Becoming a police officer will be a good decision if you want decent job security. Every job comes with its ups and downs, but lets take a look at these for a police officer. Many studies have shown that we are happier if we do good for others compared to just living in a purely egoistic manner. Advantages of Being a Correctional Officer Prison officers benefit from decent job security Jailers will have decent future job prospects You can work indoors as a prison officer You can avoid classical office work You will play an important role for a working society You learn how to deal with difficult people Using the scenario of pulling somebody over you have to listen to the tone of the person's voice and their facial expressions. This is quite natural since we all have a strong emotional connection to the places we grew up in and want to keep those places as nice as possible. This is something that will stick with you for your entire life. Police officers and prosecutors work strictly together. This can be really frustrating and disturbing. Hence, you will have a huge responsibility in this regard and under pressure, chances are that you will also make wrong decisions sooner or later. How pleasant your life will be as a police officer also greatly depends on the neighborhood you have to work in. Stressful. The pay for a police officer is low, and doesnt have a whole lot of potential to increase very much, even if you are with the force for a very long time. They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm. Hence, as a police officer, you will have the power to improve the lives of many people who will be thankful for what you do for them forever. But being a police officer isn't for everyone - it's one of the most challenging careers you can choose, being . Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. are less authoritarian. Like many other people who need a college degree, they may also need to take out a student loan which makes college life better and more stressful free but later you need to pay the debt back. The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision. Correction officers do not make much money, It is not necessary to get a college degree to become a police officer, Do not need any student loan debt as a police officer. You can learn more about some of the common training you will receive to handle stress. This means you can avoid the unpleasant weather conditions outside and can enjoy the artificial work atmosphere inside your office. This also means that you have to interact with the general public on a daily basis and you will also be the one who has to solve conflicts. However, I can think of several. However, it can also be a dangerous, stressful and difficult job. In fact, you will spend a significant fraction of your day as a police officer writing reports and documenting how things have happened and if you are not willing to do this kind of paperwork, you may want to search for other job opportunities instead. 9. Probation officers play a significant role in society and in the law enforcement process. Communities regularly hold events to celebrate and honor the law enforcement. Youre A Protector Advantages of Being a Police Officer You have a high reputation in society Police officers can keep their neighborhoods safe You can help out your family and friends Police officers get high levels of responsibility Plenty of different fields you can work in Policemen have good job prospects You learn how to deal with difficult people 3. Consequently, those wrong decisions can really break you in the long run since you will know that a better choice of you could have saved lives and many police officers simply cant deal with those things in an emotionally proper manner. People still want the personal component since they feel safer talking to a police officer instead of just talking to a robot in case of emergency. Make sure to also get detailed information on the salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers. According to thee U.S. Bureau and Labor Statistics, a fish and game warden's median annual salary is 57,000 dollars. Peoples lives are literally left in your hands, as well as their fate. List of Cons of Being a Single Parent. Officers with a bachelor's degree reportedly: have fewer citizen complaints. Over the past years, there has also been a trend of people losing respect for the police. I Am a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. The benefits that you enjoy as a police officer are crazy. At the beginning of your career, you will likely be rather intimidated and insecure regarding how to handle difficult situations. You are dealing with violent people, criminals, and you never truly know what could happen. 2. You often have to work over night shifts, weekends, and even major holidays. They must always respond quickly and appropriately. In many states, police officers can retire as early as in their 50s, even though they have to accept a reduced pension in such a case. Police officers have a duty to serve and protect their communities, but some officers may be discouraged by the fact that crimes will continue to be committed no matter what. A police officer may seem like a common job, but it's actually very hard to get into law enforcement. The most deadly day for police in history was on September 11, 2001. Most of the inmates have at least some levels of respect and patience for you but some of them will be difficult to handle. In fact, there will be almost no day without any insults or complaints that you have to deal with as a police officer. Having an extremely close, and nearly family like bond, with coworkers is not something that you find with many jobs. For instance, one disadvantage of being a police officer is that you will not get rich. This can be either an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your perspective. So, before making the decision of becoming a police officer you must make sure that you have that level of patience to handle this kind of situation. These changes often come with company benefits. choose options short of an arrest to resolve problems. Applications are forms that the police use to collect information from the public. Police officers of some type may have been around since the very beginning of modern human cultures. You will never get bored when you are a police officer. 