[15] By March 2001, the talks deadlocked and a state mediator was called in. [45] Ibid., 1217. [1][2] Weingarten grew up in Rockland County, New York, and attended Clarkstown High School North in New City, New York. [118] Treasuring the words of Christ in her heart (Lk 2:51) and singing the praises of Gods work of salvation (Lk 1:46-55), she perfectly exemplifies the delight in Gods word and eagerness to proclaim the good news that the sensus fidei produces in the hearts of believers. Rom 5:5).[124]. Courageous Parents Network is a non-profit organization and educational platform that orients, empowers and accompanies families and providers caring for children with serious illness. Gelinas went on to assert that "until Weingarten budges virtue will have to be its own reward for New York's teachers. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n.58; with reference to the need to ensure that communauts de base were truly ecclesial. [11] John Cassian (c.360-435) held that the universal consent of the faithful is a sufficient argument to confute heretics,[12] and Vincent of Lrins (died c.445) proposed as a norm the faith that was held everywhere, always, and by everyone (quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est). The local union's constitution required her to run for the UFT presidency within a year of her appointment. Find meaning in what you do and always have somethimore Your assumption that people have voids in their lives is exactly what Frankl's book can help with. I, ch. "You can't stand in front of a class and preach and read Scripture. From elementary schools to graduate programs, AWTTs mission is to use the portraits of these courageous activists as learning opportunities that encourage everyone to become engaged citizens as they address issues of social, environmental, and economic justice. A fundamental disposition required for authentic participation in the sensus fidei is acceptance of the proper role of reason in relation to faith. [2] Cf. Generally speaking, connaturality refers to a situation in which an entity A has a relationship with another entity B so intimate that A shares in the natural dispositions of B as if they were its own. Would that teachers were held to such standards as exist in the oncology ward. [42], 40. "[136], Sol Stern wrote in the Summer 1998 issue of City Journal about Weingarten's opposition to a proposed dress code for teachers, calling it "a diversion from the real job at hand. Congar referred to engouements douteux et dvotions aberrantes, and cautioned: On se gardera de trop attribuer au sensus fidelium: non seulement au regard des prrogatives de la hirarchie , mais en soi (Jalons pour une thologie du lacat, p.399; ET, Lay People in the Church, p.288). Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of Australia, Claude Harvey, Fundraising, Media Release, News, Claude Harvey, Fundraising, Media Release, Child Protection Training, Education, News, Research, Child Protection Training, Education, Media Release, News, White Balloon Day, 777 Marathon, Fundraising, Media Release, News. [5] She ran in 2001 for a full term and was re-elected. The mass media comment frequently on religious affairs. They do that in their own name; but they do it from within the communion of believers. [37] See Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Letter, Ubi primum (1849), n.6. To address those perceived needs, community schools offer 'wraparound services' that target identified social issues: job banks to help parents secure employment, for example, or housing counseling for families that lack permanent homes. Bravehearts is a Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF)compliant organisation. The apostles and the elders met together to consider this matter (Acts 15:6). [DE-EN-FR-HU-IT-KO-NL-PT-RU- In his letters, Paul recognises the faith of believers as both a personal and an ecclesial reality. Resistance, as a matter of principle, to the teaching of the magisterium is incompatible with the authentic sensus fidei. A further disposition necessary for authentic participation in the sensus fidei is attentiveness to the magisterium of the Church, and a willingness to listen to the teaching of the pastors of the Church, as an act of freedom and deeply held conviction. Sydney school children to receive Dittos Keep Safe Adventure Program thanks to generous Sydney businesses, Bartercard and Bravehearts in partnership for 10+ years, Vuly Play donate swing set to Courage Project, Mackay, Myer Community Fund dedicated to empowering women and strengthening families, AFS Helping to protect kids through corporate partnership. Their conviction about the solidity and even the infallibility of the discernment of the whole Church on matters of faith and morals was expressed in the context of controversy. Cf. 37. 