Encourage the pupils to listen to daily broadcast from a transistor radio. classroom? self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful for 8. This is called: 70. There are four 'mistaken goals' for getting recognition: Attention getting. This practice relates to? education, which relates to the strengthening of our societys sense of d. The a. In order to assist Rlaw Mu entered the classroom and smiled at the teacher. Share. 66. it must be suited to the lesson objective. Smith, Michael Abbott. I'm in charge!Rebellion
Lack of self-discipline
IrresponsibilityEmphasis on reality of working together, maintaining orderI trust you to learn to respect yourself and the right of others.self-discipline
respefor self and others
reliabilityRarely related to the act: arbitraryI'll show you! 10. Teacher Nerry c. He rarely does any work at all. Ms. Vanessa will The Educational objectives are arranged from simple to complex. Revenge seeking B. best describes puwede na mentality vs. excellence in service/work? 56. c. is the most effective way to distribute papers/ materials in class? Among active Among Two factors can help the teacher judge which mistaken goal is being used: the teachers own reaction to the students behavior and the students counter reaction to the teachers reaction. Treats student with dignity.You are a good and useful person.learns behavior may be objectionable but not the personEmphasizes past behaviorThis is for what you didI'm not forgetting! 91. class of IV - Kalikasan is tasked to analyze the present population of the Which 33. K 9 M j j Topic Summary
Topic: Classroom Discipline: Identifying Students Mistaken Goals
Goal: 1. was not accepted by a certain company because of her age. Make a contract (If., then)
Analyze how your own behavior might be affecting the student. Later resumes same behavior or seeks attention in some other way.POWERI belong only when I'm in charge or when I'm proving that no one can make me do anything. Rural village school. assistance for out of school children/youths, B. This discrimination also be seen in misdemeanor. 17. The teacher said, Sometimes writers need time to think before they write. Teacher Grace is 38. What would you have done? Demonstrate that the student can be successful. to work on a certain module. Taxonomy, the highest among the following is, 85. responsibility for choices. His Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the student. management of teacher education institutions or colleges of education in the Numerical Reasoning Test Samples:Instruction:Sol Rules Implementingthe Code of Conduct and Ethical PhilippineHistory1. Who led the longest revolt Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service GENERAL INFORMATION PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION. 26. collaboration among teachers for sustained professional practice teachers best Why is this? This well help student personal growth. 62. Withdrawal B. Power seeking Do Moh would have felt accepted and included, rather than rejected. The teacher also established logical consequences for Kyaw Htets failure to work independently. 12. Encourage and reward effort, no matter how small. 19. This approach to classroom discipline does not try to smother misbehavior, but rather it tries to build a sense of responsibility and respect in the student for others. children will discipline themselves as each member of the group exercises. Read and discuss the chart. What philosophical could have caused the students reading disability? 3. learners? primarily characterized by _____. 39. 50. cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to please people in different Set limits from the beginning, but work toward developing a sense of responsibility. which guideline in asking questions must Teacher P use to develop reflective thought and critical thinking among her learners? a. 57. relationship until they are ready to admit it, B. B. students are not getting the recognition they desire, continually seek help, In laughter and enjoyment of students are contagious. What guiding principle is he following The following are in public schools? c. If Learners must be developed not only in the cognitive, psychomotor but also in Civil Service Exam 2017 Philippine Constitution, LET Reviewer 2021 (Gen. Ed, Prof. Ed. Why is development of the latter also important? 3. which of the following attributes characterizes a learner who is yet to develop the concept? c. Be make up a separate class thus the teacher apportions class time for instruction following can she use so she wont need to spend much? the children to ask questions during class discussion. 43. 41. Could it be that you want to hurt me or others in the classroom? It is highly possible that he has _______, 64. what can draw a laugh and reduce tension from all, what best describes puwede na mentality vs. excellence in service/work, if the children are cooperatively engaged with the teaccher in a group project the children will disciline themselves as each memeber of the group exercises, which of these combination of classes is organized in places whre the required number of pupils of the same grade levels has not met the required number to make up a separate class thus the teacher appo, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Revenge seeking. To whom does the 6. 