4. Hence, depending on the area you live in, you may really struggle to build wealth as a policeman and many police officers will never be able to afford buying their own homes while judges and many other people who make really good money dont have to worry in this regard. These advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer shed insight into what it takes to serve a community every day. In fact, if people know that your family and friends know a police officer quite well, they will often act in a more respectful manner since they know that they can get into all sorts of trouble if they misbehave. Finance can be a problem if a single parent doesn't earn enough. Especially if this case is revealed in public, chances are that there will be huge shitstorms on social media and the pressure to fire you will be enormous. It always helps if there is more than one person earning in the family. They help keep schools, businesses, and a safe community. They are used to gather information about a person's criminal history, their contact information, and other important data. Want to learn how to become a professional blogger and never have to get a job? The average pay for a entry level police officer is 55,000 dollars a year. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. This training can either make or break a persons entire career as a police officer, this is because if you cannot get through training and meet the standard requirements, you cannot be an officer. Many people also underestimate the amount of paperwork police officers have to deal with. However, there are also many downsides related to this career path. In fact, you will have the authority to stop injustice and unlawful behavior whenever you see it and can therefore improve the circumstances of the majority of people in our society. Often police officers have to deal with angry, distressed citizens or people who do not want to cooperate, which can make police work feel like a thankless job. I did the same when I started working in consulting after finishing my Masters degree in Economics. Racing through traffic to crime scenes, risking being shot and approaching unsuspecting criminals are just some of the daily activities that make being a police officer dangerous. The state with the fewest police deaths is Vermont, with only 22. A high fitness level is not only crucial to stay healthy in the long run, it can also help you in the dating market and makes your life easier in various other aspects. It is more of a reason of satiation. You will also have to make difficult decisions within minutes or even seconds and your life will not be as easy as you might think now. As a police officer, you have the power to significantly improve the conditions in your neighborhood since you can send people who behave in a criminal manner to court and many of them will end up in jail and can no longer have a bad influence on your neighborhood. Hence, it will also help you in your personal life since you will have a strong mindset. You will have to pass many different tests and many people fail those tests. Your life is laid on the line every single day. They also make sure that people who dont play according to the rules get arrested. 1. Licensing: 20+ Differences between, 15+ Gastric Banding Surgery Pros And cons, Police officers benefit from decent job security, 1. On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand. Foot patrols may be supplemented with the addition of a bike patrol, which is another community policing strategy on the rise in some cities . This could mean that you will not be able to celebrate Christmas or other important holidays with your family and your kids will be quite sad and may even resent you for that in the long run. Most corrections officers start out making around $40,000 per year. Hence, you should always be careful and have to watch out for the difficulties that might happen in the next moment. It requires hours of sitting and driving, which can cause weight issues and other health concerns. You want to become a police officer? Hence, you can make really strong bonds during your career as a police officer and can even make friends for a lifetime. The advantages of being a probation officer. The information collected on these applications can be used to determine if a person is eligible for a job with the police department. This was the day of the Twin Tower Terrorist Attacks in New York City and over 70 police officers where killed. Answer (1 of 4): Going to the bathroom IS a pain because you do have to either take your gun belt off by removing the "keepers" that hold it onto your pants belt. As a police officer, you can also help your family and friends in case they get problems with neighbors or suffer from any other injustice. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. While on some other job they need a compulsory college degree but to become a police officer you may not need any college degree. The job requires long hours, and many officers spend their lives on the force. Currently there are nearly 100,000 police officers active in the United States. Being fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only wise, but it is crucial for an officer's physical and mental states. Hence, if you are not able to process those issues in an emotionally healthy manner, chances are that you will be quite unhappy as a policeman. Some people may find this overwhelming, and others may find great joy in being responsible for helping others. Hence, being a police officer as a jailor or any other post can really be helpful to society as your duties will be to keep society clear from crimes so that the people in the society could stay happily and safely. 4. You Get to Help People Learn. Many policemen also develop mental issues in the long run. While potentially beneficial to community relations and crime prevention, foot patrols are not a panacea. No Two Days Are The Same While on some other job they need a compulsory college degree but to become a police officer you may not need any college degree. Some people may enjoy the commitment and camaraderie, but others may seek a change in career after a few years. 1. This is quite sad and I just want to give people a more objective picture of how a fulfilling career could look like. In fact, there are countless career opportunities out there and you should just choose the one that seems to be right for you. You will not only put your own life on the line, also the quality of life of your family will suffer quite a lot since your kids and your spouse will always worry about you. 3 pros of being a correctional officer. You can simply complete your high school and can join as a police officer. Answer (1 of 3): Although I served as a police officer and have been around horses since I could walk, I never had the privilege of serving as a mounted officer. In my opinion, people often make the mistake to choose their profession solely based on how much money they can earn from it instead of doing what makes them really happy. As a police officer, you should always be careful, as a small mistake can become a huge trouble for society. The advantage of discretion here allows an official to focus their energy on specific situations where the law gets broken in a reckless manner. Pro: The Academy isn't excruciatingly expensive, and it doesn't take half your life to get through the pre-reqs. Many people also greatly underestimate the stress that comes along with being a police officer. You have top of the line insurance, as well as simple ways to retire early! Thus, make sure that you also have backup plans in case you will not be suitable for a police career. Listen to the award winning podcast The Blog Millionaireto find out how. Go here to subscribe for free and download the episodes straight to your phone, tablet, or computer, 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialism, Biomass Energy Advantages and Disadvantages, 15 Perfect Save the Date Holiday Party Wording Examples, 10 Best Roller Skating Party Invitation Wording Ideas, 10 Perfect Confirmation Announcement Wording Ideas, 11 Great Pajama Party Invitation Wording Ideas. Think of a world without this post of jailors, then the criminals can easily escape from the jail and the crime would never be stopped. You may start your career as normal patrolman, but you can get promoted pretty soon if you are ambitious enough and are willing to put in the work. In fact, some of the inmates will just try to make your life hard and they even do not care about anything at all. While on the other hand, other people in some other professionals have to worry about getting fired from their job. As a police officer, you can also work in many different fields. Though each day is going to be different as a police officer, some people might rather have a more predictable, mundane type of job. Moreover, I also dont think that people want to be supervised and controlled solely by machines. In fact, this can get really nasty, especially if your mistakes have led to serious adverse outcomes. While many people dont want to have this high level of responsibility, others love it and if you are the kind of person who really wants to have this power, becoming a police officer might be the right way to go for you. Being a law enforcement officer is a proud feeling. In fact, attacks and insults towards police officers have increased quite a lot over the past years. Policemen not only have to work at nighttime, they also have to work on holidays. Pay Is Disappointing If you are thinking about becoming a police officer, you should first consider the many advantages and disadvantages of this profession. Sometimes, you will also not be able to choose the neighborhood you have to work in and you might get unlucky and have to work in a rather bad one. See disclaimer. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. Now I can do what I really love to do and I want to enable as many other people as well to go this exciting path towards happiness instead of money. Especially if you cant forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the past, you will have a really hard time with being a police officer. Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a dentist, Advantages and disadvantages of becoming an actor,, The Advantages of Being a Police Officer 1. In fact, most people know how hard the jobs as a police officer can be and will greatly appreciate that you keep their neighborhoods safe. Since you will have to resolve conflicts on a regular basis and also have many stressful days during your career, chances are that you will stay in shape. Go here to subscribe for free and download the episodes straight to your phone, tablet, or computer. However, in reality, there are also many downsides related to this job. As a police officer, you will also enjoy many additional perks. A police officer, one who is righteous and harbors the spirit of justice, will be one proud woman or man. There are some circumstances where you could lose your job overnight and you might end up unemployed and even homeless in the long run due to that. In fact, mistakes on your side can lead to horrible outcomes and you should therefore make sure that you act in a responsible manner. You may also have to work quite long shifts as a policeman. 2. Nicolet is also a certified nutrition, wellness and weight-management consultant with American Fitness Professionals and Associates. In fact, it is not easy at all to be a police officer and to deal with all the emotional burden that comes along with it. Another downside of becoming a police officer is that you will also have to work at nighttime. Many police officers are also just not happy with their jobs. Correction officers are typically well-paid. In case of emergency, it will be on you to decide whether there is the need to take away the lives of people or not. Many policemen stay awake at night and think about the bad things that they have experienced during the day. One obvious issue is the limited functions you could perform. If you dont like your colleagues or your work environment at all, you can still be transferred to a different department where conditions will hopefully be much better. Police officers can keep their neighborhoods safe, Police officers get high levels of responsibility, Plenty of different fields you can work in, You learn how to deal with difficult people, Police officers get action on a regular basis, You will become really good friends with your colleagues, Most police officers have a high fitness level, Police officers can retire relatively early, Many people have lost respect for the police, You can lose your job due to one big mistake, Being a police officer is not the safest job, Police officers have to work at nighttime, Many police officers suffer from sleeping problems, Some police officers cant deal with events from the past, Especially problematic if you have to work in bad neighborhoods, Police officers have to deal with plenty of paperwork, Top 10 Being a Policeman Pros & Cons Summary List, salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers, 18 Things To Do After Failing Your Communication Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Education Degree, 19 Things To Do After Failing Your Engineering Degree, 19 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Biology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Psychology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Business Degree, 33 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Casino Dealer, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being An Underwriter, 30 Noble Pros & Cons Of Working For A Hedge Fund, 32 Nerdy Pros & Cons Of Being A Data Scientist, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Loan Officer, 33 Major Pros & Cons Of Being A Dietician, 30 Major Pros & Cons Of Being A TV Presenter. But, you as a police officer will have a long-term contract and since you will be working for the state government or your municipality, the risk of losing a job is quite low. Being a police officer is a very respectable thing. Generally, mounted patrols will serve i. 2. In turn, you will get to know each other quite well and your colleagues will become your second family. Exciting. You can also work in many different departments. Thus, becoming a police officer can also be a great career path for you if you love excitement and action on a regular basis. Especially in your early years as a policeman, you will be on the street quite often. Every single time you put your uniform in and head to work, you are faced with all different kinds of things. Of course, if you are in some higher posts, you will earn a lot more than this. This is not only quite sad, it also makes the job of police officers much more difficult since people often just no longer comply with the commands of policemen. Cops can frequently witness crimes like abuse, murder, and car accidents. Another advantage of becoming a police officer is that you will also stay quite fit during your active career. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. In fact, you will spend plenty of time together and will be able to talk about myriads of different topics. This can save a lot of time since you do not have to waste many years for college. In addition to a good salary, corrections officers also typically receive excellent benefits. In fact, most of the inmates will not be nice to you, so you need to have control of yourself and should keep a stable mindset to deal with those personal insults. One benefit of being a police officer is that you will have a pretty good standing in society. Brothers In Blue Its an extremely high amount of responsibility, stress, but overall, its a rewarding and highly respectable job. In this position, you can expect to work with people from various backgrounds and situations and stay relatively active in your job . Police officers work twenty four hours a day, every single day of the year, to keep our communities, cities, towns, and selves safe. I show you all the pros and cons of being a police officer so you can make a profound decision of whether you still want to become a police officer or not. Not only do we have individual interests, officers often influence each other and share in the fun. This will not only make your life as a police officer easier, but you can also profit from it in your private life since the skill to make rational decisions under difficult circumstances is crucial to succeed in various parts of life in general. In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to protect the people they already know from early childhood. As a police officer, you will also have to rely on the support of your colleagues. $55,000 per year on average, ranging from $45,000 to $75,000 per year. . Hence, dont think that your job as a police officer is entirely safe. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Many of these are advantages for wellness and creativity. While this is likely a stressful aspect of the job, it also comes with huge rewards. Some inmates will be difficult to deal with, Police officers play a vital role in a working society, 3. The average rate of pay for being a parole officer is $55,690 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Marketing | Branding | Blogging. As a police officer, you will also become really good friends with your colleagues over time. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2017, police and detectives earn a median annual salary of $62,960 or $30.27 per hour. In fact, unlawful behavior doesnt care about holidays too much and you as a police officer have to chase the bad guys on holidays as well. Working as a police officer can be stressful, A police officer can avoid a classical office job, 2. As a police officer, you will surely be both loved and hated. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Northern Illinois University. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. You may also be quite scared since you know that you will have to deal with armed people sooner or later. When it comes to certain jobs it has a sense of certain levels of responsibilities you have to take on especially when you take on the job of being a policeman. Due to the bad things and the difficult decisions they have to make during their shifts, many police officers also suffer from serious sleeping issues. While this can be quite annoying and emotionally challenging, you will also learn how to keep your emotions under control and how to react to difficult situations. Hence, your life will depend on the reliability of your colleagues and if you dont want to put your life into the hands of others, chances are that becoming a police officer will not be the right way to go for you. They are also responsible for enforcing the law and also investigating cases. Working as a correctional officer can offer many benefits: 1. With experience, they can make up to $70,000 per year or more. 5. Police officers keep our streets safe and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis. Other people in some different professions who have to maintain a classical office routine, many of them just complain about their working lifestyle. Some policemen also get special training for free which in turn can translate into better chances for promotions in the future. Another advantage of being a police officer in a prison officer post is that you will be able to work indoors. Since you will have to deal with criminals and crimes, it is natural that you have to take a lot of stress. Mistakes can lead to serious adverse outcomes, Police officers learn how to deal with difficult people, 4. This means that as a police officer, you also have to work at all times of the day and night. One of the biggest advantages of being a police officer is that you may not need any college degree to join as a police officer. Hence, make sure that you are able and willing to deal with all this negativity before deciding for becoming a police officer. Another downside of being a correction officer is that you will not make much money. As a police officer, you will also be at significant risk of serious attacks and many police officers even die during their careers. Often police officers have to deal with angry, distressed citizens or people who do not want to cooperate, which can make police work feel like a thankless job. Below are four of the key pros to being a probation officer: Higher average rate of pay. Others think police officers are mean, uncaring snitches who simply arrest people and hand out traffic tickets. You're A Protector Police officers have a very big job responsibility, to protect the people. Being a police officer, your work will be in a quite stressful environment. Helping Startups/ It Companies/ and Small Businesses to Enhance Their Business Through Branding and Marketing Ideas. I show you all the pros and cons of being a police officer in this audio lesson. more information on the topic of environmental conscience, check out: my blog concerning the protection of our environment, go to: task related to the protection of our planet, check out: study materials related to the topic of environmental awareness, see: support this channel, go to: Another advantage of becoming a police officer is that it can also help you overcome your fears. 