50. [70] Cf. Not only do they have the right to be heard, but their reaction to what is proposed as belonging to the faith of the Apostles must be taken very seriously, because it is by the Church as a whole that the apostolic faith is borne in the power of the Spirit. Grades PreK - 3. "[56], Weingarten has proposedas a means of improving the quality of teachers in American classroomsthe creation of a professional licensing exam, akin to the bar exam taken by lawyers, for new teachers. [29] De locis theol., Bk. [112] LG 12, with reference to 1Thess 2:13. Partner with one of Australia's most trusted charities and help prevent child sexual abuse! According to this description, the sensus fidei is an active capacity or sensibility by which they are able to receive and understand the faith once for all delivered to the saints (cf. 74. Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter, Ut Unum Sint (1995), n.3. Her negotiating positions became more aggressive throughout the 1990s. [54] Jalons pour une Thologie du Lacat, p.399; ET, Lay People in the Church, 289. When in the church of Jerusalem a conflict arose between the Hellenists and the Hebrews about the daily distribution, the twelve apostles summoned the whole community of the disciples and took a decision that pleased the whole community. There is not one simple disposition, but rather a set of dispositions, influenced by ecclesial, spiritual, and ethical factors. Both sides agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement in June, raising wages 16 to 22 percent and lengthening the work week by 100 minutes. [62] The sensus fidei fidelis presupposes in the believer the virtue of faith. [26] In October 2007, Weingarten assented to two agreements whereby the city and the UFT would jointly seek legislative approval for a new pension deal allowing teachers with 25 years of service to retire at age 55 and providing bonuses to all teachers in schools that showed a certain level of improvement in student achievement. Formal membership of the Church is not enough. "[91], The editorial board of the New York Post wrote, on February 28, 2007, about a planned gathering of opponents of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's public-school reform efforts, describing some of the participants as "a bought-and-paid-for chorus of false reformers" who "dance to the tunes of Randi Weingarten who has been trying to derail real reform since Mayor Mike wrested control of the schools from the educrats some five years ago." The Holy Spirit anoints them and equips them for that high calling, conferring on them a very personal and intimate knowledge of the faith of the Church. To resolve disputes among the faithful, the Church Fathers appealed not only to common belief but also to the constant tradition of practice. The sensus fidei fidelis thus acquires a prospective dimension to the extent that, on the basis of the faith already lived, it enables the believer to anticipate a development or an explanation of Christian practice. Public interest in matters of faith is a good sign, and the freedom of the press is a basic human right. Jn 10:9) through which we passed [30], The UFT also has a registered nurse division which represents roughly 2,800 registered nurses at Lutheran Medical Center, Staten Island University Hospital-South, Jewish Home and Hospital Home Health Agency, and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. She received 74 percent of the vote against two opponents in 1999, and served the final two years of Feldman's term. 2 (Opera omnia, vol.4, Quaracchi, 1889, p.105): [Fides Ecclesiae militantis] quamvis possit deficere in aliquibus personis specialiter, generaliter tamen numquam deficit nec deficiet, iuxta illud Matthaei ultimo: Ecce ego vobiscum sum usque ad consumationem saeculi; d.18, p.2, a. un. These are gifts manifested primarily on a spiritual, not a psychological or emotional, level, namely, the peace of heart and quiet joy of the person who has found the treasure of salvation, the pearl of great price (cf. c) Reformation and post-Reformation period. In the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, Familiaris Consortio (1981), Pope John Paul II considered the question as to how the supernatural sense of faith may be related to the consensus of the faithful and to majority opinion as determined by sociological and statistical research. In his first Angelus address, Pope Francis quoted the words of a humble, elderly woman he once met: If the Lord did not forgive everything, the world would not exist; and he commented with admiration: that is the wisdom which the Holy Spirit gives. 95. "Charter schools should be laboratories for innovation and creative ideas that can be scaled up so they can enrich communities," she has said. Weingarten worked as a lawyer for the firm of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan from 1983 to 1986, where she handled several acrimonious arbitration cases on behalf of the UFT. "[71], When United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan issued a statement siding with a California superior court judge who ruled the state's teacher tenure protections unconstitutional, Weingarten responded that Duncan had "added to the polarization" in debates over education policy, and charged that focusing on "quick fixes, blame games or silver bullets" such as ending tenure had "set us back in our effort to help all kids succeed. a) Theologians depend on the sensus fidelium. [114] Cf. This is the response of faith, which is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb 11:1). COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH . Just as, by the habits of the other virtues, one sees what is becoming in respect of that habit, so, by the habit of faith, the human mind is directed to assent to such things as are becoming to a right faith, and not to assent to others.