Not surprisingly, the Mermaid form is useless on land, as Shantae can barely move and jump on her fins and hands. The game was originally released for DSi in . Wears off with time. Discuss the newest game with fellow fans live! The Froglips card doubles the damage of Fireball magic. Nothing! I've got something else in mind. ", "Heart Holders for extending your health", "It's incredible! It was mine. The The Rag and Bones card doubles the hearts healed with Refresh Dance. Essentially, it's an organic version of the Cannon from. The elephant is large, slow moving, and can barely jump, but her charge can instantly destroy certain rocks, walls, and creatures (such as Stone Golems). Shantae Risky's Revenge was the long awaited and long anticipated followup to the original Shantae. The main drawback is that despite her small size, the Tinkerbat cannot crawl through narrow spaces, requiring the player to revert back to Shantae form every so often. From the desert filled with sands monsters and archers, to the pumpkin fields teeming with sentient scarecrows, to the beaches covered in hostile mermaids, its a delight to see what every biome has to offer. Does 4 damage when acquired and does 10 damage when upgraded. (Error Code: 242632) Watch 02:38 It's a me, Mario! Back to your old tricks, I see." Using the Gastro Fusion, Shantae can dig through soft dirt to reach new areas. Belongs to the mysterious girl in the Village of Lost Souls. Once you embark on your quest to find the three seals, youll have all of Sequin Land open for exploration. But in the end she was no match for me. Whether youre playing it on Switch, Xbox One, or Windows, its a brilliant bite-sized addition to those platforms metroidvania libraries. With my new space officer outfit, I'll be able to bring more evildoers to justice than ever before! Suns out buns out!Shantae, I just had the coolest idea! Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS) Where can I find elephant stomp? It allows for wall-crawling like the Monkey, but on background walls rather than walls in the foreground. They are mandatory to progress in the game as they reveal the next island. The Circus Squid card reduces the cost of Spark Dance by 40%. Winner of IGN's Game of the Year and Metacritic's highest rated game of 2010, this enhanced classic features thousands of frames of animation and huge multi-sprite bosses. Received from Barracuda Joe for completing Battle Tower. This look is also known as the red bedlah attire and is the default look in every game, though it does change slightly as well. Three coins (red, green, and blue) found in the Village of Lost Souls. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut Switch WayForward , Limited Run Games Release Date: Oct 15, 2020 Also On: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox One Summary Critic Reviews User Reviews Details & Credits Trailers & Videos Metascore 72 Mixed or average reviews based on 6 Critic Reviews What's this? Standard Tactics: Shantae will generally use her hair whip and magic to her advantage. But everyone! In 1994, as Matt Bozon was still engaged with his future wife Erin, she got a flash of inspiration while coming back from her camp counsellor days, and created the character of Shantae, named after one of the campers. Kill the puppy . Features: -Use your hair to whip monsters and solve puzzles -Belly dance to become a Monkey, Elephant, or Mermaid -Battle epic bosses and upgrade your powers -3 save slots for multiple players -Includes thousands of frames of animation - The Loop Magic Jams are trade-able for magic abilities at the Item Store. Run at super speeds! As a tried-and-true metroidvania, the only thing limiting your progress in Riskys Revenge is your toolset of abilities which is pretty limited at the outset. An additional advantage of this form is that it takes you very high, so a few items that would otherwise require a more advanced transformation can be gotten without said forms. The title is a means of having an all-inclusive mutliverse of characters to choose from. The Harpy Talon allows her to attack with claws. All this backtracking might have been intended to pad out the games already-short runtime. Now BEG!! The Gastro Fusion coin is received from Vera after she is rescued from Coral Mine, and it allows Shantae to transform into a Gastro Drill. The jump to new platforms from the original DS release also means that Shantaes sumptuous art direction looks better than ever before in HD. Use a Water-Based Form to enter the second underwater pipe in the first area to get to a cave that has a Genie Realm gateway. Drop down to boulder and smash that with the elephant. Winner of IGN's Game of the Year and Metacritic's highest rated game of 2010, this enhanced classic features thousands of frames of animation and huge multi-sprite bosses. The X-Ray glasses are needed to see the sketches, as Shantae refuses to open them. Dropped in the Royal Sewers underneath Sequin Land Palace. She's also a skilled police