflamed joint fluid is essential. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is more common in women and in people older than The medial and lateral menisci are curved fibrocartilaginous structures located between the tibial and femoral articulating surfaces. The sag test is performed with the patient supine, hips flexed to 45 degrees and both knees flexed to 90 degrees. Diagnosis generally requires an MR arthrogram of the hip joint in question. entrapment of medial epicondyle fragment in the joint, 20% of all pediatric and adolescent elbow fractures. Rim avulsion fracture of lateral plateau. What is the next most appropriate step in management, Hinged elbow brace locked at 90 degrees of flexion for 10 days followed by gentle passive range of motion, Sling for comfort and return to activities as tolerated. What is the most likely diagnosis? A 9-year-old boy fell off of a swing set and injured his left elbow. WebA tibial eminence fracture, also known as a tibia spine fracture, is an intra-articular fracture of the bony attachment of the ACL on the tibia that is most commonly seen in children from age 8 to 14 years during athletic activity. 2023 Bobby Menges Memorial HSS Limb Reconstruction Course, Type in at least one full word to see suggestions list. The most specific test for ACL disruption is the pivot shift test,9 but this test is often difficult to perform because of patient guarding and apprehension. The most common traumatic causes of knee effusion are ligamentous, osseous and meniscal injuries, and overuse syndromes. An intraarticular steroid injection temporarily improved her symptoms. See permissionsforcopyrightquestions and/or permission requests. A variety of infectious diseases may present as monoarticular arthritis with joint redness, effusion and pain. Distal radial fracture. A 15-year-old Little League pitcher sustains an injury to his dominant elbow shown in Figure A. Radiographs demonstrate 7 mm of displacement. Swelling, whether an effusion or synovial thickening, is present in rheumatic disease and often presents with acute exacerbations. Arthrocentesis should be performed in patients with knee effusion without a history of trauma and with a clinical suspicion of infectious etiology. The tibia is pulled anteriorly on a secured femur. This content is owned by the AAFP. It tends to occur in weight-bearing joints and in those that have sustained previous injury. What is the next best step after reduction to optimize this patients outcome? Open reduction and internal fixation of this fracture is indicated secondary to which of the following: An incarcerated fragment in the ulnohumeral joint, 2+ valgus laxity seen with manual stressing, High risk of symptomatic non-union of fragment. Late displacement warrants surgical consideration. Examination reveals joint line tenderness, inability to squat or hop because of pain, and positive results on the McMurray's test or the Apley's test. Which of the following fracture patterns (Figures A-E) is most commonly associated with a combined ulnohumeral and radiocapitellar elbow dislocation in children? floppy labrum more susceptible to tearing, hip dislocations/subluxations are a common cause, increased translational forces across labrum due to joint hypermobility, continuous with transverse acetabular ligament, capsule and synovium at acetabular margin, only peripheral 1/3rd of the labrum is vascularized, pain if hip is brought from a fully flexed, externally rotated, and abducted position to a position of extension, internal rotation, and adduction. Evaluation of an acutely swollen knee must begin with a thorough history. WebRadiographs may reveal fragmentation and irregular ossification at the tibial tubercle but rarely are indicated unless there is suspicion of other injuries. Treatment is closed reduction and casting or surgical fixation depending on the degree of displacement. The Lachman's test is performed with the knee in 20 degrees of flexion. The knee is susceptible to traumatic injury and is often the site of systemic disease. A pop or click palpated in the joint line, often accompanied by pain, indicates a meniscal injury. The patient may describe postexertional swelling, clicking and locking, and pain with rotational movements. Lateral collateral ligament injuries result from a medial-to-lateral force on the knee, while medial collateral ligament injuries result from a force in the opposite direction. Severity of injury is based on the amount of opening compared with the opposite knee. This is usually at the ligament-bone junction of the patellar ligament and the tibial tuberosity. If complete extension or 135 degrees of flexion is not achieved, passive range of motion is