[66]Faith, as a theological virtue, enables the believer to participate in the knowledge that God has of himself and of all things. By keeping the spirit of the believer focused in this way on what is essential to the faith, the sensus fidei fidelis guarantees an authentic Christian liberty (cf. a) Participation in the life of the Church. [14] Jerome, Adversus Vigilantium 5 (CCSL 79C, p.11-13). 35. Public opinion is therefore essential to the healthy functioning of democratic life, and it is important that it be enlightened and informed in a competent and honest manner. Big Blue Interactive's Corner Forum is one of the premiere New York Giants fan-run message boards. (Secretary General); Sr. Sara Butler, M.S.B.T. [72] She downplays the idea of worker protections as obstacles to improving schools, describing tenure "not a job for life, [but] ensuring fairness and due process before someone can be fired, plain and simple. The council gave a renewed emphasis to the traditional idea that all of the baptised have a sensus fidei, and the sensus fidei constitutes a most important resource for the new evangelisation. Some examples might illustrate the role of the sensus fidelium in the development of moral doctrine: i) Between canon 20 of the Council of Elvira (c. 306 AD), which forbade clerics and lay people to receive interest, and the response, Non esse inquietandos, of Pope Pius VIII to the bishop of Rennes (1830),[87] there is a clear development of teaching, due to both the emergence of a new awareness among lay people involved in business as well as new reflection on the part of theologians with regard to the nature of money. The magisterium should therefore refer to the sense of faith of the Church as a whole. A true indicator of holiness is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17; cf. 62. The most striking example was in the famous controversy in the fourth century with the Arians, who were condemned at the Council of Nicaea (325 AD), where the divinity of Jesus Christ was defined. Aware of the manifestations of popular religiosity,[102] the theologian needs actually to participate in the life and liturgy of the local church, so as to be able to grasp in a deep way, not only with the head but also with the heart, the real context, historical and cultural, within which the Church and her members are striving to live their faith and bear witness to Christ in the world of today. Two particular questions related to the sensus fidelium arise in the context of the ecumenical dialogue to which the Catholic Church is irrevocably committed:[107]. For communication and press inquiries: [emailprotected]. "[113], Weingarten has opposed charter schools and school choice. [66] Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, IIa-IIae, q.1, a.4, ad 3. Because the sensus fidelium is not simply identical to the opinion of the majority of the baptised at a given time, theology needs to provide principles and criteria for its discernment, particularly by the magisterium. Broadly speaking, there has been agreement in these dialogues that the whole body of the faithful, lay as well as ordained, bears responsibility for maintaining the Churchs apostolic faith and witness, and that each of the baptised, by reason of a divine anointing (1Jn 2:20, 27), has the capacity to discern the truth in matters of faith. This is a knowledge, in other words, of a different order than objective knowledge, which proceeds by way of conceptualisation and reasoning. Spiritual instinct, on the other hand, has more scope and subtlety. 73. The pediatricians engagement has a significant impact on the familys lived experience. Cf. Instead, we need investments to level the playing field for kids, boost innovation, elevate the teaching profession and support educators. [12], Weingarten stepped down from her post as president of the United Federation of Teachers on July 31, 2009. It is a summary of the whole Gospel. That wish became an eschatological promise through the prophet, Joel, and at Pentecost Peter proclaims the fulfillment of the promise: In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy (Acts 2:17; cf. Observing that because of her solidarity, "200 or so teachers may lose out on inexpensive apartments and if the project falls through several jobs won't be created at all," the Post alluded to the "biblical adage that a man can't serve two masters. Daily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. After the presentation was made public, the editorial observed, an AFT statement said that the presentation did "not represent AFT's position." Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, IIa-IIae, q.1, a.3, ad 3. [4][145] By December 2012, she was in a relationship with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. [98], During her tenure as UFT president, Weingarten pushed for higher salaries and improved training for teachers, often agreeing to longer work days and more tutoring time in order to win better pay. "[132] Asked in a 2011 Wall Street Journal interview about LIFO, Weingarten defended it, saying: "It's not the perfect mechanism but it's the best mechanism we have. Apologies for the technical issues some people experienced when joining the webinar. On June 1, 2005, nearly 20,000 teachersabout a quarter of the UFT membershippacked Madison Square Garden for a rally at which Weingarten denounced Bloomberg and Klein, asked for a strike vote, and requested state arbitration. It is the manifestation of a theological life nourished by the working of the Holy Spirit who has been poured into our hearts (cf. There are influences from special interest groups which are not compatible, or not fully so, with the Catholic faith; there are convictions which are only applicable to a certain place or time; and there are pressures to lessen the role of faith in public debate or to accommodate traditional Christian doctrine to modern concerns and opinions. [85], In one of the Wikileaks emails from John Podesta, chair of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Weingarten states her desire to "go after" the National Nurses United union after their endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. As was explained above, the teaching of Vatican I that infallible definitions of the pope are irreformable of themselves and not from the consent of the Church [ex sese non autem ex consensu ecclesiae][97] does not mean that the pope is cut off from the Church or that his teaching is independent of the faith of the Church. Sign up to receive exclusive content, stories about racial equity transformation, events and more. [23] Contract talks resumed in August and September. The concept of the sensus fidelium began to be elaborated and used in a more systematic way at the time of the Reformation, though the decisive role of the consensus fidelium in the discernment and development of doctrine concerning faith and morals was already recognised in the patristic and medieval periods. LG, chapter 5, on The universal vocation to holiness in the Church. The one who believes is able to recognise the truth of God (cf. Need to get in touch? Writing to the Corinthians, Paul identifies the foolishness of the cross as the wisdom of God (1Cor 1:18-25). [39] Newman, On Consulting the Faithful, pp.70-71. [135], 122. "[129], Weingarten has been a severe critic of proposals to allow parents to use tax credits to help pay to send their children to private school. Public opinion is a sociological concept, which applies first of all to political societies. References to Heinrich Denzinger, Enchiridion symbolorum definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum, 38th ed., edited by Peter Hnermann (1999), are indicated by DH together with the paragraph number; references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) are indicated by CCC together with the paragraph number; and references to J. P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Latina (1844-1864) are indicated by PL together with the volume and column numbers. In order to understand how it functions and manifests itself in the life of the Church, the sensus fidei needs to be viewed within the context of history, a history in which the Holy Spirit makes each day a day to hear the voice of the Lord afresh (cf. Favorite Snow and Snowmen Stories to Celebrate the Joys of Winter. 1Cor 11:26). ii) The openness of the Church towards social problems, especially manifest in Pope Leo XIIIs Encyclical Letter, Rerum Novarum (1896), was the fruit of a slow preparation in which lay social pioneers, activists as well as thinkers, played a major role. As the faith of the individual believer participates in the faith of the Church as a believing subject, so the sensus fidei (fidelis) of individual believers cannot be separated from the sensus fidei (fidelium) or sensus Ecclesiae[80] of the Church herself, endowed and sustained by the Holy Spirit,[81] and the consensus fidelium constitutes a sure criterion for recognising a particular teaching or practice as in accord with the apostolic Tradition. 109. Also, because one must not give credence too easily to every spirit, one should not give assent to strange preaching but should seek further information or simply entrust oneself to God without seeking to venture into the secrets of God beyond ones capacities.. Such knowledge springs from reflection on the experience of God, based on revelation and shared in the community of believers. 