4. Danger Is Everywhere Policemen can also retire earlier than people in most other jobs. Prosecutors depend on police officers to deliver cases, and they supply the evidence needed to prosecute criminals. Since there will always be people who dont comply with the law, police officers will always be needed and your future job prospects will be quite decent. If you make mistakes, people may even sue you. Most young people have a relatively nave view of how the job as a policeman really looks like and most hopes and wishes will fade soon. Officers can also make contact with individuals that they believe could be hiding something or have broken serious laws that require an intervention to keep others safe. While this can be exhausting and you will see many bad things during your career, you will also get significant action and chances are that you will never get bored as a police officer since so many different things will happen throughout your career. Law enforcement is a full time job, and it doesnt ever take a break. Police officers rely on . Hence, as a policeman, you will have a significant level of freedom regarding where and on what topics you want to work on. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. In the first scene the driver was . You want to become a police officer? As you will not need any college degree and for that reason, you also do not need to join college. In fact, most police officers dont earn more than 70,000 dollars a year and especially in big metropolitan areas, this will imply a rather simple lifestyle since rents will eat up a significant fraction of the income. Another problem with being a police officer is that you can also lose your job due to only one big mistake. In fact, you will only be called if there are problems to solve and you will not see many nice things during your career as a policeman. Police officers also have to make really difficult decisions. Home Job & Services 26+ Pros And Cons Of Being A Police Officer. Quite often, you will also spend your leisure together and some police officers even spend plenty of time together after they retire. As you know there are many types of posts and ranks in this profession, and being a correctional officer, you can just avoid classical office jobs, you do not have to just sit in a room in front of a computer screen and work all day long. Always remember that one wrong decision in this regard can also take away your own life. Very few people in the world are actually proud of what they do. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Being a police officer also includes writing police reports and doing other paperwork, so it may not be a source of constant thrills. Police officers are called upon to think quickly and handle difficult emergency situations and, in some instances, save lives. It is a grueling training that everyone must go through in order to become an officer. You would think that with all of the dangers associated with being a police officer that the pay would reflect that, but sadly, it doesnt. Being a police officer one of the best advantages is that you will have decent job security. have fewer disciplinary problems compared to their high school graduate counterparts. Gabrielle Nicolet has been writing and editing professionally since 2004. Hence, if you want to have this high social standing and the admiration of others, becoming a police officer or nurse practitioner can be the right way to go for you in this regard. You are able to protect people, save strangers, and bring safety and comfort to people in some of their worst times. Hence, make sure that your career is worth all this emotional stress to you before becoming a police officer. For instance, since many people really appreciate your work, you will often get meals for free in your favorite restaurants. However, once they get older, they will notice that every goodbye can be the last one. The first pro is not really an advantage. Crazy Hours Thus, make sure that you have a stable personality before deciding to become a police officer. They potentially present some real officer safety hazards that need to be addressed. Great! Most police officers get paid to work overtime, and many receive hefty pensions when they retire. While many people who work in office jobs have to go to the gym to stay in shape, you as a police officer dont have to do this since you will stay in shape in a natural manner and can spend your time in a more enjoyable manner. Bureau of Labor Statistics: OOH: Police and Detectives, Police One: The Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer. Policemen also learn how to deal with difficult people early on in their careers. They have the rank which is based on their experiences and skills. Good since not many people want to do this job. What is unique about this profession is that the advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer haven't changed much . In fact, teamwork is key during your operations and if you have colleagues that dont have your back, you may even lose your life due to that. Pro: You can easily tell your story when working with Fundly, creating content that is relatable to people who come to your page. In fact, being a policeman is not safe at all and you should be aware of the fact that you put your life at risk every time you leave your home. It is one of the most prestigious jobs that a person can have, but also one of the most difficult as well. Since enough sleep is crucial for our body and our brain to work properly, sleep deprivation can lead to many serious health issues and also significantly decreases overall quality of life. In fact, shifts of 10 hours+ are quite common and this can be really exhausting, especially at nighttime when you will often count every minute until it will eventually be time to go home and fall into your bed. Becoming a probation officer is a type of social work specialty, and many consider entering the profession because they wish to help others. Intimidate criminals: The handles can take k9 units on patrol to intimidate the criminals trying to escape the police custody or deter any criminal activity. Many people hail police officers as being heroes and consider them to be brave and helpful people they can count on to come to their rescue in a time of need. They also are threatened, which can lead to stress and depression. One of the biggest downfalls of being a police officer is the associated stress. When you retire as a police officer, all of your hard work pays off in the form of pension, which you can live on for the rest of your life! Here are eight advantages of being a security officer: 1. One of the best things that comes from being a police officer is the fact that you will never have two identical days. One of the biggest advantages of being a police officer is that you may not need any college degree to join as a police officer. One benefit of working as a correctional officer is the activity and excitement the role can offer. 