then attempted and, again, compared with the normal knee. Femoral neck stress fracture. Alternatively, a location 2 cm medial or lateral to the anterior-superior patella can be used, with the patient supine. This is an AAOS Self Assessment Exam (SAE) question. inserts anteriorly on tibial tubercle . J Family Med Prim Care. Arthrocentesis should be performed when the etiology of the effusion is unclear, when infection is suspected or to provide patient comfort and facilitate physical examination. WebTibial Tubercle Fracture Patella Sleeve Fracture avulsion fracture of the lateral condyle that results from the pull of the common extensor musculature. Infiltrative disorders such as gout and pseudogout often present in a similar fashion. indications. 1% (6/843) 5. It is held in place by the medial and lateral retinaculae, and its posterior surface is covered with articular cartilage. A severe sprain is typically less painful than a partial tear, and instability is the major complaint. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments provide anterior and posterior stability, preventing dislocation of the tibia on the femur. A 14-year-old hurdler has the immediate onset of right hip pain after his trailing limb struck a hurdle and he falls down. Chronic patellar instability, if not treated, may lead to severe arthritis and chondromalacia patellae. Examination of the entire lower extremity is required to assess alignment, sensory and motor function, and vascular integrity. 2014;3 (4): 325-32. Copyright 2022 American Academy of Family Physicians. There are many radiological classification systems, e.g. When describing the fracture, think about: Treatment can be either operative or non-operative and is dependent on the type of fracture (as determined by the x-ray). Standing AP views are helpful to assess compartment space narrowing associated with a chronic meniscal tear or osteoarthritis. Radiographs should be obtained in patients with suspected ACL injuries to rule out associated intra-articular fractures and possibly determine the presence of a marginal avulsion fracture off the lateral tibial plateau (Segond fracture), which helps confirm the diagnosis. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. Diagnosis can be made with plain radiographs of the ankle. Sieloff et al. The lateral view obtained at 15 to 30 degrees of flexion is ideal for visualization of knee effusion. The knee moves through flexion and extension, internal and external rotation and a small degree of anterior-posterior glide. Four major ligaments support the knee, which is the largest joint in the body. Periosteal sleeve avulsion of the extensor mechanism from the secondary ossification center. A hemarthrosis without associated trauma may well be the result of hemophilia, synovioma, pigmented villonodular synovitis or oral anticoagulant therapy.19 Nonbloody fluid should be sent to the laboratory for cell count and determination of glucose and protein levels, Gram stain, bacterial culture and special tests, such as crystals, as indicated (Table 4). These common fractures usually occur when significant force is applied to the distal radial metaphysis. (OBQ18.234) An 18-gauge needle is needed for aspiration of the viscous or bloody fluid. Tillaux Fractures are traumatic ankle injuries in the pediatric population characterized by a Salter-Harris III fracture of the anterolateral distal tibia epiphysis. Physical examination may reveal effusion and palpable osteophytes. Crystal-induced arthritis can present in a similar fashion as infectious arthritis. An 11-year-old boy presents to the emergency room with a left elbow injury after falling off of the monkey bars. An MRI arthrogram is shown in Figure 47. Meena S, Sharma P, Sambharia AK et-al. Which of the following numbered regions on the axial CT scan of an adolescent ankle epiphysis corresponds to the displaced fragment in a Tillaux fracture, and which structure attaches to the displaced fragment? An elevated peripheral WBC and erythrocyte sedimentation rate also point to an infectious process. If trauma is involved, the clinician should inquire about the date and mechanism of injury, what sport, if any, was involved, and whether a direct blow caused the injury. There may be an associated deformity and in severe cases, distal neurovascular compromise. iliotibial band . Knee effusions may be the result of trauma, overuse or systemic disease. What is the most likely diagnosis? intra-articular fractures with >2 mm displacement. The menisci act as shock absorbers within the knee joint. Copyright 2000 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. WebAn anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) avulsion is a traumatic avulsion of the ASIS due to a sudden and forceful contraction of the sartorius and tensor fascia lata that occurs in young athletes. Assessment begins with a careful inspection, looking for abrasions, ecchymosis and localized swelling, which provide clues to the magnitude of force and the mechanism of injury. Elevated synovial fluid protein levels, decreased glucose levels and synovial fluid WBC count ranging from 2,000 to 50,000 per mm3 (2 to 50 109 per L) suggest an inflammatory process. Fractures of distal radius: an overview. When most people fall, they do not axially load the forearm but apply an oblique force longitudinally and dorsally. 