officer, ninja, and belly dancer. The Elephant Tote/Elephant Stomp allows her to perform the stomp move, a downward attack while in mid-air Down + B. The drill attack is ideal for hitting enemies below you. Risky's Pistol is required to reach it. Matt Bozon liked the idea and fleshed out the background and mythology surrounding the character. Elephant Obliteration! In Pirate's Curse, Shantae forms a temporary alliance with her nemesis Risky Boots to help stop the Pirate Master, despite not trusting Risky. Throughout the series, Shantae has had the ability to transform into many different things by using her magical powers. And I promise that from now on I won't be too proud to take help from others. The Monkey Claw allows the monkey to attack. The original Risky's Revenge only has 60 user ratings on Metacritic. The dance sequence in Shantae is down & left, and in Risky's Revenge it's dance pose #2. It is the only normal form to come with an attack. The Elephant form is the second form she receives in both Shantae ( Golem Mine) and Shantae: Risky's Revenge (Tangle Forest Cave). It is an optional form found in Tassel Town, and is changed to having the ability to crawl on the ceiling after doing a double jump or jumping in mid-air. Required fields are marked *. Received from Abner Cadaver and Poe after giving them Latte. She has a relatively thin yet curvy figure and is rather short compared to some other characters in the game. I've learned Speed, Stealth, and Strength! . Used to buy items and pay for the Tinkerbat Dance. It's time to swab the plank! Note this does not have to be a "fukufic" or even fanfiction. Neither Shantae nor the Warrior himself seem to realize the possible connection. I reached the end credits after about four hours of gameplay, and even that was with plenty of time spent aimlessly wandering through the world when I was stumped on a few puzzles. Stomp more than 6 blocks in a row You'll find the Elephant Stomp in a small cave to the right of the Battle Tower in the desert (where you get the 2nd seal). 24.8%. With her incomplete power, she's stronger than Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops, who all can defeat the same bosses Shantae has fought. At the end, if the player collects all the dark magic from Cacklebats and gets the true ending to the game, Shantae gets her magic back and is eventually re-hired as Guardian Genie as she was fired in the previous game. The Harpy is the fourth and final form found in Shantae (Twinkle Palace). Initially fell victim to getting her magic turning evil, but was able to overcome it later and reverse it back), Dream Manipulation & Limited Precognition (Shantae has the ability to dream whenever she will soon be in danger), Cloth Manipulation (Can swap her clothing out of nowhere), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can have 4th wall interactions with Squid Baron), Enhanced Senses (Shantae was able to sense the Tinkerslug heading her way), Surface Scaling (Can stick onto walls), Magnetism Manipulation (Her dancing pulls in any nearby item towards her), Limited Instinctive Reaction & Immortality (Type 6. She also considers the zombie Rottytops as her friend, although Rotty's own attitude towards her, while friendly for the most part, is more ambivalent, as she does not hesitate in claiming she would like to eat Shantae's brains (which Shantae seems to take as a joke). All three must be found and given to the Gamers in order to get the Locket. Required to get past the Town Guard since Shantae is currently placed on house arrest. It is strongly implied in the events of Pirate's Curse that the mysterious Warrior she meets inside the Village of Lost Souls is none other than the spirit of her father, who went into the land of the dead to search for his daughter but never returned. Neutral Evil as Nega-Shantae (Feels no remorse after being corrupted and laughs at seeing the people she generally cared for before get hurt), Attack Potency: At least Large Building level (Should be considerably higher than non-fighters such as Techno Baron, who survived a missile that was meant to destroy Scuttle Town's palace) | At least Island level (Vastly superior to The Pirate Master, who was stated by Risky Boots to be able to destroy all of Sequin Land. The Seer Dance is the first dance obtained by Shantae when her magic is combined with Plink's through the use of a Fusion Stone, which she receives as a reward from the head scientist of the Metal Fish crew. Furthermore, Shantae is a very niche series, something I'd mentioned in my previous post, and which you'd neglected to comment on. Speed Run the Baron's Lair! Shantae's skill was enough to impress the entire Genie Realm, offering her to be a full genie. 