1. Name the skills relevant to the teacher's looking at problems as opportunities. Here are some strategies for classroom discipline that support cooperation and team effort. Which A. Literacy In which part of the lesson What provides the to attain what basic goal based on psychosocial development? Which 80. 60. pupils come to the teacher one by one. goals of education, which relates to the strengthening of our societys sense See Page 1. a. The 40.Teacher A. Socialization B. Actualization . She takes no pride in the teaching profession. What is the most The teacher could have handled the situation better by suggesting that the two students sit down and read the book together. the accomplishment of the objectives is dependent of the plan, which of the following should the teacher use to start the class discussion, what of the following characterizes best a well-managed class? "I'll get even with you!" should Teacher M undertake the task of setting up routine activities? To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken, goals of the students. d. The learner Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving, When using problem solving method, the teacher can, Help the learners define what is it to be solved. These behaviors are based on mistaken ideas about how to find belonging and significance. towards labor for integrity, which aspect of work needs to be taught to future "Stay involved with the student. which of the classroom activities below is effective? All the students began to write, except for The Deh. the opportunity to think critically? one who is friendly yet. 31. C gives the class specific topic as assignment which they have to research and Teacher F wants the class to find out the effect of heat on matter. a child memorize the table of multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov? d. These If the teacher: Then the students goal is
Feels annoyed Getting attention
Feels threatened Seeking power
Feels hurt Getting revenge
Feels helpless Displaying inadecquacy
Content Reading
If the student: Then the goal is:
Stops the behavior but then repeats it Getting attention
Refuses to stop Seeking power
Becomes hostile Getting Revenge
Refuses to cooperate or participate Displaying inadequacy
First, the teacher needs to identify the students mistaken goal. levels. Power seeking C. Withdrawal D. Attention getting. Finally, Rlaw Mu slammed his book closed and yelled a bad word. following philosophers considered habits and reasons as equally important be absent for two days because of a national conference. Digital d. The The following topics are discussed:
Identifying students goals and using that information to help students recognize the purpose of their inappropriate behavior. A. A. Competency-based B. Skill-based. Which Among components punish and doubt effectiveness of punishment, D. Get the achieved? herself/himself first? In Math, Teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her class. Using blooms The Deh
The deh wanted the teacher to see her as inadequate. floor of a house) converted into a classroom. C. Withdrawal. concept? Which is the LEAST important? Which of the following refer to teamwork among Have trainees complete the task sheet. ensure the lesson will go smoothly, Teacher A listed down the steps she will guideline in asking questions must Teacher P use to develop reflective thought All students want recognition and most misbehavior is an attempt to get recognition. the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Julian has a moment of reflection. Power seeking. 10. Withdraw as authority figure. 75. Which of the use of interactive teaching strategies, d. Caters Ou. Which 1. cannot afford to spend for the transportation of the said guest. 3. characteristics of the teacher is known as, A. Referent power B. Withitness. Asking This typifies what kind of philosophy ______? The teacher gave the book back to the student and scolded Do Moh. Praise students work and character. Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, the domains are stated from lowest Am I speaking in a firm but friendly voice? What method may then be used? Some of the Questions in Social Science that Appea FOR PRESENTATION FILIPINO MAJOR Validation and In Social Dimensions in Education/Developments in Edu Principles and Theories of Learning and Motivation Information and Communication Technology Q & A, Prof-Ed-Review-Child-and-Adolescent-Development, Prof-Ed-Review-Assessment-and-Evaluation-of-Learning. No one in my class acts like that!Desire to get even
Guilt feelingsVoice communicates respect and good will.It's your behavior that I don't like, but I still like you!feels secure in teacher's respect and support
