I'll be breaking down all the things you need to know when texting girls plus, the all-too-common texting behavior you need to stop immediately. Its her time to let loose and enjoy time with her friends. If you lack in chemistry, there are ways to build it up. Even with that, most guys suck at texting girls and mess things up. Don't let a guy get between you and your friend. You should figure out how you feel about her too. This is why you need to think about the dos and don'ts when texting a girl. For example, if you send her thirteen texts in a day and she sends you two, she tries to scale back until you match the amount she texts you a little more. 0 Comments. Any man with a phone can probably understand how nerve-racking it is to come up with a perfectly good text to send out to the girl he likes. You can start off your texts very casual, talking about last night or movies, etc. Rather than timing the spaces between your responses to the millisecond, you should focus on being as natural as possible. For men in the instant messaging era Texting can also be considered the primary method of starting a conversation with a woman. November 2, 2021 It really depends on what phase of knowing the girl you are currently in. Always check in with your friends when they are on a date with a new guy. The most criminal mistakes are definitely texting girls when drunk, guilt tripping her and forcing a date. You have struck up conversations, and you think she may like you. Send the same amount of messages with that you received from her [Read:How often should you text a girl? T.D. Trust me. [Read: How to text a girl for the first time], #2 Keep it short, simple, and straightforward for the first few messages.Just like youre not friendly and familiar with the person you just met. Test the waters by sending your girl a quick, playful flirtation message to get her interested and hooked on texting you. The best thing to do for a girl who feels angry or upset is to NOT put yourself in the middle of it. [Read: How to tell a girl you miss her 15 texts that arent needy at all]. Keep it clean, if she gets a little flirty or dirty, then feel free to tests the waters. Sloppiness is not only a turn-off but also a potential deal breaker. Be sure to avoid these at all costs! By doing this, she might get the hint that you are seeing her as something more than just a friend. Getting angry at her for not responding, especially if youre not in a relationship, is really offensive. Imagine this- you had a perfect first date, you're happy, you guys are texting more than ever- maybe even flirting a little, and you seem to be using more emojis in your texts than usual. So here are some guidelines for how often you should text a girl. There can be a lot of reasons why she didn't text back. So, now that you know what the rules are, its time you followed them. Now let's talk about how to text a girl you like - and actually set up a date! What are some texting tips that have worked for you? Texting Rule #3: The 15 Minute Rule In general you always want to take 15 minutes or so longer to text a girl back, then she took to text you. The reason is that as you continue dating, the relationship starts to take shape and starts feeling more serious. Texting helps when it comes to getting to know someone, but there are so many rules attached to it! Gentlemen, when wooing a woman over text, don't get discouraged with a few quibbles. 2022 eCommerce Tips Entrepreneurs eCommerce Tips Entrepreneurs When you see a text, reply to it. Wouldnt it be much easier if you could just text a girl all you want without having to worry about some set of rules? Everyone has stared at his phone wondering what he should type to get a conversation going with her. You don't want her thinking that you're ignoring her for nothing. Schedule your free strategy session here. Most girls prefer it more than calling. One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldnt do. Texting is a low-pressure way to setup a date. #14 Dominate her in text conversations.. This means you need to know how to text. Singles are 10 texting etiquette: numbers can be tricky, so much the rules - online dating. Heres your texting guide to help save you from messing everything up with a girl you like. When a car salesman is trying to convince you to buy a car, he won't come right out and say, "Hey, do you want to buy this car?" Don't pretend your iphone is newer than it is. [Read: 25 fun and cute ways to say hi in a text message casually]. You need to know why youre texting her. So, always keep that in mind. If your conversation started off great, and you dived into really good topics and she seems to be in a talkative mood, keep texting her. Go get her. [Read: Am I texting too much? You dont really need to worry too much about how often to text a girl now. Choose Your Words Carefully. Dont feed her with this long, sappy text about how she made you feel. Sending too many messages makes you look (1) lost interest (2) you try too hard and (3) as creeping because when receiving too many messages Replying to many messages can feel annoying and overwhelming. So, have fun texting her, enjoy the conversation but keep these rules in mind. Take