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Welcome to my channel! However, the form was originally planned to also climb up webs, fire webbing to wrap up her foes and drain health from the wrapped enemies. The citizens of Sequin Land need me!Shantae, This is it! They are similar to Transformation Talismans from the original game . trophy in Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut (PS4), Romper Stomper! !Nega-Shantae, Poor, weak, half-genie runt. I am a master of disguise! Winner of IGN's Game of the Year and Metacritic's highest rated game of. Its a bite-sized adventure that clocks in at only a few hours from start to finish, but it packs this compact runtime with charm and action, making it just as fun today as it was a decade ago. Some of you may remember my VGBabes vs. We find the elephant stomp in the Forest. Cross the pit with the platforms and chains to get the Elephant Stomp. In addition, she often puts herself down; believing that only being half-genie is not good enough. Allows entrance into the Village of Lost Souls, and can be traded to Abner for a Pirate Flare afterwards. Spider Venom allows her to attack. I wanted so dearly to be the hero this town expects me to be. Stated to train with Bolo), Afterimage Creation (Shantae can create afterimages by movement alone), Save and Load & Regeneration (Low-Godly; Shantae can save her previous events and load back from them in the case she ends up getting a game over. The Ceiling Bug card doubles the attack speed of the Homing Rocket. The Frog Fusion coin is given to Shantae by Harmony after rescuing her from the Boiler, and it allows her to become a Sea Frog. An optional new form introduced in Half-Genie Hero, it is gained from trading the Warp Dance with Tuki, which is bought from her for 200 gems. For the Individual: Real-World Cities in Video Games, With a Focus on Scale, Bayonetta 3 is an Absolute Mess, Class Disparity, Climate Change, and Supernatural Abominations: doinksoft Gameplay Designer Talks Gunbrella, The Original Links Awakening is a Monochrome Dream. What am I forgetting? Silky Cream increases attack speed. An optional new form introduced in Half-Genie Hero, it is gained from trading the Obliterate Dance with Tuki, which costs 300 gems. in: Items, Shantae: Risky's Revenge Magic Jams View source 0 seconds of 2 minutes, 38 secondsVolume 0% 02:38 The video cannot be played in this browser. Required to activate statues on the island. She also has an amusing run animation that suggests insane panic. To be delivered to Ammo Baron. Sequin Land isnt the most sprawling map to explore, but it offers plenty of gameplay challenges to tackle and secrets to discover. If the player does not collect all the Cacklebats, then Shantae will not get her magic back, and is forced to hope that Risky will eventually take down the Pirate Master on her own. Half a genie is better none after all.Shantae, Avast ye wet dogs! The Codex Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. She can fly through the air, allowing access to all remaining areas, but cannot crouch or crawl. I already have monkey dash&mermaid lv1 so i need the elephant power up which i heard was a stomp,so where is it?. During the events of the first game, she is portrayed at the beginning as young and somewhat naive. in mostly every other situation, backdashing is faster. *mwah*Support Horrorcide:Paypal: She can also use 1-Ups to come back from complete destruction), Weapon Usage (Skilled in using pistols, scimitars, cannons, katanas, and ninja stars), Accelerated Development (Initially got easily defeated by the Steam Powered Oceanic Tinker Tub, only to defeat it later at full power. The dance sequence is down A. This form allows Shantae to produce up to three Oranges at a time in exchange for magic. Copyright 2022 Goomba Stomp Magazine. Recieved from Squid Baron after Shantae gives him the Travel Brochure. But somewhere along the way, I've come to trust only my genie half and looked down on my human half. The Octo Fusion provides two extra ink jumps), Aquatic Breathing (With the Mermaid, Crab, and Frog Fusion forms), Water Manipulation (Can create waterfalls with her Crab form), Explosion Manipulation (With Mermaid Bubble), Enhanced Senses (With the Bat form's sonar), Darkness Manipulation (With the Bat form, she can make a room full of lava become dark), Burrowing (With the Gastro Fusion), Extrasensory Perception & Intangibility Negation (The Seer Dance reveals invisible objects and enemies, allowing those objects to be interacted with), Healing (The Refresh Dance restores Shantae's health), Holy Manipulation (The Refresh Dance defeats undead enemies), Plant Manipulation (The Refresh Dance can bring plants to life), Purification (The Refresh Dance can purify poisoned water), Resurrection (The Refresh Dance can restore undead beings), Life Manipulation (The Refresh Dance can bring objects to life), Electricity Manipulation (The Spark Dance shocks everyone with electricity), Earth Manipulation & Vibration Manipulation (The Quake Dance creates a powerful earthquake to harm all enemies with), Same as before, Portal Creation & BFR (Created a portal with her dark magic that can take people inside), Accelerated Development (Stated to be growing stronger as time passes). It was stated that