2. Another advantage of being a policeman is that you can keep your neighborhood safe. In many other jobs like garbage man or construction workers who have to work in any atmosphere, whether it is cold winter or hot summer or heavy rain, they do not have any other options to skip their work. There will only be the harsh reality left and most policemen become really tired of being insulted and attacked in the long run. You will be seen as a pillar of the community, and someone whom people can trust. In fact, night shifts are rather common and if you dont want to work at night, you should just go for another occupation instead. But you as a police officer can really enjoy your work if you are the kind of daring person who loves to deal with criminals and some level of action. Many people look up to the police, especially young kids. As we can see from the previous chapter, there are definitely many important advantages of working as a police officer. Another disadvantage is that you should also not expect a high promotion level. You can also try to maneuver your pants with the gun belt still on but it's definitely a tricky proposition. Another upside of a career as a police officer is that you can also get significant levels of responsibility already early on in your career. Many people will also secretly admire you for what you are doing for them. A police officer is a government employee who is responsible for protecting and helping people from any type of crime or from any type of dangerous situation. They often get the same pay as detectives and police officers. One of the most rewarding parts of being a conservation officer is that you have the honor of performing educational seminars in schools! More Work. The more ambitious you are, the more people you can help and this can give you a feeling of having a purpose in life. But, for sure there will be wide security measures to make your working days safe. Its A Respectable Job They also provide first aid to those who are the victims in some road accidents or for any types of injuries to the public. The pay and advancement opportunities can be good depending on where you work. 3. You are able to protect people, save strangers, and bring safety and comfort to people in some of their worst times. For example, security officers who work as independent contractors can choose their jobs and clients based on their schedule availability. Police officers usually also get more money if they work on weekends, in the nighttime or on holidays. In fact, you will make many mistakes throughout your career and some of these mistakes can even cost lives. In fact, policemen are at much higher risk to suffer from mental problems since they have to deal with so many conflicts and also see so many bad things during their active careers. This can be either an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your perspective. Most little kids dream of being a . Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Policeman. Training Is Crazy While your job will be relatively easy in good neighborhoods, it can be a nightmare in bad neighborhoods where people just dont respect you at all. Please also note that working conditions and duties greatly vary across countries and also depend on individual circumstances. All of these are important questions to consider before you head off to the police academy. Like this, you can really build a strong mindset and can really increase your level of patience. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people about the different career paths that are possible in our current state of the world. In fact, while many other jobs will be automized and will be carried out by machines in the near future, policemen are not that replaceable since there is plenty of individuality and discretion in each case and police officers have to make decisions depending on many different variables and circumstances. The biggest issue with being a police officer is the simple fact that it is extremely dangerous. Imagine you take away the life of a person and it turns out that this has not been necessary at all. They help offenders to assimilate back into society and, in . I feel as if being a policeman is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, seeing that you have serve and protect the innocent . For instance, one mistake on your side can take away lives. Being an officer you use a lot of discretion and doing this simulation really helped me understand the word 'discretion' better. Easy to work with: The police dogs are very smart, can easily obey the commands given to them, and are friendly. It can be a great alternative to a boring desk job. There is no such thing as a Monday through Friday police officer. But being a police officer college degree is not that necessary and so there will be no need of taking a student loan. However, there may be several advantages and disadvantages. However, Ive quit pretty soon after that since I havent found true meaning in my job. Because of the high level of responsibility, police are held to high standards by internal affairs and the general public. You can simply complete your high school and can join as a police officer. 