your digital flirting skills up a notch with these rules for texting girls I've put together just for you. You probably shoot the shit and ask the occasional question. [Read: 15 ways to effortlessly have game with the ladies]. Its much easier. But with more powerful phones these days. Weve all heard the term trophy wife. So, if you text her, wait until she replies. Start with easy to understand and answerable topics. The thing about rules for texting is that they vary widely. Get a FREE quote! And if you tend to reply too late It seems that you are not interested in her. Continued texting can lead to phone calls, then dates, and even possibly a relationship. To keep things going, its important to understand the rules for texting women. [Read: Being left on read The different explanations when someone does this]. No matter what the . Some shortcuts like "np at all" are okay but "kk can't wait 2 c u 2nite" is excessive. Dont go texting girls you dont even likeunless youre just friends. Dont cut the conversation off if you can help it. Hopefully, by now you have gotten a good feel for her level of interest. In fact, anyone who has a mobile phone prefer texting more than calling. Nobody should text people 24/7 (that's common courtesy) but if you wait over a day to get back to someone when you very clearly have nothing that time-consuming going on in your life, then you're playing games and being rude for no reason. Don't try to achieve everything all at once by asking her out in one text. Disclaimer alert, we know that sex is good- it feels good, and it's actually healthy for you- it's a fact of life. But it also reduces the chances of continuous communication. Ask her first if she is fine. You cannot flood her with texts. Knowing something made you think of her would make her so happy. Like it or not, texting is here to stay. 15% of teens send more that 200 texts a day - one text every few minutes throughout their waking hours. Use your first few texts to spark her curiosity and excitement about meeting up with you. Does she respond right away? If shes fun to talk to, great! Your email address will not be published. But there is one important thing to remember girls are testy. She might be going through something. All she needs is a little encouragement and a dash of reassurance to overcome her cold feet. Here are some simple points to remember when texting a girl youre interested in. Mirror the format of her messages if youre unsure of what to do. In order to play the dating game, you have to know the rules. Heres another guideline for how often you should text a girl. I googled 'how to get girls to text you' and stumbled upon this article with . Make fun of her for watching Dancing With the Stars or even playfully accuse her of seducing you. If you've followed the 6-Step Texting Blueprint, your next text is a Standard Scheduler Text. How to Date Casually Without Getting Attached: 25 Hurt-Free Rules. Remember, you're texting her now so you can ultimately ask her out. So, be mindful of your inbox. These. Sam is dating coach, life coach, and style expert. If you send the default message too strong She might feel strange. TEXTING A WOMAN 15 Updated Rules To Follow 15 - STOP BEING NEEDY Honestly, this could be a lot higher on the countdown, but in fact, all of these are so important - stop being needy. All that waiting time will surely leave her wanting more of you. You make your move, you two speak and exchange numbers. Its easy, if you want her to respect you and see you as a man, you need to show respect. So keep your eyes on the prize, and get yourself a date! I mean, come on, man, you're a busy guy. Mobile dating text while text messages are invited to mind these tips can get more and approach. And at the very least, don't text him until he responds. If you just text her to keep your options open just stop. Like anything in life there are rules! [Read: The texting and follow-up guide after a great first date]. Let's start right away with what you should NOT do when texting a woman: 1. He lives with his Australian Shepard, Max, in beautiful Los Angeles, and on weekends, loves playing beach volleyball. Hi, I have a 12 year old son that goes to a small private school. Can you blame her? As part of the dating process, youre responsible for keeping in touch with her and making things interesting. on Unless shes working the graveyard shift, texting her randomly at four in the morning wont look good. Disrespect not only leads to awkward encounters. wait for her to text you or at least wait a few days to text keep things short schedule the next meet up don't text more than once per day (and you it's fine to go days without texting) she should initiate contact at least 50% no long conversations over text, do that over phone or better yet in person use texting to meet up Less is more Leave her with a smile. But if she NEVER replies to you, it's possible she has a boyfriend or is talking to another man. Start working on building those easy yesses. [Read: How to subtly tease a girl over text and get her to flirt back with you]. I have a free guide to confidently meet women anywhere. How To Text A Girl For The First Time: 5 Powerful Tips, Make Her Say Yes, 20 Wonderful Christmas Family Games To Enjoy This Holiday Season, 24 Exciting Cool Date Ideas: Perfect To Strengthen Love and Have Fun, 18 Simple & Fun Riddles To Tell - Easily Make People Laugh, 16 Poems To Make Her Feel Special: Classy Poems From Best Poets. The less you know someone, the more caution you should use. But if you want to take it to the next level and try to express your romantic interest in her *and gauge how she is feeling*, then you might want to start to text her more often. Texting rules in the early stages of dating 1. 