20. i) First of all, the sensus fidei is obviously related to faith, and faith is a gift not necessarily possessed by all people, so the sensus fidei can certainly not be likened to public opinion in society at large. Public opinion cannot, therefore, play in the Church the determinative role that it legitimately plays in the political societies that rely on the principle of popular sovereignty, though it does have a proper role in the Church, as we shall seek to clarify below. "[121], Weingarten has been frequently criticized over the years for resisting attempts to address the problem of teacher incompetence. Virtually any crisis, including and perhaps especially that of having a child with a serious illness, stirs up many kinds of questions. b) The contribution of the laity to the sensus fidelium. [38], The AFT, during Weingarten's presidency, has focused scrutiny on well-funded third parties that have attempted to influence education policy[39][40][41]with the Walton Foundation, the largest philanthropic donor in the United States, drawing particular scrutiny. "[67] Efforts through the program have included the building of a "teacher village" for educators,[68] setup of an internship program for high-school students,[69] and mentoring of students from families in which they would be the first to attend college. The faith of the community is a reference point for Pauls teaching and a focus for his pastoral service, giving rise to a mutually beneficial interchange between him and his communities. (NIV), Isaiah 41:10So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. The word consult includes the idea of seeking a judgment or advice as well as inquiring into a matter of fact. The process of reception is fundamental for the life and health of the Church as a pilgrim people journeying in history towards the fulness of Gods Kingdom. There is also general agreement that certain members of the Church exercise a special responsibility of teaching and oversight, but always in collaboration with the rest of the faithful. Stunning Silvia P Wild Posies Collection only available for another 2 days! All Rights Reserved. Weingarten, he alleged, had made it clear that whatever the wishes of parents and the public, she "had the political clout to block even a tiny experimental voucher plan. The Fathers and theologians of the first few centuries considered the faith of the whole Church to be a sure point of reference for discerning the content of the apostolic Tradition. These mutual efforts in times of difficulty themselves express the communion that is essential to the life of the Church, and likewise a yearning for the grace of the Spirit who guides the Church into all the truth (Jn 16:13). [109][110], Weingarten has strongly supported defined-benefit pension plans for teachers. The purpose of the present text is not to give an exhaustive account of the sensus fidei, but simply to clarify and deepen some important aspects of this vital notion in order to respond to certain issues, particularly regarding how to identify the authentic sensus fidei in situations of controversy, when for example there are tensions between the teaching of the magisterium and views claiming to express the sensus fidei. We believe systemic racism is the most devastating factor contributing to the diminished capacity of all peopleespecially people of color and indigenous peopleto achieve at the highest levels. Some Fathers of the Church also reflected on the subjective capacity of Christians animated by faith and indwelt by the Holy Spirit to maintain true doctrine in the Church and to reject error. In all succeeding generations, the gift of the Spirit to the Church has produced a rich harvest of holiness, and the full number of the saints is known only to God. [135], In December 2007, Weingarten cancelled the subsidized-housing deal after discovering that the developer would not be using unionized construction workers. Between 2002 and 2007, salaries for New York City teachers rose 42 percent. For us, theres a simple answer for this. The subjects of the sensus fidei are members of the Church who reflect what St Paul says to the Corinthians: To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good (1Cor 12:7). [47] In response to the Modernist crisis, a decree from the Holy Office, Lamentabili (1907), confirmed the freedom of the Ecclesia docens vis--vis the Ecclesia discens. [86], In 2020, Weingarten was named a candidate for Secretary of Education in the Biden Administration. [1] The womans insight is a striking manifestation of the sensus fidei, which, as well as enabling a certain discernment with regard to the things of faith, fosters true wisdom and gives rise, as here, to proclamation of the truth. "If you think of our public schools primarily as a jobs program, it makes perfect sense. The obedience of faith (Rom 1:5) is the result of Gods grace, who frees human beings and gives them membership in the Church (Gal 5:1,13). All Church of England dioceses and the Methodist Church use the Church of England Education Office's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. "[124], Weingarten has been a staunch supporter of the LIFO policy ("last in, first out"), otherwise known as teacher seniority. The sensus fidei is therefore not only retrospective but also prospective, and, though less familiar, the prospective and proactive aspects of the sensus fidei are highly important. 