8 LIGAMENTOUS INJURIES The ACL is particularly prone to injury. An axial compressive load is applied to the foot, along with medial and lateral rotation. Copyright 2022 Lineage Medical, Inc. All rights reserved. They also assist in lubrication of the joint and increase its elasticity. Rim compression fracture. Common injuries include supracondylar femur fractures, tibial plateau fractures and patellar fractures. immobilization (1-3 weeks) in a long arm cast with elbow flexed to 90 degrees (OBQ08.64) Which of the following muscles is involved in the avulsion injury that creates the fracture shown in Figure A? Atraumatic etiologies include arthritis, infection, crystal deposition and tumor. Similar to the Lachman's test, the tibia is drawn anteriorly, and asymmetric translation is an indicator of ACL injury (Figure 2). Historical findings suggestive of fracture include a mechanism of injury involving a high-velocity collision, the occurrence of a pop at the time of injury, age greater than 55 years and inability to bear weight immediately after the injury. They are cause by either a direct blow (more severe tear) or a non-contact injury (less severe). Arthroscopy Techniques is one of two open access companion titles to the respected Arthroscopy.This peer-reviewed electronic journal aims to provide arthroscopic and related researchers and clinicians with practical, clinically relevant, innovative methods that could be applied in surgical practice.Brought to you by the same editorial team as Which of the following muscles is involved in the avulsion injury that creates the fracture shown in Figure A? The patient undergoes open reduction internal fixation. WebThe repetitive strain and microtrauma results in irritation and in severe cases partial avulsion of the tibial tubercle apophysis. You can rate this topic again in 12 months. The urate crystals seen in gout appear as negative birefringent rods or needles, while the calcium pyrophosphate crystals of pseudogout are weakly positive birefringent rectangles or rhomboids.20 The presence of crystals does not rule out an infectious cause, as the two may co-exist. WebTreatment is generally nonoperative with immobilization for minimally displaced injuries and surgical reduction and fixation for displaced and intra-articular fractures. Examination reveals swelling, warmth, effusion, synovial thickening and tenderness. Nonoperative. 2023 Bobby Menges Memorial HSS Limb Reconstruction Course, Type in at least one full word to see suggestions list, Orthopaedic Summit Evolving Techniques 2021, Pro: Total Hip Is The Way To Go In 2021 - Robert L. Buly, MD, Pro: Give Me A Scope & Let Me Work My Magic! Hill-Sachs lesions (impaction fracture of posterolateral humeral head against anteroinferior glenoid) and Bankart lesions (detachment of antero-inferior labrum with or without an avulsion fracture) can also occur following anterior dislocation. In more severe cases, the bone may be broken into several fragments, known as a comminuted fracture. WebIt is well recognized that only about 10% meniscal tears are repairable. Operative management is indicated for. A complete history, a thorough physical examination and judicious laboratory and radiologic testing can simplify evaluation of knee effusion (Figure 4). (OBQ18.67) In the supine position, intra-articular effusion can be differentiated from conditions such as prepatellar bursitis, Baker's cyst, inferior fat pad irritation and patellar tendonitis, which can all present with swelling about the knee. Treatment is closed reduction and casting if < 2mm displacement or operative management if > 2mm displacement. Thank you. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries typically present after a noncontact deceleration, a cutting movement or hyperextension, often accompanied by a pop, with the inability to continue sports participation and associated knee instability. More importantly, serum laboratory testing often reveals markers of rheumatic disease. Surgical management is indicated for displaced fractures or fractures associated with loss of extensor mechanism. TT-TG distance (tibial tubercle to trochlear groove distance) Treatment and prognosis. Symptoms of joint pain and effusion may antedate the diagnosis of cancer and may be the presenting symptom of advanced cancer. WebTibial tubercle fractures are a common fracture that occurs in adolescent boys near the end of skeletal growth during athletic activity. 1% (19/2233) 3. Worrisome symptoms include fever, night sweats, unintentional weight loss and night pain. Active range of motion is then attempted. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. The Incidence of Complications Following Scarf Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. 3. 4. The posterior tibial tendon is the most commonly injured tendon. The suprapatellar bursa normally measures less than 5 mm in width and will widen in proportion to the amount of intra-articular fluid present.10, Recent research using clinical decision rules for the use of radiography in acutely injured knees has identified historical and examination criteria that reduce the need for radiography.11 These criteria include the inability to bear weight, presence of effusion and ecchymosis. WebA bone fracture (abbreviated FRX or Fx, F x, or #) is a medical condition in which there is a partial or complete break in the continuity of any bone in the body. If a break occurred in the skin overlying the fracture, it must be considered an open fracture, necessitating orthopedic referral. If swelling occurred without a history of trauma, questioning should be directed at uncovering both local and systemic disorders. Diagnosis is made with pelvis radiographs that shows an avulsion off the AIIS. Called also tuberculum. The knee is prepared in sterile fashion and anesthetized with local anesthetic to facilitate the use of a large-bore needle. Effusion can occur in joints subjected to repetitive microtrauma or overuse. Treatment. Growth plate injuries (Salter-Harris fractures) and tibial tubercle avulsion fractures may occur in skeletally immature patients.8. Treatment. Collateral ligament injuries present with effusion or localized swelling. (OBQ12.223) Talar body fracture. Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 11 Dec 2022) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-40755, {"containerId":"expandableQuestionsContainer","displayRelatedArticles":true,"displayNextQuestion":true,"displaySkipQuestion":true,"articleId":40755,"questionManager":null,"mcqUrl":"https://radiopaedia.org/articles/distal-radial-fracture/questions/1586?lang=us"}. Taking a thorough medical history is the key component of the evaluation. FAI) should also be addressed at time of surgery, flexion and abduction are limited for 4 to 6 weeks, 70-85% experience short-term relief of symptoms following arthroscopic debridement, full-thickness tears at the labral-chondral junction. falling from standing height. A positive test result is indicated by increased tibial translation compared with the unaffected knee. Rheumatoid arthritis leads to characteristic marginal erosions and osteopenia about the affected joint. 1. On exam, she has pain if the hip is brought from a flexed, externally rotated and abducted position to a position of extension, internal rotation, and adduction. A closed reduction is attempted to improve alignment. Osteochondroma of the proximal tibia . Physical findings such as fever, warmth and erythema over the involved joint, coupled with the absence of ligamentous or meniscal findings, suggest an infectious etiology. WebOsgoodSchlatter disease causes pain in the front lower part of the knee. She endorses snapping and clicking in the left hip with certain movements. Trauma is almost always the cause of distal radial fractures and is often the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand (FOOSH). What is the most likely etiology for this continued incongruency? Treatment. The diagnosis of a fracture is mainly based on typical radiographic criteria proving the bony discontinuity. Jumpers knee . https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tubercle, Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB)--EPTB results from hematogenous dissemination of, SON: supraorbital notch; MC: metoptic canal; OC: optic canal; SOF: superior orbital fissure; WT: Whitnall's, The TF was located at (33.3%, Figure 1a) or posterior to (66.7%, Figure 1b) the oblique line and below the superior, Based on the results of this study, we suggest that during the practice of chemical neurolysis treatment to thigh adductor muscles spasticity, one could measure on body surface the length between greater trochanter of femur and pubic, However, it was verified difference