12 Texting Rules Every Guy Should Know 2,982,381 views May 22, 2018 GET 25% OFF my favorite RG&B products // TMF exclu .more .more 86K Dislike Teachingmensfashion 5.83M subscribers Comments. You see, there are rules to the texting . If you just met her *like on a dating app* and had no previous established relationship, then you really need to look out for signs, so you can get an idea of how she feels about you. Do you know the difference between a wish and a goal? If you know her really well, then you can be a little more relaxed with how often you text the girl. That's worse than getting friend-zoned. The complete guide, Texting etiquette 20 unwritten rules of savvy flirting, Are you texting too much? Great, youve passed the initial stage. [Read: The first text to a girl 19 examples to leave her smiling and wanting more]. Even though it's on your mind and probably on her mind, too, sexting too early on in a budding relationship is the fastest way to punch a one-way ticket to reject-town. If you've ever had a crush on someone, then you probably understand the feeling of first-time jitters and the struggle of not knowing how to text a girl you like. They want you to have your life together, and they don't want to have to come in and fix it. One way to get her attention is to send her a cool pick-up line or a funny meme. If not, then you dont have to. Dont suggest new topics while she answers. A smile or wink is great for adding emphasis or being flirtatious. Even if its not a booty call, dont send her a text late at night. We think that when a man texts a woman He wants her to text back. Even if it is a text But its still a conversation. Learn how to overcome anxiety, know what to say, & make attractive first impressions. Or perhaps she's just not into you. Liked what you just read? Don't text her about boring stuff. Tweens should understand that texting shouldn't take the place of all one-on-one interactions with their friends. Singorama Reviews Does Singorama Really Make You Sing Better? Women respond to men who can make them laugh and are engaging, so keep the topic interesting. Or you look like you failed your English at a high school. It also gives you the opportunity to come up with creative ways to make her remember and keep messaging you. It makes you look smart and conveys your thoughts clearly. Unfortunately, this only works if you have a girl to text. Maybe you just met in class, at the gym, or at work. On the one hand, she could be interested but has a lot on her plate and is putting her priorities first, or maybe she's just really shy. Don't pretend your life is better than it is. Don't Text Too Much If you are texting the girl you are interested in all day throughout the day, you are really increasing the chances of her starting to take you for granted and falling into a friends zone or simply feeling burdened and annoyed by your excessive messaging. Saying something like "Hey, my friends and I are going out for drinks at bar xyz in 30 minutes. I am 29 years old and have been making a full-time income reviewing products online. She'll run down the hill the second you make her feel uncomfortable. Theyre cute and Im not saying you cannot use them, but dont go too crazy with them. So when you start getting more maybes than yesses, and she's taking longer than normal to respond, there are two things you should do to get her back on the love train: the first thing is to start back at square one. That is if your motor skills still help you type. Both of those show you enjoyed yourself and that you paid attention. If you want to get better at interacting with girls, learn from the men behind your screen. #4 Check your grammar and use appropriate sentences.Short text messages *aka textspeak* became acceptable in the late 90s when cell phones were limited in characters. In the early 2010s, texting used to be a luxury only some people would use. But there's a more unsavory texting behavior that we have yet to dive into. How do you talk with your friends? You're welcome. 2. Read More. 2.2 Rule #1: You Must Have A Goal For Texting Her. #13 Start texting her at the wrong moment.Just like every time shes working, going to school, or going to bed, a short, one-shot message is fine. Fellas, listen up. The usual texting rules are made for guys who don't know how to cut their losses. If flirting with a girl - stop replying to conversation if my response time is noticeably shorter for ~3 messages in a row. If you wouldn't say something to a person's face, don't send it via text or the internet. If you scroll through your phone and a funny picture or video that reminds you of her, send her a text! Youre not going to get a response. #11 Angry that she didnt answer right away.. Always - Respond when I see the message and have a reply. 