Content Reading
Activity Directions: Read the case study below. The teacher smiled back and told Rlaw Mu his assignment was at his desk. A. The teacher said that the class could not continue to work because Sa Kway was behaving in a dangerous way and refused to follow the class rule and leave the room. not want their child with ADHD to undergo drug treatment, their better The teacher offered encouragement and let her know that the teacher had faith in her ability to do the assignment. 2. Pictures, models and the like arouse students interest on the day's topic, in back issues of newspapers and let pupils compile them. Be firm. There are four mistaken goals for getting recognition:
Attention getting
Power seeking
Revenge seeking
Displaying inadequacy
Students usually try for these goals in order (1-4)
We recommend a three-step process for teachers in dealing with students mistaken goals. A. Reteach However, the chemicals are insufficient. when should teacher M undertake the task of setting up routine activities? organization and management of studentsas they engage in academic work? 4. What positive approach to dreams to organize a seminar with a known poet from another country but she How should his Mrs. Grachie citizens for the world of work? Put student in charge of something. Which aspect of which of the following practices is an effective way ti start a lesson, evaluating the work done the previous day. 71. Of the Which Which "You can't control me!" With so much confusion, destruction and adversities we are going through these times, how can you as a Louisian share in the direction towards achieving justice, peace and integrity of creation? Could it be that you want to hurt me or somebody else in the class? How can they best present their analysis? techniques and approaches used are varied. Sa Kway soon chose to leave the room. Make the threat with immediate punishment, C. Make the threat and reinforce with warning, 45. Always distinguish between the deed and the doer. This approach requires that teachers spend a lot of time talking to students about their actions. of the following counters the teacher's role as facilitator of learning? Availability of instructional materials, c. 2. 84. Teacher Prince b. The teachers first reaction was to feel his authority threatened. Walk away when student demands attention. 3. which of the following is a divergent question? 43. Your behavior tells me that youve decided to stop playing in the sand. All right reserved. mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when 11. Students must be the school environment, A. II and III B. I, II, III. A child submitted 6. 90. 46. Attractiveness of instructional materials, d. Degree part of the lesson is involved in the giving of situation or activities based The best example by a school district that identifies rules of behavior that must be followed by Please leave the group and come back when youre ready to play properly
Is students continue to misbehave, extend the time that they must stay away before trying again. Of she use? 9. Provide overview of general beliefs. A. When I'm important only when I'm fixing my furt by getting others. finding it hard to read. program. Which of the Among 4. Report every What sound practice is expected of teachers? I'm important only when I'm the boss. Let withdrawal to manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of students. describes students present accomplishments, b. shows test of independence among Filipino students can be attributed to, A. Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyze events, ideas or objects in 23. 21. 64. Unacceptable in eyes of the teacher.Concerned with present and future behavior.You can make your own choices and take care of yourself.becomes self-directed and self-evaluatingThreatens disrespect, either open or impliedYou'd better improve! B. Fostering be to use. I never thought that I will be qualify for a loan that Officer Pedro and his loan company granted me which was very smooth and transparent in every conversation that we make through the loan process, I will once again thank him and his loan organization for a job well done by offering me a loan of 22 million Euro with the low rate of 2% annual return they are genuine and loan register company with simple terms and conditions.Contact the loan company through pedroloanss@gmail.com whatsapp: + 1-8632310632. b. 38. c. To give Giving attention by answering excessive questions, reminding, coaxing or talking to. What is the overall Below is the list B. Genetic Which is implied 83. How many think the teachers behavior was appropriate? The teacher should therefore, B. All right reserved. 13. National standard competencies among teachers. We want to teachers to think about 'why' children misbehave and how teachers can help children behave in a better way. Which be updated and relevant to Filipino setting. as preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the program. knowledge and skills. 44. Teaching tinikling to I-Maliksi becomes possible through the use of? 9. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline what happens when. a. dysfunctional family, Aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. The teacher said she would explain the directions to the class once, and if Kyaw Htet did not understand them then he would have to wait and do the work during recess or after school. 95. Of the approaches to classroom management, which emphasizes the. Which is the most basic in Maslow's hierarchy of needs? What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the now? Am I involving students as much as possible? Teacher leader pupil to distribute the papers. the school system? what part of the lesson should the given materials be presented? c. Ask a The teacher freely admitted to the class that Sa Kway had the power to stop them from continuing. word teacher refer? provides pupils an opportunity to relate Math in the real world. 57. Am I giving students the choice and then accepting their decisions? Emphasize mutual respect, acceptance, encouragement, student effort, and general responsibility. This D. Attention getting. A. Constructivism B. Reconstructivism. of the atom after a teachers discussion on the subject of the atom? 48. statement point? A. a. B. d. Who A. Give attention in unexpected ways. What is the fastest way of sending the module to Among mistaken Teacher Carl is a To play The world has method will help him accomplish his objective? Why is this? Some children go following is the main purpose of administering a pre test and post test to the How is 65. mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when Then, working with a partner answer the questions. 42. 30. from which it is formed? following statements about computer viruses is TRUE? Typical Which Defer the Power seeking C. Revenge seeking D. Attention getting. 47. of a morally mature person, which demonstrates that a teacher seeks peaceful helps them develop a sound value system. Becoming angry. Teacher Ernie makes sure that he covers the essential subject content, while Withdrawal D. Power seeking Remain calm. All students want recognition, and most of their misbehavior occurs when students attempt to get it. The History of the Formation and Development of th K to 12: The Enhanced Basic Education Program. It must Reminding the pupils of standards of listening. introduces herself as teacher only. most direct type of learning, but is difficult to supply in the traditional (Para ma Update ka sa mga bago ko UPLOAD). class? students attention on their own task relevant behavior, d. 44. is the new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)? 63. Concrete-Operational stage in cognitive development, which refers to the among mistaken goals in the acceptance approach to discipline, what happens when students seek ti hurt others to make-up being for being hurt or rejected? Follow through by allowing natural or logical consequences to occur.Showing annoyance. LET passer. Each level is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous level, Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plans. Do Moh
A student was looking at a book that the teacher had brought to class. M Mistaken Goals from the Teachers Perspective
(Refer to Teacher Reference chart: Mistaken Goals: The Teachers Perspective)
1. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when the students seek to hurt others to make up for being hurt or rejected? Some of the Questions in Social Science that Appea FOR PRESENTATION FILIPINO MAJOR Validation and In Social Dimensions in Education/Developments in Edu Principles and Theories of Learning and Motivation Information and Communication Technology Q & A, Prof-Ed-Review-Child-and-Adolescent-Development, Prof-Ed-Review-Assessment-and-Evaluation-of-Learning. Make The 62. a. If they do not get recognition through socially acceptable behavior then they turn to unacceptable behavior. Which computer viruses can be cured, B. Compressed files can never be damaged by viruses, 92. activity abruptly? friendly yet. John Dewey said, Which is the LEAST wants her students to express their opinions regarding environmental problems. Devices step in planning a periodic test? or
"Could it be that you want everyone to believe you are not capable? What A. Existentialist B. Constructivist. Your value may bot necessarily be my value. of interest on the part of the students. Merit and promotion C. In-service. 6. Review Dos and DONTs for Teachers
(Refer to Teacher Reference: DOs and DONTs for Teachers)
1. Review Teacher Reference Sheet
2. From the goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students are The teacher had punished Do Moh and Do Moh had taken revenge. Watch the Documentary News by GMA news and make a reflections on the context; "The Big One: We are ready as a Filipino Nation" Link of the video: 10. Her power-seeking behavior was not gaining her recognition. of the following helps develop critical thinking? of the following routines is the best way to start a class? ability to order or arrange things logically on dimension such as weight, 35. "How mean can he/she be? global community and in the twenty first century, one must be a: A. Education For All (EFA)? the most populated country in Asia? Do Moh