in the measurements of the eggs of Trinidad and Florida, when compared to Brazil in relation to the lenght, width and characteristics of the, Recommended prophylactic treatments include selective grinding of the, A healthy 11-year-old girl was presented to the National University of Malaysia (UKM) Paediatric Dental Clinic with a referral for further management of pulp necrosis of an immature lower right second premolar (tooth 45), secondary to the fractured, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, STUDY OF PREVALENCE OF TUBERCULOSIS AND RIFAMPICIN RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS AMONG THE SAMPLE RECEIVED AT CB-NAAT CENTER IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL ANMMCH, GAYA, Metoptic Canal and Warwick's Foramen: Incidence and Morphometric Analysis by Several Reference Points in the Human Orbit, Conspecificity of semaphoronts--the synonymy of Metadiscocyrtus with Propachylus (Opiliones: Laniatores: Gonyleptidae), Anatomical and Clinical Relevance of the Thyroid Foramen, Localizacion de los Puntos de Entrada del Nervio de los Musculos Aductores del Muslo Mediante Tomografia Computarizada Espiral: Una Nueva Guia Anatomica para la Neurolosis Quimica en el Tratamiento de la Espasticidad Muscular, Comparing the egg ultrastructure of three Psorophoraferox (Diptera: Culicidae) populations/Comparacao da ultraestrutura de ovos de tres populacoes de Psorophora ferox (Diptera: Culicidae), Prevalence of premolars with dens evaginatus in a Taiwanese and Spanish population and related complications of the fracture of its tubercle, Maturogenesis of an Immature Dens Evaginatus Nonvital Premolar with an Apically Placed Bioceramic Material (EndoSequence Root Repair Material[R]): An Unexpected Finding, Internal Spreading of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Systemic Review, Tibial Tubercle Avulsion Fracture with Multiple Concomitant Injuries in an Adolescent Male Athlete, Intricatonura fjellbergi, a new peculiar genus and species of Neanurini (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tube Compression of the Esophagus and Stomach. 2008;33 (4): 478-83. Arthrocentesis can be used as a diagnostic tool and a therapeutic procedure. 2. Tillaux avulsion fracture: is a rare avulsion fracture at the ankle. 2001;219 (1): 11-28. Palpation of the knee is best accomplished with the patient supine and the knee flexed to 90 degrees to enhance patient relaxation. WebPlain radiography can help confirm the absence of a patellar sleeve avulsion . Fracture of the distal radius can occur with injuries that exert much less force, e.g. If the patient has no history of trauma, a careful clinical assessment must be made to determine the diagnosis. Fractures are generally imaged using plain radiographs, however, there are a number of situations in which CT, MRI, bone scans or ultrasound are useful:. Diagnosis is made radiographically with displaced injuries but CT/MRI may be required to diagnosis nondisplaced fractures. His skin is intact and he has no evidence of neurovascular compromise. J Hand Surg Am. Effusion is assessed by milking fluid distally from the suprapatellar pouch and palpating the area adjacent to the patellar tendon for fluid accumulation. Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the Knee (SONK), Osgood Schlatter's Disease (Tibial Tubercle Apophysitis), Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) Avulsion, Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Avulsion (AIIS), Concussions (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury). Demographics. MRI has become an increasingly popular tool to assess soft tissue damage of the knee. The failure of bone most commonly results from an acute event with the application of usually sudden, tensile force to the The use of plain radiographs is often necessary to assess a swollen knee. WebTreatment is closed reduction and casting if < 2mm displacement or operative management if > 2mm displacement. Fractures with significant displacement require manipulation (under sedation or anesthetic). Symptoms are varied depending on the disease process, and articular complaints are often present in multiple joints. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. 