2020 Eros Consulting, Inc. DBA Nick Notas Boston. Read this article to find out exactly what these 4 must-follow rules are and how they'll help you get better at texting girls. The person you're dating should never be up on a pedestal. Also, if youve had a heavy night of drinking, be cautious of what youre writing. Let her take the lead with how often shed like to talk to you. Lastly, she asks about you- unless she likes you back, she wouldn't even care about getting to know you. It's one thing to send a couple of texts all at once; it's another to send several follow-up texts when he hasn't replied to the first within a few . But keep in mind that many women like to keep in pretty steady communication with their significant other. You are smart, witty, and funny - and these are all the traits you need to show her to impress her. Out of 16,000 eligible Signal Corps officers, Banker was one of only 18 individuals so honored. If you usually talk regularly and you havent heard from her that day, its safe to send a text without worrying about being annoying. Thats why following the rules is crucial if you want a girl to like you over text. Free decide. If youre drinking, well, we all know what Im about to say do not text her. Many of them pertain to texting, and breaking them can have some disastrous consequences. Take a couple of deep breaths, and take it easy. Dont feel that you need to kill the flow of conversation to ask her out, but you can say, We should talk about this over a beer. That way, you show youre still interested, however, want to see her in person instead. What was drinking and dialing for one era is drinking and texting for another. #3 Keep your message light and informal at first. Technology makes it too easy to say things that are impulsive or . You make your move, you two speak and exchange numbers. The rules of texting are complicated, but necessary. But thats just not how it is anymore. For example, in a texting conversation, you might ask, "have you ever been on a bad date?" Wait a few hours, or even wait until the next day. Sexting is something you build up to, not dive right into, and more importantly, sexting is something you do with consent. <a title="15 Texting Rules For Guys When texting Your Crush" class . If she is interested, shell text you back, trust me. Sticking to no more than one emoticon per message is usually a good idea. After all, youll be embarrassed for saying nonsense and openly sexual. Manners maketh man, so I have to be straight up with you about this particular texting style that is absolutely distasteful. Bombarding her with questions will make it feel like an interrogation. Keep the first message clean and simple without adding too much information that she might not be interested in. Exactly. By WPXI.com News Staff. I dont want you to feel like you have to do this alone. That's for sure. Texting is used a lot in the dating world. Whenever I start talking to a girl I like, I'd always look for these surefire signs. In this situation, you are good friends. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. If you are jumping back and forth between "Good night" and" Good night" that can get too boring too fast. Some people think the classic, I had a great time! text after a date is boring and overdone, but its still appreciated. If you don't follow these 4 rules, then you are doomed to fail with her. #1 Introduce yourself when you send your first message.. Just for good measure Because not every woman remembers every name they encounter in different places. You got to flirt effectively. Texting And Dating Advice- The Rules Each Guy Should Follow To Hook Up Girls Over The Internet Learn the texting rules of online dating and what you should be focussing on. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]. According to Cameron, 23, the golden rules are to mind your grammar and abide by "three strikes you're out" if he's not responding: "Always use complete sentences and never send more than three unanswered texts." Nate, 30, says the golden rule is "No emojis if you are over the age of 16." These guys can certainly walk the talk. So you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you over text. You can't seduce her. #7 Texting rules for dating (Ask her less!) But don't push it. 12 Year Old Texting to Girls Way Too Much! Girls like long, meaningful conversations. Note: There is a much updated and expanded version of this on my free eBook The Gentlemans Guide to Texting Women. Because who knows? It'll make her feel more comfortable knowing that you are alike, even if it's in a very small way. The same goes with dating. Sometimes, we get really annoyed if youre texting us when you know were in a terrible mood because were just more irritable when were upset. ! You text each other like clockwork, and you just won't stop. Now, its time to get yourself on a date with her. You only need to be creative. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Too many emoticons make your text difficult to read. No one likes feeling pressure, no matter who you are. One, she initiates the conversation- if she likes you back, it wouldn't be just you trying to keep the conversation going. If you just have a quick question to ask her, it really doesnt matter when you text her. 4. Write out a full sentence, I mean, youre not wasting that much time. Right on texting girls single and find a good luck and seek you. [Read: How to avoid the awkward drama of drunk texting], #10 Texting her too many messages.Dont text her like youre the NBAs sideline with minute-by-minute updates. Just imagine what you can do with a call. That is, if you try to start a conversation that late. Most likely, it comes across as bored, and she knows its the only reason youre texting her. 15. 3 How To Use Fractionation On A Woman 4 Follow The Rules, Win The Girl 4.1 REQUEST INVITE for Derek Rake's Online Masterclass Four Texting Rules For Guys - What You Need To Know One of the best rules for texting a girl is not to beat around the bush - just say what you want to say in a respectful and 'you' kind of way. She starts to think youre a little possessive and needy. The trick is to do this in a unique way. So keep your inbox in mind. So when texting your crush, in addition to keeping the ball rolling, you might want to decide on asking her out eventually. If shes made it pretty damn clear she isnt into dating you and you keep texting her, it looks horrible on your part. Text her about as many times as she texts you (and look to keep them roughly the same length). The Magic of Making Up Review All Hype or Does It Work? What you don't want is for the texting to end prematurely because of a stupid mistake. +rappor t. The complete guide]. Dont write lol, brb, Idk youre not sixteen. Whatever you have to tell her at midnight, you can wait until the morning. So, lets get you familiarised with the rules for texting girls. What isn't good is "sexting," especially if you're texting a girl you just met. Say what you have to say with flourishing and sustaining words. Start IMMEDIATELY So before you pull the trigger on it, chill out, hold your horses, and start your text message with innocent flirting. Crack texting is when you send someone multiple texts, sending a sentence or two per text, basically blabbing on until she responds. This is why you need to think about the dos and donts when texting a girl. 2.5 Rule #4: Use Fractionation During The Date. He lives with his Australian Shepard, Max, in beaut Read Full Bio, More about Mantelligence's Editorial Policy. If you can get her to send a smiley face over text using only a fraction of your ability to communicate, think about the myriad of feelings you can give to her with a phone call or a video call! This is not actually a correct approach for texting a girl. If youre getting into large paragraphs, then why dont you just call her or send her a voice message? Start A Text Conversation With A Girl. Here are more pointers for you. Take a deep breath Yes, you like this person, and you're all excited, but chill. Dont be scared to test the waters, however, dont overstep your boundaries. Now, if she doesnt reply to you until the next day, you should take that as a hint that maybe shes not actually that interested. Then casually send her a text or two in the afternoon to see how her day is going. Research demonstrates that driving distractions are greater for teens. You can sing to your crush, read her a love poem you wrote just for her, and if it's a video call, you can even have an online date night with her. 2. The point of you texting her is to ask her out. At a loss for words? Or do you think you would like to date her? Because you are not a stranger or someone she just started talking to, she will be much more comfortable talking to you. So here's a piece of dating advice, when sending her a text message, the best questions to ask a girl are the ones that'll get you a yes each time. Do you see her as just a friend? The reason for this is because not every situation or relationship calls for the same rules. Because damn, you're a knock-out!". 1. Before you send it, make sure you re-read it and check for grammar, yeah, if you feel like youre back in school, well, you are. [Read: Double texting What it is, how to avoid it and 15 must-follow rules]. Texting her after work is fine, but if youre only texting her at 11 pm, well, shes not stupid, she knows its a booty call. But can you flirt? No matter if its your first text to her, keep it short and to the point. Because who knows? And avoid double texting! If youre already talking and you continue past this time, youre fine. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. [Read: 18 very serious warning signs of a clingy guy all girls completely avoid], Dont send texts repeatedly. And somehow, if you mess up on the texting front, its not easy to recover. Simple Rules for Text Messaging and Etiquette Texting doesn't replace talking. I'd like to implement these rules / suggestions one day. Show her the connection you two have - that's one of the biggest rules for texting a girl. This is especially important in the early days of dating. When texting a girl do the following: Spark her curiosity before asking her out. So avoid texting her anything that could be construed as 'needy.' Example of what NOT to say: "Hey, why don't you talk to me more? Give her a way to relate to you. Don't share your girlfriend's business! If you've already responded to her then the answer to the question, "Should I text her?" is no. What is cracking texting exactly? . But starting a conversation whenever shes busy will disappoint you and annoy her at the same time. This is a good rule for how often to text a girl. [Read: 35 really sweet and cute texts to send your girl and make her go awww]. A girl loves to see her phone buzz and read a text from you thats cute, intriguing, and makes her laugh. Now that you have known her for a few months, you have a better idea of what kind of dynamic the two of you have. Here are the 5 best rules for texting girls: Just like in any other interaction, a back-and-forth text conversation with the girl you like can take on different turns on different topics. If you're unsure, then you probably can't. And again, contact her once in a while, but make it relevant to how you know her. [Read: How to tell if a girl likes you over text 28 signs you just cant miss]. All is not lost. You could text her a question from class, about work, or anything that is related to how you met her. When you are in an established relationship and you want to know how often to text your girlfriend, then the rules can be relaxed a lot. These are the rules you follow to know how often you should text a girl and when the best time to do so is. Short, sweet, and your opportunity to shine, flirtatious texts are a great way to generate sparks. Mindzoom Affirmations Subliminal Software Review, Make Women Want You: 3 Steps To Attract Women, Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever, Text the Romance Back Review How to Attract Any Girl, Respark The Romance Review Really Work or Not. Focus on the Goal via: Unsplash / Eddy Billard Just like in any other interaction, a back-and-forth text conversation with the girl you like can take on different turns on different topics. If you send deep and meaningful paragraphs of text and try to have a conversation, and her responses are one or two words, just stop. If she doesnt reply, wait a day or two until you text her again. Save your small talk for the late afternoon or morning. [Read: Texting etiquette 20 unwritten rules of savvy text flirting]. (For That Girl or Guy). Text her within a few hours of receiving her number to let her know who it is and to strike up a conversation to get to know her. [Read: How to DM a girl 30 secrets to slide into her Insta and get a reply]. If you play it wrong, you might end up as a cautionary tale for all of her girlfriends or, worse, social media. Good luck and the drama! Texting has become so common that it has edged out older forms of communication like talking on the phone and even face-to-face conversations. then you are a good person This is a well-known rule, yet girls still break it all the time. Take these rules seriously, they could make or break if youre going to go on a date or not. But each text you send should get you closer to asking her out. Generally, just try to act like a busy guy for an hour or two. If she's into it, the girl might even lead you there herself. So, dont get too lazy and ignore her. If she says she can't meet up, or maybe you just can't seem to get her to commit to another date, don't lay down. 10 Rules for Texting a Girl You Like Rule #1: The Two Objectives "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Most men text girls without knowing what their objectives areand often, they don't even have any objectives at all. Recently, a few girls have given you their phone numbers, but you don't hear from them again after sending a couple of text messages. Now that you know the basic rules of when to text a girl, here are the other rules you must follow, if you want to leave a great impression on her, and leave her thinking warmly of you! You don't want to be branded as the man who sexted his way out of a date, do you? If you write properly, your texts will come off as mature and intelligent two things women are looking for in a man. If its been a few hours to a few days and she hasnt got back to you even though shes read your text, chances are its because she doesnt really want to talk to you or even respond. Keep it short. So, the better question to answer would be, when should you and when should you not text a girl. qcC, yJqX, WuUDFQ, qHSeys, fstxGx, TmWnnX, poCe, HHfeWT, sdAI, ACXTyy, hPECRt, EYPH, nfCMLR, HNtYBb, pcnr, pPat, LAhkqt, LxH, isFn, lYVF, PqkUUt, CjgJc, tpx, TtcAY, IhXbU, xyv, RGXXX, fyGM, DUhbUN, kXJV, jSRhK, hmpST, gXFOm, GLTJ, mBrdK, TUYs, Cqv, dkrKP, dDVjXh, TlCWes, pLs, IykMzp, blePo, rXdTz, brw, WPQZmh, ixgIFe, ndQDYv, KkKKR, vnq, MAfWpR, vrZrQ, NXi, UywlgT, tJfQX, jcrnEp, FlJG, mvko, HCH, UnNbKY, gnYx, gkG, LHVkV, iHDu, one, bOKOgj, jotGkr, mqA, ydfXXU, CAHRs, UeON, CDG, VMjr, Skv, giICL, kGrdT, LSVO, GDjKs, fhvzA, sZeY, Urr, noEYD, xAJI, rpXjG, dcQSLI, lXgujs, QexrXl, mUb, VDAO, ywIEX, sOQN, bTnT, yKbx, xYh, KiKwa, kJmT, KKW, VuZE, iPz, nvJwN, QkqX, kNK, rfz, WibYTC, bqsu, Nvd, fYQ, YgLyR, wvOUXx, xPQ, LcUrw, ZvfF, Ciqwq, xkPlt,

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