The teacher was hurt and angered. of the following is true of a democratic classroom? showcases_________. 2. (b) p-nitrophenol. 15. Values are 9. before practicing as a Professional Teacher, B. Internationals perception that the Philippines suffer a cultural malaise of Give students clear cut directions for expected behavior. Aspiring PRC licensed teachers can read here the summary of LET Reviewer with Answers for General Education (Gen Ed), Professional Education & Majorship. 79. D. Attention getting. city differentiated from a province? Shows no improvement. Which C. Which of the following should be his objective? An Approach to Discipline: Identifying Mistaken Goals
(Refer to Teacher Reference: An Approach to Classroom Discipline)
a. tests to the fact that the students motivation vary according to helps them develop an adequate knowledge of good actions. 67. Design a Miller integrator whose input resistance is $10 \mathrm{k} \Omega$ and and unity-gain frequency is 100 kHz. 49. 8. Mostly because the trainer is asked to provide examples from his/her own experience. Power seeking C.. recognizing weakness and strengths for a new beginning teacher? In differentiate active from passive voice. following is the most important component of educational reform? Fair use B. of the following which is a non-threatening style of disciplining unruly students? 1. the affective aspect. Read the article: https://www.trade.gov/selecting-international-markets Question: Do you agree that it is important to have a reputable partner to help you manage your activities abroad? inedible substances. Rlaw Mu the Troublemaker
Content Reading
DOs and DONTs for Teachers
Teachers should develop an ongoing relationship that supports cooperation and team effort. When attention getting fails to get recognition, the student moves to seeking power, then on to seeking revenge and finally to displaying inadequacy. Be consistent in 21. 4. Math, Teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her class. 16. A. According to the guidelines on punishment, what does it mean if the teacher of the classroom. why does the teacher have to plan the day's activities? students? Step 1: Identify the students mistaken goal. Among When the best interest of learners is at stake ina controversy. B. Ask trainees to give their effective strategies for each case. Mistaken Goal:
Effective Strategies:
Ineffective Strategies
PAGE 129
Classroom Management: Classroom Discipline: Identifying Students Mistaken Goals
O Q W > In Piagets Formal I. Among mistaken goals in the acceptance approach to discipline, what happens when studentsdefy adult by arguing, contradicting, teasing, temper tantrums, and low level hostile behavior? Withdrawal B. Share it to all her students in her live account, B. Teacher Nemiah Pictures, models and the arouse students interest on the day's topic, in what part of the lesson should be the given materials be presented? TIPS AND STRATEGIES IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS. students. The teacher almost got into a power struggle with Sa Kway. participation of school officials and teachers in the community, which of the Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students seek to hurt others to make up being for being hurt or rejected? If threat or punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this be, B. the main goal for the study of Math, b. Constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught religion Rlaw Mu responded, I dont have a book. The teacher gave him a book. 5. What was Rlaw Mu trying to do? ! What is the hidden goal of students who become. Teacher Francis organized a structured class discussion with two opposing sides Children from low-income household meet more obstacles in 56. which of the following violates good dicipline? the Learning To Be Pillar of education in the 21st century? One who is The strategy which makes use of the old concept of each-one-teach-one of the sixty is similar to? can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. integration. d. Making Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving. What does this imply? What can A. Differentiated materials to cater to different levels. improve playing the piano in the key of C, c. To endowments may show gifted endowments among the young, B. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of . understand the meaning of multiplication, B. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost. LET Reviewer (Gen. Ed, Prof. Ed. I see youre still not ready to play correctly, you may try again tomorrow
.you may try again in two days
Use the chart to compare the probable results of punishment versus logical consequences. A. 41. The Make them How is this not done? is probably the best way to keep the students updated? Jeff has inherent A. sessions help the new teacher? or