1Cor 1:20), but is given to the poor, the marginalised, and to those who are foolish in the eyes of the world (1Cor 1:26-29). [69] However, in the actual mental universe of the believer, the correct intuitions of the sensus fidei can be mixed up with various purely human opinions, or even with errors linked to the narrow confines of a particular cultural context. Both as a principle or instinct and as a rich abundance of Christian practice, especially in the form of cultic activities, e.g. T. Lynch, ed., The Newman-Perrone Paper on Development, Gregorianum 16 (1935), pp.402-447, esp. As has been seen in the historical survey above,[86] there is evidence that the laity played a major role in the coming into existence of various doctrinal definitions. - The Hon. [4] In its document on The Interpretation of Dogma (1989), the International Theological Commission (ITC) spoke of the sensus fidelium as an inner sense by means of which the people of God recognise in preaching that the words are Gods not man's and accept and guard them with unbreakable fidelity (C, II, 1). In this context, it underscored the vital role played by all believers in the articulation and development of the faith: the Tradition that comes from the apostles makes progress in the Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Talks collapsed on March 9, and Weingarten began preparing the UFT for its first strike since the early 1970s. [106], 86. The Spirit will remind them of the words of Jesus (Jn 14:26), enable them to testify to the word of God (Jn 15:26-27), prove the world wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment (Jn 16:8), and guide the disciples into all the truth (Jn 16:13). [76], Under Weingarten, the AFT has combatted efforts to shift responsibility for retirement investing to teacherswith Weingarten herself drawing notoriety, according to Institutional Investor magazine, as "the most public face in the battle for defined benefit pension funds. New service launched to safeguard the future of disadvantaged and disengaged children and young people in the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday regions. 115. So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. During his press briefing on COVID-19, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres asked world leaders to come together and offer an urgent and coordinated global response. The sensus fidei fidelis also enables individual believers to perceive any disharmony, incoherence, or contradiction between a teaching or practice and the authentic Christian faith by which they live. "[138], A speech that Weingarten gave in 2011 turned out to have been plagiarized from a NY 1 series on a flawed Board of Education computer system. The sensus fidei as an instinct of faith, 2. When problems arose in the church of Antioch concerning circumcision and the practice of the Torah, the case was submitted to the judgment of the mother church of Jerusalem. [85] In this process, the sensus fidei fidelium has an essential role to play. Indeed, she recognises that fair and constructive critique can help her to see problems more clearly and to find better solutions. J. R. Geiselmann (Cologne and Olten: Jakob Hegner, 1957), 8ff., 50ff. The new networks of communication both inside and outside the Church call for new forms of attention and critique, and the renewal of skills of discernment. Every virtue has a double effect: first, it naturally inclines the person who possesses it towards an object (a certain kind of action), and second, it spontaneously distances him or her from whatever is contrary to that object. It is therefore a good sign if many people today are interested in the teaching, the liturgy and the service of the Church. [49] Belief in Marys Assumption was, indeed, thoroughly rooted in the minds of the faithful. The disciples have an inspired sense for the ever-actual truth of Gods word incarnate in Jesus and of its meaning for today (cf. [77] Hedge funds that manage teacher pension investments have drawn heavy criticism from AFT; the union, in 2015, prepared a report that concluded such investments "exacted a high cost, had laggard returns and generally moved in tandem with the overall stock market. On the other hand, by keeping the commandments and putting faith into practice, the believer gains a deeper understanding of faith: those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God (Jn 3:21). But as his anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, abide in him (1Jn 2:27). Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. If the pediatrician is disengaged, the family perceives abandonment During this surreal and deeply unsettling time brought on by the COVID-19 virus and what essentially amounts to the shutting down of the entire world, I want to CPNs Blyth Lord talks with counselor Mary-Frances Garber, MS, CGC, on staying calm and strong in the shadow of COVID.

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