1. Self Respect. As a police officer, you will surely be both loved and hated. Some people may find this type of job exciting and like doing new tasks every day. If a single parent has more than one child, then it can be quite taxing. Police officers have a very big job responsibility, to protect the people. Being a police officer still requires an education, but one that's a little different from the standard collegiate graduation ceremony. It is also not that easy to become a police officer. Now that you know all the pros and cons of being a police officer, it is on you to decide whether you still want to become a policeman or if you want to go for an alternative career path instead. While this is likely a stressful aspect of the job, it also comes with huge rewards. Others may feel the risk is not worth the benefits that come with being a police officer. As a police officer, you will also have to deal with many difficult family problems and you will generally see the worst of humanity. Disadvantages Of Being An Officer. Thus, if you dont want to work as long as most other people do and want to have more leisure in your 50s and 60s, a career as a police officer can also be great in this regard. As long as your kids are still small, they will not realize how dangerous your job really is. As a police officer, you will be responsible for improving community relationships and protecting civilian rights. Often, you may have to be in the same position for decades without hoping for the next promotion. Hence, you will get a good chance to keep your profession for decades. are more ethical. Policemen can support local neighborhoods. 4 Responsibility and High Standards I show you all the pros and cons of being a police officer in this audio lesson.https://environmental-conscience.. The police academy is no walk in the park. You may not only lose your job, you may even have to pay high fines and this could ruin you also from a financial perspective. Consequently, your family and friends will likely also have an easier time in their daily lives in general. The work is challenging, with long hours and dangerous situations to manage. This makes it easier to create a campaign on a whim to encourage family and friends to start donating funds when needed. This will also be quite hard for yourself since you will never know whether you will see your kids again or not. 8. In Ancient China, for example, the enforcement of laws was carried out by people who were called "prefects." . Great! Another upside of being a police officer is that you will learn how to deal with difficult people. If you are looking for a fast-paced, exciting career that will allow you to make a difference in your community, you may enjoy being a police officer. As you can see, there are many additional benefits for police officers and this can compensate for the relatively low salary policemen get at the beginning of their careers. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Essentially, less prosecutors would potentially be working if police were not involved. Many children dream of becoming a police officer. Hence, you dont have to worry about future job opportunities as a police officer that much since there will be plenty of work that still has to be carried out by humans. Being a police officer is inherently dangerous, and each day they go to work, police officers are risking their lives. 2. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. Flexible working hours Many security officers have the opportunity to choose their own schedules or work a flexible number of hours each week. Most of the correction officers earn quite poor money and they barely make more than 50,000 dollars per year. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. In turn, you will become much more relaxed. Pro: It offers a simple interface where you can manage of all your campaigns in some simple spot. Consequently, be aware of the fact that people will not respect you that much anymore and that you will have to deal with insults or even attacks sooner or later in your career. There are also great rewards because this job helps a community stay safe as no other position can. This is offset slightly by the sheer amount of benefits that you receive. Consequently, if you are not willing to take this risk, you should definitely go for a different career path instead. There can be too much work to be done. You still want to become a police officer? When you were a kid the coolest jobs to you were probably a doctor, fireman, police officer or a teacher and if not, than you're probably Amish. Costly. The biggest benefit to becoming a police officer is that, on a personal level, it's extremely rewarding. 1. As a policeman, you will also have the power to do good for others. Police officers like jailors who play a vital role in a working society, they operate the prisons in a proper manner so the prisoners do not get escape from the jails. 26+ Pros And Cons Of Being A Police Officer, Being a Compliance Officer: 22+ Pros and Cons, Vision vs. Mission: 20+ Differences between, Freelance vs. Contract: 20+ Differences between, Sublet vs. Sublease: 20+ Differences between, Franchising vs. There are other disadvant. There is a very strong bond between fellow police officers. Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Police Officer. 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