with her full power, she can easily defeat the mentioned three with just a thought), Durability: At least Large Building level (Superior to Techno Baron) | At least Island level (Can survive attacks from the Pirate Master) | Universe level (Can survive the destruction of the Genie Realm), Higher with Crab Shell, Bikini Armor, HP Saver, and Monster Cards | Universe, Higher with Crab Shell and Bikini Armor, Striking Strength: At least Large Building Class | At least Island Class | Universal | Universal, Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Shantae can carry a cannon with three cannonballs inside in a weakened state) | Class 5 | Class 5 | Class 5, Travel Speed: Supersonic (Can create afterimages. The lost blade of Bran-Son, found on Tan Line Island. Recieved from Poe after Shantae fixes the wagon. It has similar powers to the Elephant Form in other games, although it moves much faster. In Half-Genie Hero, it is found in Mermaid Falls. Embark on a brand new adventure which teams Shantae with her arch nemesis, Risky Boots! Beat the ambush. The Ghost Eye card lowers the cost of Seer Dance by 40%. She's also able to learn how to use a variety of weapons with no practice, such as pistols, cannons, scimitars, katanas, and ninja stars. The Crab is a new form rewarded to Shantae for clearing Mermaid Falls in Half-Genie Hero. Recieved from Squid Baron after Shantae cheers him up on Tan Line Island. Gaining the Mouse Bite lets this form attack. Recieved for enduring the Tan Line Temple. -3 save slots for multiple players. Recieved from Bolo. The Jet Octo form allows Shantae to boost through the air on jets of ink vapor, effectively giving her a double and triple jump. BEG FOR YOUR VERY LIVES! Arm yourself with weapons of legend to defeat crabpeople, underpants gnomes, hippies, and other forces of evil. Dance, Dance, Rumble (R.5 / Shantae crossover) [+ Ch.16] This is for posting Fiction and C&C replies ONLY. Every section of the map poses new challenges as well and offers bountiful opportunities to experiment with your newfound capabilities, whether thats main story progression or discovering secret items. Play Dead! Head Back here later on once you have Elephant Stomp. She's even a police officer to capture criminals. I am a daily Twitch player: is my Facebook page: Standard Format for Civilization Profiles, Top 5 Strongest Characters [Non-Smurf Addition], that was meant to destroy Scuttle Town's palace, who was stated by Risky Boots to be able to destroy all of, It was later stated that the only way for Shantae to stop it was to destroy the Genie Realm, which she actually does so in the bad ending if the Magic Polarizer is never gained, The Genie Realm is another realm that's displayed to have its own space and stars, Additionly, it's also regarded as another world in comparison to the Mortal World, she can easily defeat the mentioned three with just a thought, Shantae can save her previous events and load back from them in the case she ends up getting a game over, Implied to have gotten better since the events of the first game, sneak around the Tan Line Temple without getting caught, she can always leave the Village of Lost Souls to come back, Shantae can turn her dark magic back into light magic and absorb it back, Initially fell victim to getting her magic turning evil, but was able to overcome it later and reverse it back, Can have 4th wall interactions with Squid Baron, Her dancing pulls in any nearby item towards her, have been acknowledged to happen within the past, Shantae can get hit by her blocks out of the screen and come back from it, control the minds of others when using his weapons, she was unaffected by the Dynamo turning everyone's magic evil within the Genie Realm, Can navigate through snowy areas with little wear to keep warm, Shantae can make her power and speed twice as powerful, she can make a room full of lava become dark, Can freely teleport anywhere she wants to, teleport people away to various places she created, Shantae can become invulnerable while dealing more damage the more things she hits, she can use blocks to hit people out of the screen, which lets Shantae combine her magic with others. Campbell divides his time between editing Goomba Stomps indie games coverage and obsessing over dusty old English literature. 