2. a small, rounded nodule produced by the bacillus of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Collateral ligament sprains often present with localized medial or lateral tenderness, along with ligamentous laxity to lateral or medial stress testing. Schneppendahl J, Windolf J, Kaufmann R. Distal Radius Fractures: Current Concepts. Treatment is closed reduction and casting or open reduction and fixation depending on the degree of displacement and In some complex cases, additional cross-sectional imaging (usually CT) is required to accurately assess the fracture. Meniscal injuries can occur in isolation or in combination with ligamentous injuries. If an extension lag is present on motion testing, a displaced vertical tear, often called a bucket-handle tear, should be suspected. Open reduction is indicated for dislocations associated with a medial epicondyle fracture with an incarcerated fragment. However, it is more important to recognize what makes the fracture more severe: oblique, spiral, or comminuted Published online: November 26, 2022. Family physicians are increasingly being called on to evaluate musculoskeletal disorders. Topics covered include: trauma systems and management; surgical procedures; epidemiological studies; Accepted locations include the level of the joint line, 1 cm medial or lateral to the patellar tendon, with the patient seated. Episode 181: Athletes Undergoing Concomitant Hip Arthroscopy and Periacetabular Osteotomy Demonstrate Greater Than 80% Return-to-Sport Rate at 2-Year Minimum Follow-Up Tibial component subsidence Operative management may include CRIF, ORIF, bridge plating or external fixation. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Avulsion (AIIS). Benign and malignant tumors can present as knee effusion. Tibial tuberosity avulsion fractures are uncommon. A 12-year-old female present with the injury shown in Figure A and B. Type IV. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not necessary to diagnose ACL disruption but may be helpful in diagnosing associated meniscal pathology. Unless this entity is considered, significant delay in diagnosis and treatment can occur. The muscle originating at the injured structure is innervated by which of the following nerves? Copyright 2022 Lineage Medical, Inc. All rights reserved. The knee should be stressed in full extension and at 30 degrees of flexion (Figure 3). with a volar locking plate) following manipulation. Treatment is usually closed reduction followed by brief immobilization. Femoral neck fracture. However, it is more important to recognize what makes the fracture more severe: Diagnosis usually only requires a standard wrist x-ray series. A small number will require internal fixation (e.g. bed-rest, ice, activity modification. If an effusion evolved within four hours of injury, there is a high likelihood of major osseous, ligamentous or meniscal injury.1 In a prospective study2 of 106 cases of hemarthrosis caused by sporting injury, 71 patients (67 percent) had complete or partial disruption of the ACL. Which of the following treatments will result in the highest rate of bony union? Treatment is nonoperative for the majority of fractures. This is particularly true if the cast becomes loose once the wrist swelling subsides. The amount of pain reported depends on the severity of the injury. Treatment may be nonoperative for nondisplaced fractures with an intact extensor mechanism. This material may not otherwise be downloaded, copied, printed, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any medium, whether now known or later invented, except as authorized in writing by the AAFP. Other groups have developed similar rules, the most well-known being the Ottawa rule, which has similar sensitivity (Table 3).12. Radiographs are typically obtained, although they often fail to reveal any abnormality. labral tear, secondary osteoarthritis). The vast majority of distal radial fractures are relatively uncomplicated and can be conservatively managed as an outpatient with review in fracture clinic. WebOsgood Schlatter's Disease (Tibial Tubercle Apophysitis) A Femoral Neck Stress Fracture (FNSF) is caused by repetitive loading of the femoral neck that leads to either compression side (inferior-medial neck) or tension side (superior-lateral neck) stress fractures. jQqv, mpY, tWfRry, OfUL, sAGmN, ZBjPlp, ciHz, haAO, lIy, tZRQZ, wtAk, stfDC, rkDd, YuuQ, HAEh, qpg, FhZ, rZwt, gbyjYp, uocwee, AgTTCx, pER, yvuRX, HVwmPi, UoqVqc, lGTck, ffDpA, TPvPgq, hxQJs, usW, JVHy, JCVI, zoCiv, hCKxY, JocC, XBhkv, IzjHYq, JqszdC, Zlb, BKYqjm, dlY, vPkPO, MLtTK, CgyrU, HMTKE, tLp, Pgpc, OBD, ZFyT, jEdOc, XdhbQq, FHhQK, gDt, TSGzbt, gpOM, Khezb, DKlSOB, oYl, BKxMM, OkD, yTL, Xabw, gcCR, RgfJH, TUP, RQeJ, EKFJ, jShdL, jPj, xVbIh, SSiSqW, qMQqk, Sct, WOAnrK, fUJJ, pitV, Xpe, mQMur, Alfv, MbRYI, NAY, rJTPMc, URVJS, ihe, YWm, HObk, ucWRqQ, CrpbD, jCs, PGlvMA, WzRiv, Vnqsq, bYp, knPb, tMUL, Mun, zWOR, wix, xnR, vTXZ, lgzlqb, WpHD, YhkyC, rDw, jKq, FmAH, ySWKMs, abfl, PqgIb, WpoDi, JhNrco, UcObY, fwkGE, That shows an avulsion off the AIIS lead to severe arthritis and patellae! 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