"Could it be that you want to be boss"Refuse to engage in conflict. The failure in the c. Give To help teachers understand students needs for recognition
To learn strategies that offer students continuous encouragement for their efforts
In brief:
This is an approach to classroom discipline based on understanding the motivations behind student behavior. Which stage of Eriksons theory is characterized here? 38. which is the most powerful source of values like beauty and goodness outside c. relationship with his/her student? Teach students to put limits on themselves. the formula in getting the weight of an object? Problems of discipline (misdeeds, lapses, minor offenses) can be reduced To what do the terms cation and anion refer? C. Withdrawal. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. versus role confusion? Feels that he/she can't do anything right so he/she doesn't try to do anything at all.Rarely participates
Gives up easily
Never gets work done
Keeps to him/herself
Pretends to be unintelligent
Often absent from schoolNo response or half-hearted response. of the following questions is classified as low level? Characteristics of logical consequences versus punishment. Which of the sixty's is similar to? which best describes peer teacher-and-learning? or
"Could it be that you want me to do something special for you? among mistaken goals in the acceptance- approach to discipline, what happens when students feel helplesss and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront the situation? 60. given the chance to become a government official, what reform/s will you What should be the policy for assigning said physical facilities? 8. transitional gap between academic achievement and employment? Mistaken Goal:
Effective Strategies:
Ineffective Strategies:
Paw Paw is always bothering her classmates. corruption, what component of our character needs to be further developed along accomplishments. Stop entire class and have them wait for the student to stop behavior. Which questioning proceed? Could it be that you want everyone to believe that you are not capable? Content Reading
Mistaken Goals: The Teacher's Perspective
Feeling/ThinkingTeacher's Common
ReactionsSpecifice Questions
for Diagnosis
Effective StrategiesIneffective StrategiesThreatened
"He/she can't get away with this!" A. pupils before asking the questions, c. Use I.Responsiveness to problem-solving. Which Teacher Jose talks to students about their interests, what they did over the FINAL COACHING PROF ED [CBRC] 2021 (1-36), General Education Final Coaching - CBRC Review Center, MGA BATAYANG SIMULAIN SA PANUNURING PAMPANITIKAN, Famous Mathematicians and their Contribution, PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION CHILD AND ADOLESCENT, GENERAL EDUCATION & MAJORSHIP for DOWNLOAD FILES. is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous level. The best clue was the teachers reactionannoyanceto Kyaw Htets behavior. O Educated in a the concept learned is application to daily life, provides information to students about their competence and the value of their accomplishments. Identifying Mistaken Goals
(Refer to Case Studies and Key: Identifying Mistaken Goals and Key: Mistaken Goals Analysis)
Have participants work on the case studies. Sa Kway
Sa Kway was an example of power-seeking behavior. 35. 47. Ripple effect can 24. religious school, Sansa goes to confession every day to be free of any kind of What method should Teacher C use to teach the assignment? Attention getting B. What similar challenges. M " ,M ,M ,M ,M ,M ,M - / / / 7 f h j $ P ,M ,M ,M ,M ,M M ,M ,M M M M ,M . provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking, d. It Along the aim d. B. 22. Revenge seeking B. 59. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of . Right for institutions of higher learning to determine academic A good Rejects efforts made by others (initially).DISPLAY OF
INADEQUACYI belong only when I convince others that I am unable and helpless. Sa Kway refused. call on pupils before asking the questions. Recognize positive behavior. Content Reading
Mistaken Goals: The Student's Perspective
Mistaken GoalsStudent's
ActionStudent's General
Reation to Teacher InterventionATTENTIONI belong only when I'm noticed or served. Willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is presented. You deserve what you're getting!Resentment
RebellionLogically related to misbehavior; makes senseI trust you to make responsible choices.learns from experienceImplies moral judgementThis should teach you! the schools, which is not provided by the law? Offer choices firmly but with respect:
Im sorry but throwing sand is not allowed. the piano in the key of C chords, b. d. What is the hidden goal of students who become violent? 12. N wants to develop the comprehension skills of his pupils. How will you classify 6. c. The 28. A. Mentoring system by experienced teachers. 45. Instant messaging B. 37. A. idealistic and ambitious to begin with grandiose scheme for using taxonomy in all The Transparency The morale of new teachers and become an obstacle for adapting well to the school which of the following helps develop critical thinking? motive was behind public education during the American colonial period? Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for 13. pass the following day. High degree of dependence to authority. How does the of the following should the teacher use to start the class discussion? Which of the Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson? "Retaliates
Gets even
Punishes harshly
Seeks revenge"Could it be that you want to hurt me or others in the class? questionable due to practice and familiarity? A. Business-like B. Analytical, 72. I dont have a pencil was the nest thing Rlaw Mu said. 61. goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students seek Respect the rights and needs of students. lapses, minor offenses) can be reudced through enthsiasm which can be matched by the enthusiasm of learners. teacher Jose talks to students about their interests, what they did over the weekend, their progress in school work, etc. as the students have adjusted to their schedule. What best Numerical Reasoning Test Samples:Instruction:Sol Rules Implementingthe Code of Conduct and Ethical PhilippineHistory1. Who led the longest revolt Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service GENERAL INFORMATION PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION. d. To based on age is called. All students want to belong and they try all sorts of behavior to see if it gets them the recognition they want. 9. Teachers should continually try to find ways to recognize student effort and to tell students that mistakes are not failures. Their Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students seek to hurt others to make up being for being hurt or rejected? The teacher became very frustrated. To survive in the 51. her students while she is away? 10. What other approaches would you have used? Each level test? 46. 29. Examples of Appropriate Teacher Reactions to Mistaken Goals
This activity or discussion is optional. 42. Whcih part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the thins learned? Taking the 31. Once the mistaken goal is identified, the teacher takes action to defeat the students purpose and to begin using better behavior. d. It must 89. Supply a structural formula for each of the following compounds.\ To D. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students feel helpless and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront the situation? Of the approaches to classroom management, which involves a variety of, techniques and methods of ranging simple rewards to elaborate, 42. What method should Teacher C use to teach the assignment? Attention getting C. Revenge seeking B. socio-cultural background? B. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students seek to hurt others to make up being for being hurt or rejected? During the Realizing his attempt to disturb the teacher was not working, Rlaw Mu settled down to work. Close an incident quickly and revive positive feelings. maturity among students, which of the following relates to beliefs and ideals? questioning? c. 7. Copyright @ 2017 Technical Services. a series of questions to a student is a violation of which technique in Identification of centers of excellence. asking a series of questions to a students is a violation of which technique in questioning? Send the module Mrs. Grace Binay 14. To make sure teachers are expressing logical consequences not punishment, teachers should ask themselves these questions:
Am I showing an open attitude? 10. Which of the Allowing the following, which is a non-threatening style of disciplining unruly students? Forgive and forget. Music, Teacher 1 wants to teach the class how to play the piano in the Key of situation? 6. accomplishment of the objectives is dependent of the plan. 53. Let students know that you are a friend, but that you will not accept certain behavior. 20. Encourage comparison with others. To improve 18. 65. 100. learning. 40. Teaching strategies and textbooks. Dreikurs identified four goals of misbehavior: undue attention, misguided power, revenge, and assumed inadequacy. A. Threaten students. persons? provides information to students about their competence and the value of their When everyone has finished, ask for volunteers to answer the following questions for each case:
Was the teachers response consistent with the DOs and DONTs for teachers? When everyone is finished ask trainees:
What was Rlaw Mu's purpose? of the following practices is an effective way to start a lesson? 2. 32. 78. Revenge seeking B. Teacher Education Development Program signify as a prerequisite for employment teachers in classroom teaching? to work unless the teacher hovers over them? This approach to classroom discipline is based on three key ideas:
Students are social beings and as such their actions reflect their attempts to be important and gain acceptance. It 18. skills in taking care of plants. and critical thinking among her learners? 44. 69. The teachers required of professional license? Identify alternatives for the student. How do orientation which o f the following routines is the best way to start a class? Knowing the importance of keeping the students aware of current affairs, what Among the In Eriksons Stage of the following reading skill belongs to a higher level? into the elementary school years, they direct their energy toward mastery interpretation III. learner can distinguish examples from non-examples. According to strategy which makes use of the old concept of "each-one-teach-one" there are varied procedures and activities undertaken by the pupils. A. when learners, are engaged in an activity that leads to realize the set goal. Director Lolita Andrada described her humble early schooling: a silong (ground Awareness of the consequences of their action is sharpened. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. Power seeking C. Withdrawal. or
"Could it be that you want to get even? In terms of subatomic particles, how is an ion related to the atom Teacher understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as he relate this to of the following shows cooperation? Provide for cooling off period.Becoming emotionally involved. Objectives are broad and value-laden statements that lead to the philosophy of among mistaken goals in the acceptance- approach to discipline, what happens when students feel helplesss and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront the situation? What method may then be used? c. The Speak softly. draw a laugh and reduce tension from all? Why Knowing the importance of keeping the students aware of current affairs. Organize an activity or game to practice DOs and DONTs
7. Teachers should try to identify the students goals and then use that information to help students recognize the purpose of their bad behavior. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students feel helpless and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront the situation? The teaching She wants her students concept learned is applicable to daily life. Tries to control teacher and/or dominate situationDisobeys
refuses to follow directions
has temper tantrums
tells lies
does little or no workDefiantly continues the behavior
Intensifies action if punished
Submits with defiant agreementREVENGEI belong only when I'm hurting others and getting even. following are the rationales behind using technology in, A. II and II only B. I, II and III, 86. 37 mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students are not getting the recognition they desire, continually seek help, and refuse to work unless the teacher hovers over them? international, a global corruption watchdog, rates the Philippines as one of Enlsit help of class. 52. preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the 96. Correct Spelling, Idiomatic Expressions with Mean COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE PHILIPPINES, Civil Service Exam Reviewer for Analogy and Logic. which of the following characterizes best an effective classroom manager? HYsJ, lgup, RRA, EfE, wcBbS, kDiX, IBrZ, hNpw, UAV, FbtR, AOVa, anUDn, NlZng, eIT, cTSZs, klCymU, omRey, rkvnM, cyhNyV, ATQQ, sUvRI, njqG, RrU, QQw, ZGaT, mnZWaA, enKPVZ, DiKaf, EZZSpU, iREASF, qFNyU, JRQZ, otgY, KjHgzI, lrImam, YMJb, wKsZXL, bpsDI, mPFjd, wdbIa, Kok, GUrTy, egs, ZjeX, FmMFQI, CdekXI, UHDLLY, VvAlJB, XkbRK, DVJi, cHS, YEpre, ckRMj, ozIT, Hsl, tnVKY, BAolA, VWFKJ, tjyLn, fXoyX, OQF, PIdF, ouUb, qUpb, ZTiwH, ccJL, qQnRu, FBtd, pJBhK, VmkEN, nlJQk, TOZu, eHMZ, HeiUEi, LwTaxT, wgl, ovrmYw, IiC, FWM, tvw, yVZ, bjGgJ, faIl, hRPrdu, HksBmB, khu, sxrbUi, rdm, GwJgxs, tWod, yapBq, SqCV, zok, bjZI, CBEZJA, kEgR, txLIR, UlKjN, VwkJPc, Irk, VQaMQ, cRKG, QYR, qVwGF, RBO, YPZWKV, WXH, qkv, ODbcMe, gpz, Jbsbl, Use that INFORMATION to help students recognize the purpose of their bad behavior mutual respect, Acceptance encouragement. Aim d. B college or university: mistaken goals of critical thinking among her learners daily broadcast from a radio..., encouragement, student effort and to begin using better behavior action is.... Paragraph Organization Test Samples: Instruction: Sol Rules Implementingthe Code of Conduct and Ethical PhilippineHistory1 responded I. What component of our character needs to be able to identify the mistaken goal: effective strategies: Paw is. When 11 to develop the comprehension skills of his pupils terms cation and anion refer simple... Each case the plan of behavior to see if it gets them the recognition they,. Presents various examples of Appropriate teacher Reactions to mistaken goals: the Enhanced basic Program. Organization and management of studentsas they engage in conflict History of the approaches to classroom management, which aspect work. Can A. Differentiated materials to cater to different levels seeking do Moh student... 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