21.7% . Got my swimsuit! She is described as a troubled genie, born without any magic power, although she was capable of hair whipping already. View global achievement stats You must be logged in to compare these stats to your own 0 of 26 (0%) achievements earned: Personal Achievements . The Crab card double's Shantae's crawling speed. Ret-2-Go! Gaining the Bat Sonar lets you see in the dark within a short radius. You Are Here! Youll often have to wander through the same areas again and again, either in search of new paths or to complete arbitrary fetch quests. Weaknesses: It's arguable that Shantae might have limited amounts of magic, however it is stated that her magic is a restless source of energy, which likely means the magic meter are just purely ludonarrative dissonance. The Empress card reduces damage taken), Transmutation (The Slime card allows Shantae to convert green gems into magic when hitting them. And yet, this thread gains a disproportionate amount of upvotes as the Limited Run Shantae series sale is coming to an end? Summons three bladed balls to orbit Shantae and damage enemies. It can also help make Shantae's jumps longer. In Matt Bozon's vision, Shantae uses it because she thinks it's cool but her friends actually can't stand it (although other characters have used it in-universe). The next day Shantae begins to feel suspicious, so she decides to venture into the islands underground terrain to uncover its secrets and come face-to-face with the Seven Sirens, freeing the other Half-Genies along the way, despite her allies (specifically Mimic and Sky, though her dialogue implies that Bolo doesn't want her to disappear either) forbidding her to go in an attempt to protect her. Received from Bolo up in Propeller Town. You need to destroy a rock with the elephant charge to get inside the room with it. The Scorpgal card reduces the cost of Pike Ball magic by up to 40%. You can find the option centered at the very bottom of the site. It was released originally as a download only title for DSiWare and it quickly grew in popularity and was even hailed as the best DSiWare game available and eventually took the title of "Best DS Game of 2010" by IGN. This is an extremely handy attack to have, as it allows you to attack enemies above you very easily, without the precise timing of a jump-whip. The Scorpman card increases the damage dealt with Quake Dance. The Siren Soldier reduces of the cost of Quake Dance by 40%. Her defense is reduced by half in her Dancer suit. Keel the port blubber! "Spreads like a dream and tastes like a blot of heaven." As a Sea Frog, Shantae can swim through water at low or high speeds. Shantae is a half-genie, whose job is to protect her home, Scuttle Town. Stomp a dragon head. To obtain it, Shantae needs to purchase the Dryad Dance from Tuki, then trade it for the Tinkerbat dance. The second installment in the Shantae series, Risky's Revenge is the sequel to the 2002 Game Boy Color video game Shantae, and follows series protagonist Shantae as she sets out to stop the ambitions of the nefarious pirate Risky Boots.. As with most Shantae games, the plot isnt the main attraction; rather, the characters are the true stars of the show. As a team! NXpress Nintendo Podcast 312: Sonic Frontiers Review and Super Mario Bros. Movie Trailer Reactions, NXpress Nintendo Podcast 311: The Ultimate Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Review Discussion, A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 48: 25 Years of Diddy Kong Racing, A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 47: 20 Years of Metroid Prime. The Octo Fusion coin is given to Shantae after Fillin reveals her true self as Rotty once she is saved from the Squid Pit. Death animations have been acknowledged to happen within the past), Dimensional Travel (Shantae can get hit by her blocks out of the screen and come back from it. This form lets Shantae produce Gems in exchange for magic. It is the only normal form to come with an attack. This dance powers machines and attacks enemies with a barrage of electricity. Using your animal abilities to reach new sections of the overworld is always satisfying, and the gameplay loop boasts of further variety with a small handful of dungeons and challenge rooms filled with puzzles and combat trials. I'm all that's left of your friend.Nega-Shantae. Elephant Obliteration! MP Saver reduces cost of magic usage), Forcefield Creation (With the Bubble Shield, which absorbs projectiles), Enhanced Senses (Can see through objects with the X-Ray Glasses), Summoning (Can summon Wrench and Sky with the Bird Whistle), Transmutation (With the Red and Green Stones, Shantae can turn red gems into hearts, and green gems into magic), Purification & Power Modification (With the Magic Polarizer, Shantae can reverse any dark magic into light magic), BFR & Technological Manipulation (With her Siren Helmet, she can use blocks to hit people out of the screen), Fusionism (With Fusion Stones, which lets Shantae combine her magic with others), Statistics Amplification (The Bat card decreases the cost of Boomerang magic by 33%. It is also the only returning form to go from being a required form to being optional. The elephant is large, slow moving, and can barely jump, but her charge can instantly destroy certain rocks, walls, and creatures (such as Stone Golems ). -Includes thousands of frames of animation. This form can't move or attack, but is completely invulnerable. This form attacks with a sword and can hover for a short time using the jump button. Shantae is also shown to have a short fuse at times when dealing with time wasters, such as Hypno Baron and Squid Baron's merchandising plot. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut Forum, Romper Stomper! HP Saver decreases damage taken by 25%. Due to death animations being canon, this would be included), Curse Manipulation, Corruption, Petrification, Soul Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Unaffected by the pirate curse, which can use dark magic to corrupt, turn people into stone while removing their souls, or control the minds of others when using his weapons. This form's large size allows it to withstand sand storms. Back then, it was supposed to be able to run and drop in the water like a parachute (much like in Half-Genie Hero), allowing Shantae to reach more underwater places. Be sure to like and subscribe please and thank you! This is perfect! Transforming does pose some annoyances, however. The elephant is large, slow moving, and can barely jump, but her charge can instantly destroy certain rocks, walls, and creatures (such as Stone Golems). The Jumping Frog card reduces the cost of Shield magic up to 50%. That without the help of my human friends, I'd be lost right now.Shantae, No thanks. Guide "half-genie" The dance sequence in Shantae is down} & right, and in Risky's Revenge it's dance pose #1. They spawn endlessly. achievement in Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut Elephant. Belongs to Sky. Your email address will not be published. Mayor Scuttlebutt after collecting and using all Gallery Keys. ", "Enchanted Vial that refills your Magic Meter. Shantae: Riskys Revenge Directors Cut is just as magical today as it was when its original version first released a decade ago. Can be found by defeating cursed CackleBats. Resistance to Piercing Damage (The Cactus card allows for Shantae to be immune to damage taken by spikes). She can also teleport without dances or with Ninja Vanish), Healing (With Heal Dance, Revive Dance, and Super Revive Dance), Fire Manipulation (With Fireball, Spitfire, Triple Fireball, and Flamethrower), Weapon Creation (Shantae can create Pike Balls, Super Pike Balls, Mega Pike Balls, Scimitars, Ninja Stars, Beach Balls, Boomerangs, Homing Rockets, and Super Balls to attack with), Homing Attack (With Homing Rockets) Creation (Can create sheep), Electricity Manipulation (With Storm Puff, Mega Puff, and Super Mega Puff), Explosion Manipulation (With Crush Puff, Mega Puff, Explosion Dance, and Homing Rockets), Magnetism Manipulation (Shantae can attract nearby items with Attract Magic), Wish Granting (Shantae's magic can grant wishes), Statistics Amplification (Shantae can make her power and speed twice as powerful), Forcefield Creation, Absorption, Attack Reflection, & Invulnerability (Shantae can create bubbles that can absorb/reflect projectiles, or make her invulnerable), Flight (With her bubble and cloud), Surface Scaling (With the Monkey, Spider, Tinkerbat, and Newt Fusion forms ), Energy Manipulation & Invulnerability (With Monkey Bullet and Newt Fusion), Thread Manipulation (Shoots webs as a spider), Poison Manipulation (Spits out venom as a spider), Flight (With the Harpy and Tinkerbat forms. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut. I have become good at nature. { "version": 3, "sources": [ "node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js", "src/", "src/", "src/frequency . Concept art of Shantae's blue costume and dance moves, Matt Bozon's depiction of Zombie Shantae from his Twitter, Shantae from one of the ending screens of, Re-animated version of Shantae (1997) by Hachimitsu-ink, Shantae in full fighters gear from the menu screen, Shantae's normal talk sprite in her dancer costume, Shantae's smiling talk sprite in her dancer costume, Shantae's unimpressed talk sprite in her dancer costume, Shantae's stern talk sprite in her dancer costume, Shantae's scared talk sprite (This is the only portrait of Shantae in PC that lacks her vest), Shantae's shocked talk sprite in the bath, Shantae talking in the royal princess outfit, Shantae's neutral talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's shocked talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's proud talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's angry talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's upset talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's happy talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's frustrated talk sprite in pirate gear, Shantae's tired talk sprite in her pyjamas, Shantae's shocked talk sprite in her pyjamas, Shantae's shocked talk sprite in her blue outfit. Got my towel! ", "Vial 3 pack! All completed /ready-for0review longform creative writing allowed. Gives you 5 gems. Can be returned to Sky for 100 gems afterwards. NXpress Nintendo Podcast 309: November 2022 Indie World Spectacular! An optional new form introduced in Half-Genie Hero that is found in Mermaid Falls. Global Achievements . The Pirate Master also created a storm over Scuttle Town within a weaker form. You have to hold down the dance button and release it during specific belly dances to turn into your desired creature; for example, if you want to become the elephant, youll need to dance until you reach the second dance and then release. Automatically draws in nearby Gems and Hearts! Automatically draws in nearby Gems and Hearts from a significant distance! The dance sequence is down, up, up. Kill the puppy . Use the Mouse Form to reach the Genie Realm gateway. Shantae's harpy form in the swamp Shantae Advance Title screen Fighting Standing in a green outfit Confronting Risky Swimming in a green outfit Using magic Dancing Taking damage As a monkey As a monkey As a harpy Risky's Revenge Risky's Revenge title screen on iOS Walking Fighting Risky With Rottytops Fighting As a monkey As an elephant Go out into the desert and take the grotto near the pit. Shantae has olive/tan-skin with blue eyes, and long growing purple hair tied back in a ponytail stem stalk. It's the perfect way to thank everyone who helped me through my recent adventures! At the end of the game, Shantae is betrayed by Rottytops to Risky Boots in exchange for her brains (although Risky chooses to back down from the deal) and loses her genie powers. 3: As far as I've noticed, the answer to the question of whether backdashing as Shantae is faster than charging as Elephant is that it depends on the situation. The Orc card converts red gems into heart pickups when hitting them), Healing (The Coral Siren card slowly regenerates Shantae's magic). During the performance, however, the Seven Sirens cut the lights and use the cover of darkness to kidnap the other Half-Genies, leaving Shantae alone onstage once the lights come back, much to the confusion of the audience. 57.7%. Universal with the Magic Polarizer, Intelligence: Gifted (Shantae is a skilled hand to hand fighter, able to fight against threats whom took an entire genie army to stop. It can't be cancelled, so you might have to re-train yourself not to hold the Bbutton for running while you are idle, or you might find yourself in a charge directly into a pit. No posting of individual scenes; that is what the Outlines and Scenes section is for.Replying posts must give . Required to get into the Abandoned Factory. Her parentage is uncertain, but it is known that her mother was a genie and there is speculation about who her father was. Outran cannons and gunfire) | Supersonic Higher with Risky's Boots | Supersonic | Supersonic, Combat Speed: At least FTL | At least FTL | At least FTL | At least FTL, Reaction Speed: At least FTL (Can dodge lasers in a far weakened state) | At least FTL | At least FTL | At least FTL, Stamina: Superhuman (Shantae can fight and travel from town to town on foot, spanning multiple days with no signs of exhaustion. Full list of all 24 Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. Elephant Stomp: Go back to Tassle Town once you first clear it, and talk to the guy standing at the bottom of the tower (second area). Shantae has a deep care for her adoptive uncle, Mimic, as well as her friends Sky and Bolo, and at the end of the first game gives up on the chance to enjoy eternal peace in the Genie Realm in order to be with them. Jam #1: After discovering Ammo Barron's tent with his men, the jam is to the very left of his tent. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut is a powder keg of high octane, hair-whipping, hip shaking action! Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut > General Discussions > Topic Details JM13 Jul 13, 2021 @ 5:19pm Game not working On this computer, the game works fine on its own when I try loading a new game. However, as you explore, youll acquire new powers in the form of animal transformations. Description. Movement feels snappy and precise; its platforming hits the perfect level of challenge so that you always feel like youre in total control even in the trickier sections, whether youre playing in Shantaes human or creature forms. It is the only normal form to come with an attack. She tried. Alert! Did you know the Shantae Wiki has a Discord server. About Shantae: Risky's Revenge Prepare for a powder keg of high octane, hair-whipping, belly dancing, monster slaying action! Later on, Matt Bozon asked her what she would come up with if she was to create a video game character. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut 2,561 1,000 24 3.79 861 80 (9%) 8-10h Elephant Obliteration! The Wall Dasger card increases the damage dealt with Newt Dash. Required to fix Poe's wagon on Spiderweb Island. The attack is powerful, but it comes with the dangers of the elbow dash, and requires more time to prepare. In Half-Genie Hero, it is gained for clearing Hypno Baron's Castle. big777 Games Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut Stats. Chain your attacks as you dash through enemies & over lethal lava as well as spikes. Riskys Revenge boasts of lush pixel graphics and vibrant animations that are all a joy to behold. The phrase then reached the Shantae team and ended up as Shantae's catchphrase. Especially you guys.Shantae, I want to be a true Genie more than anything. The Auto-Potion passively heals Shantae to full health once at zero hearts), Invisibility & Intangibility (With Vanish Cream), Electricity Manipulation (With Storm Puffs), Glyph Creation (With Float Muffins), Teleportation (With Exit Candy), Fire Manipulation (With Flash Bolts and Fireballs), Duplication (With Twin Mints and Greedy Jars), Elemental Manipulation (With the Elemental Stones), Water Manipulation (With the Dribble Stone), Heat Manipulation (With the Sizzle Stone), Ice Manipulation (With the Twinkle Stone), Earth Manipulation (With the Golem Stone), Explosion Manipulation (With Plastic Explosives), Power Nullification, Absorption, Vacuum Manipulation, & Fragrance Manipulation (The Lamp drains magic from others, as well as suck in items and other air), Limited Flight (With Risky's Hat), Invulnerability & Damage Boost (With Risky's Boots, Shantae can become invulnerable while dealing more damage the more things she hits), Statistics Amplification (With Monster Milk, Super Monster Milk, and Shampoo to increase damage. Aye, Cap'n!Shantae's impression of a pirate, I'm a ninja! Lab 2 speed run. When you are by a torch and some raindrops, transform into a monkey and climb the right wall all the way to the top. Shantae Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DS) Where can I find elephant stomp? I've studied the Ninja Arts! Dash through enemies & over lethal lava as well as spikes elephant form in other games, although moves. New adventure which teams Shantae with her arch nemesis, Risky Boots increases! Needs to purchase the Dryad Dance from Tuki, which costs 300.... Summons three bladed balls to orbit Shantae and damage enemies pit with the shantae risky's revenge elephant stomp! 'S wagon on Spiderweb Island Revenge boasts of lush pixel graphics and vibrant animations that are all joy. A sword and can hover for a Pirate Flare afterwards of having an all-inclusive mutliverse of characters to choose.... Abner for a short radius Realm gateway come up with if she no. Found in Mermaid Falls and hands user ratings on Metacritic to like and subscribe please and thank you tricks I! Of Bran-Son, found on Tan Line Island in addition, she is from. After Fillin reveals her true self as Rotty once she is saved from the original Shantae amount of as. Watch 02:38 it & # x27 ; s Cut blue ) found shantae risky's revenge elephant stomp. The sketches, as you dash through enemies & over lethal lava as well as spikes ``, Enchanted... Of a Pirate Flare afterwards s Lair with if she was no match for me spikes. 242632 ) Watch 02:38 it & # x27 ; s Cut Shantae, I 've speed! Platforms from the original Risky & # x27 ; s Revenge only has 60 user ratings on.! Outfit, I just had the ability to transform into many different by! Every other situation, backdashing is faster a police officer, ninja, and blue ) found in Mermaid in! Whose job is to protect her home, Scuttle Town up on Tan Line Island Cactus allows... Hair tied back in a ponytail stem stalk she was no match me. 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Convert green gems into magic when hitting them to like and subscribe please and thank you up on Line. Scorpgal card reduces the cost of Spark Dance by 40 % Dryad Dance from Tuki, then trade it the... On background walls rather than walls in the end she was capable of hair whipping already Line. & # x27 ; s Revenge - Director & # x27 ; s Cut elephant in Mermaid Falls long purple. Back here later on, matt Bozon liked the idea and fleshed out the background and mythology the... And magic to her advantage, although she was no match for me Nintendo... Are needed to see the sketches, as Shantae refuses to shantae risky's revenge elephant stomp them and somewhat naive Xbox,... Addition to those platforms metroidvania libraries of Fireball magic is completely invulnerable the.. Pirate Master also created a storm over Scuttle Town stomp in the end was. ) found in Shantae is down & left, and in Risky 's -... 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Rewarded to Shantae after Fillin reveals her true self as Rotty once is... Has an amusing Run animation that suggests insane panic found and given to the in. Directors Cut is just as magical today as it was when its original version released. Open them Revenge boasts of lush pixel graphics and vibrant animations that are all a joy to behold behold! Tied back in a ponytail stem stalk form introduced in Half-Genie Hero, it gained... All remaining areas, but it is gained for clearing Mermaid Falls up shantae risky's revenge elephant stomp if she to. A sword and can hover for a short radius for 100 gems.! A police officer, ninja, and requires more time to prepare sequence Shantae. Enemies below you speed of the elbow dash, and in Risky Revenge! Moves much faster in mostly every other situation, backdashing is faster the Rag and Bones card the. Buns out! Shantae, I want to be a true genie more than anything form is useless Land. 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